Because the endless carrot on the stick that is titanforging and RNG gear drops rather than something deterministic like currency upgrades draws out the gearing time and artificially extends content.
Only if those are the same people you’re discussing.
I’d say it’s more hypocritical to tell raiders that they should do the content because they enjoy it and have zero additional reward; while simultaneously maintaining the stance that you require equal rewards or your content is not worth doing.
A stance that many seem to hold on such topics.
Right and it is still a perk not a progression system. If you want them to add currency so you can build up to the TF level guaranteed. I don’t oppose the idea and you could still leave WF/TF in and only upgrade the pieces that you don’t get lucky on.
You can’t leave in WF/TF with the guaranteed upgrade system. This leaves the chance for something to TF that you literally just upgraded and that would be pretty painful. Almost as bad as getting 2 TFs in the same slot now.
Basically, all I’m asking for is to take away the randomness and let people upgrade their gear how they want. Let the players decide when their gear gets upgraded, not the RNG gods/the game. This would benefit everyone, casuals and hardcore players alike. Getting “lucky” means people are getting “unlucky” and that doesn’t benefit anyone outside of those who get lucky. The deterministic upgrade system would benefit everyone and allow people to upgrade gear at their own pace when they want to.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a “perk”. It’s only a perk if you get lucky and that’s not a good system imo. It doesn’t matter if it’s a casual or a hardcore player getting lucky it’s bad either way.
Let guilds use master loot option and pugs keep personal loot. Everybody wins, right?
Sure you can. It doesn’t matter if you get the same reward for the same slot. That happens with world quests now that don’t WF/TF. If you add the currency there is no reason to remove the randomness. MMORPG’s have always been about “RNG”.
You can choose to ignore those WQs if you already have the item. You can’t choose to not get a titanforge in the slot you just spent currency to upgrade. It won’t work.
Only 100% guild runs then yes bring master loot back for that. Being a guild member means you agree to whatever fancy loot distribution you want to use.
you’re supposed to enjoy the content you do for its own sake.
everything else is a personal problem that may require professional help.
Sure you can you can vendor it! That is what I do now when I get duplicates from my weekly M+ 10 chest. Does it feel bad… Yes! Not everything can have a feel good!
Do you think before you post? You’re telling people how to enjoy the game and if they don’t follow your way of enjoying the game they need to seek help? Lmao what?
Right so if Titanforging was removed or you couldn’t get upgrades from the content you do then that would be ok with you because you don’t need professional help and you just enjoy the content for its own sake … right?
wrong, I’m saying you should enjoy the game.
your way.
obsession with rewards and other people’s rewards is not a good sign.
I did not proscribe a way for you to enjoy the game. you should be mature enough to figure that out on your own.
I see these threads and responses in them, and then I see threads whining about raider io, and I laugh my Draenei butt off.
Great so I can get 30 gold because the game gave me a TF I didn’t need in a slot I just upgraded with currency? Why not just take TF out of the game and allow each slot to be upgraded deterministically?
Blizzard even talked about this themselves. They said they’d remove TF if they brought back the upgrade system because of situations like this. You can either do one or the other, these two don’t work together.
You can choose the system that has the game randomely decide to give you an upgrade or you can choose the system that allows players to determine when and how fast they get an upgrade.
You literally said “you’re supposed to enjoy the content you do for its own sake”. I don’t think you have the authority to tell people what they’re supposed to do and how they’re supposed to do it tbh.
Why not take M+ rewards out too because I get duplicates and can’t get the gear deterministically? See what kind of sense this makes? Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean they don’t work together.
Interesting. So why do you require heroic level raid rewards for WQ content to be meaningful?
Do you require professional help?
It might but it might feel more like a job too which would make it less fun.
You can grind the same dungeon as much as you want. You can bring in all plate wearers to even increase your chances. You can even bonus roll specific bosses. You can grind a dungeon until you get what you want and even form your group to help your odds.
Grinding TF pieces isn’t the same as grinding a dungeon for a piece of gear.
The game will always have a little bit of RNG as well. There’s such a thing as too much and people are clearly drawing the line here. Once you get that piece of gear, you can decide when to upgrade it instead of the game deciding you get lucky and you get a TF.