Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

It does not gear you up faster. I entered Uldir at 365 ilvl I did not reach 370 ilvl in 3 months of raiding. There are issues with personal loot, the biggest one is getting the same item multiple times. I got the same bracers off the first boss 6 times. This negatively affects your chances of getting anything you else you need. I never came out of Uldir with more then 2 items. If one of them was the bracer which it was half the time that means little to no chance for an actual upgrade. Not only did I get the bracers 6 times but I got multiple items from other bosses, its not fun at all when that happens. You feel like all your effort is wasted.

So what your saying is that everyone needs to devote 12 hours a day to raiding on various alts so the raid team can get the loot it needs to progress. Awesome I’ll get right on that, I’m sure my family and job will understand.

The CM basically telling the community to “get over” is the same attitude that caused blizz to let go 800 ppl. So sure keep systems in that the community hate and see where it gets you

I played during MoP and beyond. I couldn’t raid mythic(or old heroic) back then much, so that was about where I reached the “cap” on my gear. Not sure what you are surfing for in my achievements.
If you’re thinking “just do mythic and get better gear xd” sure, perhaps I could have back then before mythic was a forced 20. I did jin’rokh, but that was all I got. And honestly? I’m not sure I am good enough for mythic. I got up to vari last expac. When it comes down to it, some of us just aren’t cut out for it, or don’t like being stressed over a video game.
Nowadays, I just want to raid without the stress of having to make sure I have 20 people every time.
There is still a significant item level difference between the people who raid mythic and those who do not. It just isn’t quite as big.
The majority of the playerbase does not raid mythic. WF/TF allows me to run content and still get that exciting feeling when I am looting a boss/chest.

It isn’t a new development, but titanforging makes it worse with extra layers of RNG.

Trade? How? If I’m doing keys and I have 2 ilvl 400 socketed rings and a 405 with no socket drops I can’t trade it, but it very clearly isn’t an upgrade because sockets on rings are worth a minimum of 15 ilvls. Personal loot trading should be expanded to basically be +10 ilvls. Per Blizzard’s own philosophy, 5-10 ilvl upgrades can be stat dependent, but anything 15+ should always be an upgrade. Therefore, if 5-10 ilvl bumps aren’t always upgrades, they should be tradeable.


I personally hate WF/TF for a lot of reasons. You feel really lousy when you don’t get one and see other people do. I also like to raid for gear drops, but at this point in BoD, I’ve killed 1 heroic boss only, but already there is only 1 upgrade for me in heroic barring more WF/TF. That does not seem to be a good situation overall. It kind of goes back to the overall ease of getting high-level gear the last 2 xpacs at least. I’ll have a 3rd or 4th alt that don’t raid, sitting around with a higher iLevel than my raiders…it’s just a weird and unnecessary system. Oh, and then on top of that…Azerite gear is excluded and weapons are limited…so it’s also a very inconsistent system. Please get rid of it.


Hell yeah I would. Or if the WF/TF had a cap that prevented it from breaking the next difficulty level. Heroic gear can’t be better than Mythic. It just needs some sort of cap so that it doesn’t feel like you’re on an endless grind with no possible way to ever ‘finish’ your character.

I get that y’all might not like the idea of finishing a character, but as long as the ‘Play the Patch’ mentality is what you’re going with, we’ll be replacing it after a few months anyways so there’s nothing wrong with letting us obtain an actual BiS.


Gonna try and keep my feedback short and simple

Slot machine welfare loot = unsatisfying beyond the first few seconds

Loot you worked for and earned = creates great memories and makes you feel good. You can also brag about it to people and make them envious of it, provided loot isn’t just handed out like candy like it is now.

No, rather, I’ve felt like the many different sources of gear combined with WF/TF create a hamster wheel. You’re just running and running on the gear path for an indeterminate amount of time and you’re never done because it’s impossible to get a TF/socket in every slot, and it makes the whole the end up feeling pointless. Gear itself feels far less impactful when it’s all interchangeable and the only thing that matters is how lucky you got with a piece. I want to be able to work towards a goal of some sort. A BiS list, a gear upgrade path, or something where there’s a definitive endpoint to the running and I can be happy that I’ve done all I can on a character until the next patch.


What is the point of a system like this when the world scales with a players item level? Who got the upgrade, me or the mob?

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I recently replaced a M+10 trinket for a World Quest Titanforged.
I audibly said “[Edited by Blizzard] game”. Because I sat and farmed the same dungeon on the same week six times and seeing that effort be undermined by luck… While I was just completing an emissary?

It’s nothing short of demoralizing. At least with the “Play the Patch” mentality of a Mythic Weapon 385 becoming an Emissary Weapon, it takes a few months for it to happen. Titanforging is an immediate reminder that it’s all for naught sometimes.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


Last week i got absolutely nothing from the entire heroic raid on my DH, and he got a 400 from the warfront quest. I know that’s extremely unlikely but it DID happen so your hunch was wrong shakes fist Bwahahahhaaha!

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WF/TF alone isn’t the issue. It’s one among many changes over recent years to erode character progression.

From 1 to max level, the game used to be full of progression. Talent points each level, spell ranks, class quests, and gearing while leveling. Players were engaged in making their characters stronger all the time. After days of play time engaging you in progression, the end-game funneled players through a gear progression scheme that was just as addicting as the leveling process. You researched where gear came from, created a laundry list for yourself, and engaged in the end-game content for months and months.

Now, the philosophy seems to be “play how you want, and you’ll be rewarded the same”. While leveling, progression is all but gone. You get your core rotation by level 30, so not much character progression for the next 90 levels. The world scales with you, so you don’t have any relative power increase to make your playtime feel worthwhile. And then at max level, you can engage in any (current) content and obtain similar gear as any other content.

Similar to world scaling, WF/TF makes sure no matter what you’re doing or where you’re doing it, it’s relevant. This certainly caters to a larger audience and ensures everyone can play how they want, but in doing so, it erodes the power progression that made WoW so popular.

WF/TF felt fine in MoP. It even felt fine in WoD. In Legion and BfA though, the game has become increasingly broad, and it’s starting to feel meaningless. This is exactly how Diablo 3 feels in terms of character progression, btw, and it’s nonsense to have the same strategy in WoW.


Makes no sense, your gear is way behind. If it’s so ez why you under 390 ilvl

Clearly lying and I can tell from your gear you don’t know what you’re talkin about. Progression is very much still a thing. Wf/tf isn’t a common occurrence, doing harder content yields better rewards.

Musta been a pretty garbage trinket if it was replaced by a 375. I would suggest running the dungeons that drops the trinket you need

The game has been turned into a massive progressive slot machine. Enjoy.

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Zero problems with WF/TF. I can inspect a player and pretty much tell if they’re a raider or primarily m+ driven. There are systems that should be looked at for change but this isn’t one of them.

The problem is those that think there is any kind of need to get bis. Many guilds taking down jaina with 410ish ilvl. There’s no reason to get bis. Just get the best gear you can get

[First Mate’s Spyglass] (I’d link Bloodmallet, but I can’t seem to) at 375 beat out the best On-Use Dungeon Trinket available at 400, Vial of Animated Blood, which is what I had, by about 500 DPS in a 5-min PW sim. The next upgrade is Heroic Mekka (not a big one either), Mythic Mekka, or another lucky WB/WQ TF.

Trinket balance has been quite problematic.