Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Isn’t enough to do in the game? This also implies that all content Blizz has created is good content and worth while. Much of the content is badly designed and not fulfilling in the slightest. Many of us log in…stand in a city…then log out.

Titanforge is a trash system. I play the game less because of it – knowing I can do one mythic 10 and get a piece of loot better than someone who runs 10 mythic 10’s. My sense of accomplishment comes from knowing I didn’t waste my time as much as the next person did. Rather than feel motivated to run 10 mythic 10+ just to keep up with said person. Jokes on me though, still paying the sub fee.

TL;DR: I don’t like TF/WF because it inflates ilvl scores for no reason except luck and it makes me sad to be left in the dust when I play on the same level as others.

Call me entitled, elitist, or greedy, but after having spent all of Legion hunting for ilvl upgrades it became increasingly disheartening for some of my friends to constantly score big, juicy titanforges. Now our skill levels were always up for debate, but at the time I felt a little irritated when they could gear their main and alt faster than I could gear my main. Should I have felt happy for them? Yes. Was I? Sort of. Did it effect me? No, of course not, but it made my frustrations with the system blossom that much quicker when I perceived that I should have gotten an upgrade at some point too.

I spent so long hunting for a Drape of Shame last expansion on my main. I ran it over and over and over, and while, yes, it was also a product of RNG being unkind, I saw it drop often, titanforge, and become untradeable from my DPS and tank friends so many times.

My other gripe with it is that it artificially inflates the playerbase with high numbers, so those players will set their group ilvl high, ignore those who are unlucky, and take those who simply luckier. This is why Raider.io has become such a huge thing now.

While I haven’t done much of anything in BFA, in Legion, it was so easy to take people based on ilvl and those people weren’t always what your group needed. It’s always a risk of who you take, obviously, but you would assume those with better gear have higher skill, but now, with the way things go, the only time you can be sure is if that player boasts mythic gear or a Famed Slayer title.

I am glad to see such a vigorous debate, and engagement from Blizzard staff.

WF/TF seems unnecessary to me, and a negative at the high levels possible.

Unnecessary: Before WF/TF, I kill a boss, I have a random chance of getting a piece of useful loot at an expected, clear ilvl. That is the excitement of loot for that kill. With WF/TF, I am looking at every loot drop and wondering if it will forge up, and maybe disappointed if it does not. Why not let the loot table satisfy this desire for random reward? Without WF/TF, after I have gotten all of the loot I can/want from a boss on my main, I can recapture that excitement on my alts, not through running my main over and over again hoping for something else.

Negative: A piece TF’s so high it is a tier or two (+15 or +30) ilvls higher than the content I won it on–now I am not excited to get to that boss on heroic, because I already looted it. I would like WF/TF more if the result was max +5/+10 to the ilvl–meaning the next difficulty level of content will ALWAYS have a higher ilvl than the one I previously completed.

I am not thinking of this in comparative rewards to my friends or strangers. I am too casual for that. But WF/TF seems to be trying to increase play time on main characters, when it could be more fun for people to increase play time on their alts.

Blizzard wants us to play a lot–fair enough. But they want us to play a lot on single characters, by keeping alts time-consuming (gotta level up another toon, complete long story quests I have already done, rank professions again, farm more AP) and making mains even more time consuming. I think the game suffers from that. People may unsub less if they spent more time playing a variety of classes/specs. This does not have to detract from their mains.


I never said otherwise, nor am I arguing against WF/TF

i changed specs to mm thats why there you go back to bm and ilvl 382.

Everything ive seen you say is stupid/irrelivent, You say stuff from the past dosent matter but how can it not matter when it was better than the TF/WF system? Someone points out how its like in game slot machines but you deny it? do you know what a slot machine is? Let me guess your main is decked out in Darkshore epics! you don’t want to give it up you like feeling like your “part of the group” but when in reality you just do low tier content for rewards you don’t deserve one bit.

Of McForging?

Last I heard, the purpose of the randomness surounding gear was so re-clears would remain interesting even after obtaining all the base items.
The possibility for upgrades would still exist.

But if so, wouldn’t that have been covered with RNG gem sockets or a simple +5 or 10 McForge?

Why the heck is an item allowed to go 30+ levels over it’s intended value?
I’m sorry but absolutely no one has offered up a coherent reason as to why Heroic or Mythic quality gear coming out of a Tortollan Emissary based on RNG is a positive thing…

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Wrong on all accounts. I do raid on multiple characters in different guilds. The comparison given was wrong. You can assume anything you want but everything you just said is stupid/irrelevant and you can’t even spell it correctly.

Slots - People have lost money, houses, marriages, lives.
Titanforging - People have lost nothing… You could say time but you lose it doing anything in the game at all.

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Someone is bitter AF. How does it feel to be so bothered by a video game that you’re hurt when you see casuals wearing high ilvl items?


Its not that there wearing higher item levels lmao its how they got it yea let me go kill 10 things for talanji and have her hand me some Heroic raid loot! Awesome!!!

So it is that they’re wearing high item levels lmao


Blizzard has said the 10 to 15 ilvl difference was enough for people to feel an item was an upgrade and that is with raiders who are more interested every bit of difference. They said that in relation to ilvl inflation concerns but it applies here as well.

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Why is that a problem though ? I have heroic raided and I don’t see how that is a problem myself.


Bro, reread your own post. You’re obviously too dense to not realize what is actually bothering you.


How about system where. We get a token after ever boss of the current raid. Once we have got 9 tokens we can use them to upgrade are gear by 5 lvl each time.

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And what about the players who don’t raid ?

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Honestly if you ask me they should keep TF/WF to raiding/Mythic + or just get it out of the game in general because it is the main reason that systems like Raiderio and other systems like it that track logs and what not exist because people cant just simply trust ilvl’s like they could in expacs previous to legion. Making group making a bit more tedious because you have people with what seems like appropriate item level you invite them find out they have no idea whats going on and it wastes everyone else’s time, Not everyone has all day to play like some people so things like that suck. Edit: all though loging was in before it wasnt used to the extent it is today people use to use it to see who had the bigger dick back them lmao

And what about people who do m+ or people who pvp? At which point it just becomes people crapping on casuals who don’t do those things who are already lower ilvl than you.

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Lmao @ me im like the wow devs forgetting pvp lmao, I also think TF/WF should be in rated pvp if its gonna be in other upper end content as it would only make sense lmao.