Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

BiS is 415 sorry to break it to ya. Trying to play the lottery to get higher from forged gear isn’t attainable. You’re trying to make an argument that 425 with socket and leech or w/e tertiary stat you want in every slot is attainable and it isn’t. Forged gear as I see it was implemented as a bit of a gift or surprise or w/e.

People who make the argument as they don’t feel they deserve it or wah someone didn’t have to work for it. Its the same as the lottery, most people don’t “deserve” it in your eyes but they still won. It has ZERO affect on you as a person and in this case as a player.

You could have BiS (415 btw) and still be garbage because you have no idea how to play your class. This forging argument really comes down to one thing, envy. Stop focusing on other people and work on your own gameplay. This aspect of the game doesn’t hurt anything design-wise, it only hurts your ego/feelings.



You know what BiS means right? It’s “Best” in Slot. 415 is not the best ilvl that you can get per slot in your gear.

There needs to be more limits on titanforging. It invalidates a lot of content.

They should instead increase warforge possibilities to help people “catch up” and be able to mix and match gear sets.

Titanforging needs to be reigned in again.

This is why the game is tanking right here. A blizzard employee that keeps trying to sell a horrible system. Rng on top of rng on top of more rng. But yeah, I love getting 4 sets of gloves too.,just lol


I don’t enjoy getting a warforge or titanforge and I find stupid the system a player that only do normal should be reward with only normal gear. This system diminishes the prestige of mythic. In uldir my rogue did mythic raiding I spend many gold and consumable, my warrior never when to uldir both characters end up the patch with the same ilvl.

Its the best to reasonably get, wf/tf are a lottery. It isn’t a hard concept to grasp that is it?

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You said 415 is BiS. Which is incorrect. Is that a hard concept to grasp?

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You’re an idiot.

Its BiS and will remain, BiS. Until you get this concept, you people are going to be miserable chasing after something unattainable that’s essentially a lottery and impossible to achieve.


And which dealt more dmg? Who was better? Who did you enjoy more? These are questions you should be asking, not why is my ilvl the same, clearly the game has evolved and to why raider io exists now. You can have two people at the same ilvl and one will perform drastically worse. Gameplay knowledge is whats important, not your ilvl.

TL;DR nobody likes it at all but they are leaving it in because it artificially inflates your subscription by making you farm longer for your best in slot, so they are leaving it in because they only care about your money.


Yep, he’s arguing as if this was 10 years ago. The definition has changed. It’s not reasonable to expect a 425 + socket item in each slot. Yet that’s what he’s pretending BiS is now. It’s simply not attainable. In the end, his argument is semantic wordplay because what he’s pretending BiS is doesn’t exist anymore.

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The point is that is absolutely achievable through content that requires significantly less effort.

Right now we are talking about from the stand point as an alt hitting max level after BoD release. However most people wouldn’t have started at that point, they would have been at various stages, a lot of which would have been already at the stage where WQs and embassies offer then best rewards.

We had 385 rewards from Darkshore and the respective world boss since the start of December, over a month before the raid was released. Each faction had at least 2 attempts at these before release.
And everyone already had access to 370 rewards through WQs.

By the time normal raids were released a lot of people were already 380+ making normal raid content almost irrelevant, not taking into account the fact that on release day people then had access to 385 embassies and Alliance had access to up to 4 ilvl 400+ items that week.

This is factually incorrect. Based on your statement 415 is better than 425 in terms of ilvls.

If you ignore reality everything is hard to grasp

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So I had a weekend and came back to see that there were a few more discussions in this thread. :slight_smile:

I wanted to let all of you know that I have been going through things and I really appreciate those of you who took the time to share their experiences, their play style, and how this system affects them. I also hope that some of you saw what I saw and how there are a few different opinions out there.

Just wanted to say I’m still around, cheers!


Really appreciative of the presence. It’s nice to know at times that at least the community’s voice is still being heard. :slight_smile:


eats Bornakk

Mmm…Warcraft waffle icon… (needs cherry syrup though)

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Will say that even though I’m currently unsubbed right now, your presence has been appreciated and I’m glad threads like these are getting attention.


Yeah, it’s certainly a controversial topic, but many people think that it is ruining the game while another group thinks that its kinda cool when it happens.

Either way, I don’t think anyone reading this thread is under the illusion that anyone at Blizzard has, even for one second, realistically considered removing Warforging from the game.

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