this legendary, almost mythical player, rocking a set of 425 titanforged world quest gear simply does not exist
Because you aint that lucky.
Yes but he got that from doing a whole lot of dungeons not from killing a crab. He got it from doing high level content so his complaint is pointless.
True, but the guy who wiped 100+ times on a Mythic raid boss then finally killed it, got a good 415 cloak, then the next day got a 425 cloak from a 20min M+10 is right here. Probably the worst feeling I’ve ever felt playing this game.
Then you’re missing the point. He claimed people get 425’s from doing world quests and yet has 0 425’s from doing world quests. In fact, none of his gear is from doing world quests. It’s entirely expected that mythic raiding and M+ weekly chest is going to reward higher ilvl gear than world quests do, and contrary to the OP’s claim that’s exactly what happens. Shocking I know!
Well I have up normal raiding in legion. Loved my frost so then. Now I just want lfr and random fun. No point in lfr when I out gear it without really doing much of it.
This is why I like tier gear it is a good reason to raid for the set bonus. Even if all you do is lfr those set bonus’ are worth is.
Going back to that would open up a whole other can of worms. I recall during TBC being stuck running Karazhan all expansion long. Nobody wanted to group with someone who hadn’t killed or had experience with higher end content. So I had to be okay with simply leveling characters. I hope to GOD we never go back to that dumpster fire.
OH WOW never knew you can do that Op.Never seen a quest like that ,surely you made that one up.
Yes it is. Your views on flying should not effect anyone elses play style. You don’t get to force your vision of the game on everyone else. Ditto with Titanforging.
My point wasn’t that one way is right and the other is wrong and it needs to change. It’s that listening to asinine suggestions like “just don’t fly then” doesn’t fix the problems people who don’t like the idea of flight have with it. This isn’t a single player game so what other people do DOES matter and have an effect on things.
Again, I’m not saying anti-flight people or anti-TF people or whatever else are 100% right and no one else’s opinion matters. BECAUSE this isn’t a single player game, Blizzard can’t appease that group without angering another group. In this case, flight is largely liked, so removing it would be stupid. We’ve already seen that backlash in the past. I’d imagine removing Thunderforging would be more evenly split, but that split is still a big deal.
You resorting to personal attacks several times through the thread and then trying to back out doesn’t really support your point.
Another example of one. Doesn’t even address the topic.
I have a ton sitting in my bags, where my mythic+ or raid gear was a sidegrade at best.
415 cloak in bag from warfront
2 410 rings in bags from emissary
400 gloves, belt, boots
Still wearing a lot too, like both dps weps, and a lot of my azerite for the various specs. I have multiple heroic BoD azerite slots in my bags b/c the emissary or warfront were better.
Titanforging is an awful system.
Such high base rewards for trivial content is also awful.

True, but the guy who wiped 100+ times on a Mythic raid boss then finally killed it, got a good 415 cloak, then the next day got a 425 cloak from a 20min M+10 is right here. Probably the worst feeling I’ve ever felt playing this game.
Maybe it will help you get mythic Jaina down… I know that would feel bad too.
Bad feeling is getting useless loot from your mythic+ cache for weeks.
Ok show me just one 410 that hasn’t done m+, raids or rated pvp.
Go ahead, I’ll wait
That hasn’t got much to do with titanforging itself though - it is more than higher mythic pluses are very rewarding even at base level than raids and that is intentional because raiders claimed they wanted an alternative source for gear rather than just doing the same raid on multiple difficulties.
It is far easier to get a mythic plus 10 piece of gear to titanforge to 425 than it is for a world quest piece of gear to titanforge to 425.

It is far easier to get a mythic plus 10 piece of gear to titanforge to 425 than it is for a world quest piece of gear to titanforge to 425.
I asked for a source on this before. I don’t remember seeing a reply. Sorry if I missed it, but do you have a source to show that harder content gear has a better chance to WF/TF than easier content gear?
Edit: Not trying to be snarky, truly want that source.
Titanforging is perfectly fine if you use it for what it is meant to be, a nice surprise upgrade to an item. Trying to use titanforging to upgrade your gear is what causes problems. Too many people expect titanforging to happen then get upset when it doesn’t and that is why we get all the whining about it.
I am not spending hours looking for this. I spent 10 minutes last time.
Plus I made sure to phrase it differently this time because I am sure other people saw that chart how things work other than me.
What happens is the higher the base level of the gear the lesser additional rolls it takes to get 425.

Trying to use titanforging to upgrade your gear
People do this??
Well, that would indeed be a recipe for disappointment.