Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

You can’t actually lose with Titanforging… it is just not an upgrade.


You can lose though. I lost a lot of time trying to get forged trinkets that I never got.

Wrong, you mean you lost time playing a game. Thanks for agreeing with me it was a bad comparison.


Playing an aspect of the game for the sole reason of titanforges. 1 Mythic+ = $1 in the slot machine.


You have personal responsibility for how you play the game. If you choose to spend you time trying to farm Titanforges that is all on you. It is neither recommended or required.


You said it’s a great gear progression path like 5 posts ago. But you don’t want people to go on that path?

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It sometimes helps people get random upgrades. It is not a progression path for anyone.

So this is false or…?

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They want rewards removed/nerfed for “non-deserving” players. Removing titanforging is one way of doing that.


Please explain how titanforging is a better gear progression system for non raiders than what we had in BC/Wrath/Cata.

Why would I want to? It is not relevant now.


Well… I mean the two pieces of information the LFG tool allows us to glean from a player are just Class and Ilvl.

We have been given no other stick with which to measure potential applicants other than gear. Gear, which has as of late, become an extremely unreliable indicator of player progress. This is a problem

While more of a general truth, harder content has always rewarded better gear. A player with good gear was a sign of them having participated, and succeeded, in more difficult content.

Nowadays, someone doing nothing but emissaries, Warfronts, and World Bosses is currently bordering on 390 ilvl.

In terms of rewards, that is approaching the second highest tier of possible rewards in the game (400). But not even drawing a fraction of the effort or skill required of other activities that distribute similar rewards.

For all formative purposes the game has 4 tiers of reward.

T1 370
T2 385
T3 400
T4 415

T1 is effective leapfrogged due to Emissaries (385) , Warfronts (400), World Bosses (400), and Weekly quests (TW 385, Mythic dungeon 400).

As is clear, a lot of those same rewards that leapfrog T1 boarder or push on T3.
People accumulate the second highest tier of rewards in the game at a break neck pace. All from content normally positioned at or below the T1 level of base rewards. (WQ’s, Warfronts, World Bosses, M0’s)

McForges push items from that slosh of T3 & T2 rewards into the T1 range or very close to it.

The sheer amount of T2 gear being thrown at players almost seems designed to unnaturally corral everyone into that very narrow 15-20 ilvl spread.

With the lowest effort and least active of players eventually settling around the 400 ilvl mark and the most active players who also exert the most effort may rank in around the 420 ilvl mark. Though I feel the magnitude of effort between the two is not being properly rewarded.

Stuff like Warfronts, World bosses, and Emissaries are just far too over rewarding.


Everything is relevant. Changes can always be made. Look at flying in WoD. Just explain why you think titanforging is a better gear progression system than what we had in those previous expansions. I’m curious to hear it.

It is not relevant. The game was completely different in BC/Wrath/Cata.


It’s fun to make claims and have nothing to back them up I guess???

You do a lot.


Go ahead and link. I would love to explain it to you. Or is this another time you are claiming something with nothing to back it up?

Blizzard or someone from the company i have an idea to get more players to resub there accounts. big ideas if you can just pst me?

LOL, you can’t even understand why your comparison was wrong!


My comparison was:

Slot machine - A person spends money for a small chance at winning big.

Titanforging - A person spends time doing activities in game for a small chance at winning big.

Seems fairly simple and obvious to me.