Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

So how is that different then going the entire tier with out a certain drop you want? In TBC people went the entire expansion with out their BIS items dropping. A person in my guild never saw the gruul trinket drop. RNG loot is RNG. Nothing new here so people need to stop acting like it is.


yup, beat content with your friends is why I do it

Also there are mounts and skins for mogging that you can’t get without doing the harder stuff. If one mythic raids and does keys at higher levels they will outgear people.


Well, there are many other games out there to invest time in. Surely, there must be another vapid and meaningless way to feel superior to other people on a different video game!


Who EVER said anything about being good at the game. Why are you putting words into my statements that I never even suggested.

Your second statement is just as nonsensical. You are literally agreeing that WF/TF takes away the actual item and replaces it with an extra layer of RNG.

What are you even arguing here?

So could sidegrades. So could finally getting lucky only for the next tier comes out. The motivation to raid should never be about having the BiS gear but rather doing the content. If you don’t want to raid a harder difficulty to do a challenge then don’t. That isn’t a bad thing. If you can’t get motivated to challenge yourself and your friends then don’t. That isn’t a bad thing


Imagine there was TF/WF back then. An extremely low chance of gear dropping + another layer of RNG to the item that already has a low chance of dropping. How would that feel then?

You literally said if you like forging then you are probably the problem in the game. So you literally said your view is the only one that is good for the game. It doesn’t take away any item. It is the same as a boss dropping two items but you only got 1 of the 2 to drop. Forging is dropping another item. You don’t have anything taken away from you.

It is literally the same as a boss dropping any other item. It just dropped a forged item rather than a non-forged item. The same as if it dropped a healing trinket vs an agility weapon. Its a loot table.


This might not be a bad way to go. Sockets need to be dealt with as well though, or else they’ll just simply be the new thing to complain about in terms of RNG.

What does that have to do with being good at the game? Please explain.

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The same as any other item dropping? Its part of the loot table. Imagine a boss dropping 3 items instead of 1 and you only get 1 of 3 to drop. Oh know you got random loot.


Says the person calling people “the problem with the game” for liking something different, in between accusing Blizzard of “exploiting” players with WF/TF, and comparing it to loot boxes.


You need to slow down and read what he said.


Good for the game is not the same as good at the game. Do you literally not know what you typed or what you are reading?


That’s 1 layer of RNG - I’m okay with that. Item dropping + Item WF + Item TF = 3 or two layers of RNG. Do I need draw a diagram with apples and simple numbers so that you just stop pretending these two systems are the same thing?

I see it now, I misread. My bad there.

Yep, all the casuals are 415 now.



It is all one layer. You are adding additional layers in order to create a hatred for it. It is all one loot table. It wouldn’t even be two because forging is all one system. So you are needlessly adding things just to justify hating it.

It is all a RNG loot table.


“I’m killing this boss that drops 400 gear. it is vastly more likley to drop 400 than forge”

<boss drops 400 item>

“I’m so mad at this game!!!”


I think you missed his point, in RNG is running wild in this game. It is all about luck now. Removing master loot from raids making everything by chance then adding in titanforging and you got a cluster fu*k of RNG. I had a similar thing happen in Uldir. I had been raiding in Uldir for 2 months. A guild mate who hardly ever logs on pops in the raid and gets the trinket I have wanted for weeks, it titanforges for him and everything. After that raid he hardly played again while I was at 100% attendance for our raid group and never got the trinket. Too much RNG. That is not good game developing and that is why Ion needs to go along with his team. They are killing this game.

I think it is good for the game because since it has been added a higher percent of people have gotten the AoTC and CE achievements.


So we need ML and DKP.