Titanforging makes difficult content feel POINTLESS

Hate it all you want, doesn’t mean you’re right. Fortunately Ion recognizes the lack of progression for people actually doing DIFFICULT content, so your hatred will go unanswered.

Yeah because Ion is doing wonders :roll_eyes:


Well your stance was wrong within sentence one. You made an assumption. I don’t care what level of content you’re doing. Doesn’t make your stance right.

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I didn’t make an assumption, i looked at your profile. You’re doing easy farm content, and you’re still not geared.

You hate titanforging because you don’t do enough content to actually get any of them and you’re jealous of other’s.

Yet another assumption. You glanced at my profile and jumped to conclusions.

Certainly someone who has done Mythic can’t have the opinion of disliking titanforges.

Are you protesting the existence of Titanforging by not enchanting or socketing gear?

What does that have to do with anything?

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Nothing. I just think it’s amusing how you appear to have completely stopped caring since Uldir.

Carry on with the WF/TF argument.

So it had nothing to do with the argument, but you decided to point it out even though it gives you no ground on the overall discussion.

Oh it gives him plenty of ground. You don’t care at all about your toon, so this doesn’t really effect you one way or the other.

Actually I’ll take this on.

You’re shortsighted in this whole scenario. You can’t really have any solid argument against me on the subject matter based on the gear that I currently have. To say all the things that I have done in the past all of a sudden are invalidated because I decided to play the game casually since it doesn’t feel rewarding is rather blind.

From your first comment you instantly jumped to conclusion that my 394 ilvl with no Mythic bosses killed all of a sudden means that I haven’t played the game seriously at some point therefore I don’t have any kind of understanding of how forging works in the higher end or how it affects the top end players. Again, you didn’t even try to look at my character. You just glanced at the 394 and instantly started typing without much thought past that.

I have 2 Cutting Edges from Legion. Which that was my first expansion trying to raid seriously. 1 from what was pretty much a super easy raid being Emerald Nightmare, and 1 from what was a rather difficult raid being Antorus the Burning Throne.

So just because you’re progressing 4/9M BoD right now and all I’ve done is get AOTC does not all of a sudden mean I don’t know how the system has worked. And this isn’t even me trying to be toxic. I’m just laying out how the stance you’ve made doesn’t really make much sense to me.

What you’re doing now doesn’t all of a sudden invalidate what I’ve done. Hopefully this gives some insight on what I’m saying.

And you didn’t cite any examples as to how I could have gone about that. I tried applying to guilds, I tried learning other specs, I even tried to make and lead groups to do other content and none of it ever worked out. Either because no one joined the groups I made, or because my applications were consistently denied.

I certainly can. You’re nowhere near capping your gear from actual content so you don’t NEED titanforging to progress. You can do harder content and get better gear anytime you want. Without titanforging there is NO gear path for me. Basically the system exists to help people like me, not people like you, so your opinion on it is meaningless.

You’re talking out of your wheelhouse buddy. What you’ve done in the past is meaningless. It doesn’t CURRENTLY effect you, so your view point is biased.

That’s awfully odd because i joined another guild halfway thru TBC with zero issues. At that time i’d only done Kara/Gruuls/Mag and it was a TK/SC guild. They took it rather seriously actually, an application on their website and everything.

By the end of the expansion though, we went all the way thru Mu’ru in Sunwell before Wrath came out. Not sure what you were doing wrong, but the real issue here is you think LFR+WQ ilvl increases is an actual replacement for real raiding.

What is the point of having 400+ ilvl gear if you’re not raiding heroic/mythic content? Or doing high end Mythic plus/pvp? To help you wipe slightly faster when you push the boss to the one mechanic still left in LFR that everyone refuses to do?

Catch up mechanics were introduced to stop guilds from having to either farm previous tiers for new players or completely carry them for weeks until they geared up, but nowadays it’s warped into some kind of everyone gets a trophy nonsense.

Quoted for truth.

Not saying catch-up needs to be removed or undone, just brought down some. Its far to easy to get to a place where the only upgrades are in mythic raids or very high keys.

It doesnt make a lot of sense. After a few weeks of play youll be at, say 395ilvl. The kind of players that just play “casually”(Apparently the majority) are unlikely to jump into mythic raids at this point. So what then? Start over with an alt? That gets old quickly and they stop logging on.

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Check my gear and say it again that wf/tf is not common.

Actually it doesn’t. Because I dealt with the system in the past while doing difficult content. Sorry. Your logic doesn’t hold up at all.

Feel free to keep bringing up my current gear without thinking about what I’ve done in the past.

Whenever I see someone complaining about TF and WF, I know they haven’t been around when it didn’t exist and content became ghost towns as soon as people out geared it.

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That’s not how statistics works.