Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

What in the… can I have whatever you’re smoking?

I’m not certain where you got that information but I can verify that it’s wrong. I have multiple items across ~9 120’s that forged outside the bounds of the list you posted above.

It’s not a bug. As I stated above, the hunter in my raid group has a 415 trinket from doing Dazar’alor Normal, which is base 385. A +30 Titanforge. So far, this is completely intended by the developers, and that’s what a lot of us in this thread are speaking out against. We don’t think it should be this way.

Well said~

This system is trash. Its too easy to gear in this game. I hit 395 ilvl the first week of season 2. Now im just chasing titan forges…fun.

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But your ilvl is 389.


Your guild mate got really superior luck with his RNG- I mean really lucky…That type of level usually does not drop. So pouncing on his luck is what ?? What does it prove? All in all it may or may not be a bad system but it’s in place for now so why keep Beating a Dead Horse?

Where am I “pouncing” on his luck? The person I was quoting was stating incorrect information about there being a Titanforging cap.

i havent even set foot in a m+ at all in bfa and im 382 ilvl…i love rngcraft.

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If I decided these kinds of things, I would leave TF alone for now, but bring back Masterloot to give the raiders more control over gear. To smooth out Masterloot for the people who don’t like it, make it something that must be toggled on while in the raid, and all the people in the raid get a pop-up and must agree to it. The pop-up would also say who the masterlooter is, and any changes would provide another pop-up to be agreed to. That would provide some masterloot transparency and the guild who want it can easily use it. With more control over loot distribution the TF system may not be perfect for them but may be more palatable. I think personal loot may have done more to hurt the boss kill excitement for these players than TF system did.

It just seemed like you were a tad snarky stating that. If I’m wrong I apologize. I have yet seen anything of that level RNG for me so I cannot comment if this is true or not.

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Who doesn’t like a bonus it’s nice, it’s something extra but it is bad for the game.

The power creep is out of control launch of BFA heroic blues at 325 then shoots up to 385 in mythic raiding a 60 base ilvl increase with before the 1st content patch. While in vanilla blues from dungeons are around 55+ to 66 in tier 1 to a max of 92 for t3 only a 37 point difference from a dungeon blue trough MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20, AQ40, Naxx and world bosses the entirety of orginal WoW.

IIRC the system was introduced in MoP to get people into 25man raids after Cata by making items have a greater chance to forge in larger raid groups.
Flex raiding was introduced so imo there is no longer any reason to keep this system in place.

I personally hate the system I think it diminishes the rewards of raiding when you can get similar if not better than quality of gear from 5 mans that you can spam compared to a raid you need 20 people and only have 1 lockout a week.

Items now are meaningless stat sticks for the most part rather than F yeah look at this set of boots they’re bis for my spec its now oh look I got a wf boots but they have not socket so scrap 'em.

You are no longer rewarded for being in a guild killing bosses getting tier or that Dragonspine Trophy over the other rogues.
Retail now rewards you for bashing your head against some of the worst game systems WoW has ever had till you pull that slot machine arm and get them lucky 7’s look at that you happened to roll 100 an extra time when loot dropped AMAZING!!!

Sure gambling and winning is fun but its no way to build something worthwhile
and character building is the main point of wow.


I do but I quit replying to off topic and irrelevant things.

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Funny that you bring up this item (Dragonspine Trophy). It only dropped for one of our rogues during all of BC and we cleared it almost weekly. So, less then 20% of our rogues actually got the item one out of six now that is some real “RNG” there.

How dare you interject reality into her blurry nostalgia of how things used to be great and now they’re not! I can’t wait til all the people here clamoring about things like forging and ml and queueable content leave and go to classic, and then come crawling back when they realize exactly why that stuff was changed in the first place. It’s going to be a glorious day when the posts start popping up complaining.


Probably the first 600 where on track because of the blue then we moved to goals, blue praising , previous expansion drama, judging each others preferences, calling out others, somebody sockpuppetting , explanation of how to use reply button…errrr

Yeah we have gone off track


There was a lot of tedium in those Vanilla Days. Wait till they have to walk/run for 40 levels till they get their first mount :wink:


But your ilvl is 377.
Do you trolls not know we can see your ilvl?


I don’t even have a sub to this game and I’m 524 ilvl!

Am I doing this hyperbolic thing right?

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Explain how it affects you and your group in a “negative” way.