Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

The same applies to any drops… pets/mounts/toys.

There are those that farm mounts/pets for years. Never get it. I go in and it drops the first time. Thoughts?


I got a 395 socketed dice early in season one. Nothing I get now will ever seem good again.

Lots of fun if you get them every now and then, if you are like me then you never get them and the game is less fun as you watch others around you get them.

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That has nothing to do with the forging system though. It is specific to master looter being gone. Because your guild could have used loot rules to ensure a low attendance person didn’t get loot over a 100% attendance person.

It really isn’t an RNG issue at all.


I am of a similar mindset. I can still figure out the items that are best, if something that is worse than BiS gets a titanforge I can figure that out IF I get the BiS, but that tends to take a while. At least in this scenario I have something to ponder over and (potentially) a decent item.

As has been mentioned, it also means there continues to be a chance at things while I keep playing. If I cap everything in a few weeks I feel like I might get bored easier or the flip side is that I never see the item I want drop and never have anything for the slot.


I love how CM like to reply to people who blindly agree with their design decision. How about a change for once and try to address the concerns of people who disagree have?

You should read this, so that you understand, psychologically, how this negatively affects the players. Sure, some don’t care, but others do.


It does though, because of the new loot system it is incredibly hard to get a titanforged anything. By changing the loot to all personal the chances of getting a titanforged anything by the people like me are slim and none. So the system is all about just being lucky and not effort. I am extremely unlucky in this game so it is a negative for me when I played this game.

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:sob: Don’t cry too much! You may as well delete your toon since you beat the game.


How to you address both players though? Why should the game be changed just because you disagree? Wouldn’t that mean they would then change it back when I disagree?


I like warforging, I hate titanforging.

I don’t think gear should forge beyond the next-level-of-content.

LFR should forge as high as baseline normal

Normal should forge to baseline heroic

Heroic should forge to baseline mythic

mythic should forge +10 over as it does now

M+ at cap should forge as high as mythic raid forges

PvP should forge as high as mythic raid forges at the upper end of the ratings

Some of the RNG needs to be removed from the system. Forging should be a way to boost you up to the next-level-of-content to get you passed a roadblock. It shouldn’t give you gear that is better than it.


This only works if titanforging is capped and you cant skip content “tiers” with titanforging. iirc this is how it worked in mop with thunderforging and valor points being used to upgrade gear that didn’t forge. This system would be 100x better than what is currently in the game.


Back in the day when your main got all they wanted from the main raid most guilds would allow people to bring alts which was fun. Finishing your character was always one of the my great joys in WoW and moving on to an alt to finish them. Now that is totally impossible.


Your chance at getting a forged item are the same as every other player. The game is not designed to give you a lower chance just because you are yourself. Even with master looter your chance would be the same unless you get loot funneled to you over another person.

And then that other person becomes the “unlucky one”. Like I said your complaint has nothing to do with the RNG loot system or forging. It has everything to do with not being able to have attendance or guild-effort based loot distribution.


It isn’t titanforging that lets people skip tiers.

It’s rewards vastly disproportionate to their difficulty. Also lack of lockout.

The by far biggest offender is mythic+. Both for the cache (reward vs difficulty) and lack of lockout.

Then warfronts and emissaries.


What are his thoughts on other issues rather than just agreeing that he has no problems with the system and disregarding a hard BiS list in the process.

People aren’t skipping tiers otherwise we would have dramatically increased AoTC achievements.

Why is it impossible? Why can’t you bring in alts when all you need is forged gear? If the boss is on farm it is on farm regardless of any chance at a bonus. That is like saying you can’t bring in alts because you would miss out on azerite or titan residium from scrapping.

Technically correct. But practically not an issue.


For the 3 months I was in Uldir I got one warforged item which was given to me and no titanforged items how is that working as intended?

Yeah the combination of mythic+ and titanforge pretty much makes mythic raiding a complete waste of time (from a character progression point of view).

Well I’m glad your personal experience is why we are all forced to play with this terrible loot system. Thx.