Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

I am sorry that my veiled selfishness is opposing to your obvious selfishness. You want to remove the existence of something that a group of players enjoy, because just the existence of this thing makes you feel bad.


No, you are indeed correct. Anybody who pushes any kind of content will always be better geared than someone who doesn’t. Things were weird that last couple weeks because of the delay between the catch up stuff being released and the new raid opening, but until then my main peaked at 353, after running all the below normal raiding content, exactly as I should have been. Sure, you’ll see someone with piece or two higher ilevel, but overall if you do higher content you get better gear. BIS chases just have to suck it up, but that’s a very small price to pay to keep everyone else’s interest.

It’s not about what “other players have”.

How great does it feel to finally down a boss only to have it drop something of same or lower ilvl than you already got?

Or the 90% of the time it doesn’t TF/WF?

Or when it does WF/TF on a slot you didn’t really need or feel like a waste?

Personally I think the system should go…but if we are going to shove this carrot down our throats for retention … then at the very least lower the ceiling on it.


It seems to me, that to a section of the playerbase, the game IS maxing out character ilvl. All the the things to do in the game are simply a means to do that. Given that the only motivating factor to log in and play is to reach a number, and they do not inherently enjoy the things that provide the number, they want the number providing activities to be at a minimum. It is also very important that the number is hard line reachable, and the game must provide that hard line, they are not either capable or willing to set that hard goal for themselves. The intent is also to be able to play as little as possible or in a very minimal structured manner to reach that number goal ( ie logging only in to raid ).

As I see it, the problem for the devs to face is pleasing both the players who like playing the content for the sake of playing it in conjunction with character improvement, vs pleasing the players who really only want character improvement and the means to improve the character is only a chore.

I love the current warforge/titanforge system. I like that I can do different content and still have the chance at an upgrade. Keep up the good work!


So the millions of gold Method used to take advantage to the system and use it to better gear their Raid team through Heroics than Master Loot ever could is in you eyes a functioning system?

Now you’re just being stupid on purpose. For instance, if I get a 400 item level piece and I then get a 405 that’s a downgrade I can’t trade it. If I then get a 410 item level piece I can’t trade it either, nor a 415, 420, or 425.

Telling people why you’re right and they’re wrong isn’t an opinion.

Oh neat, that expolsum is really going to benefit Mining and Herbalism.

Except it’s all percentile. That already defeats your argument. If they wanted us with the precisely correct amount of everything they would settle on the current PvP system for PvE. People can get four Azerite pieces and someone else can get four weapons.

They’re not controlling what we get, they’re controlling how we get it.

No, you’re trying to argue your points on insults alone. It doesn’t matter how grammatically correct they are or not, not everyone has English as thier first language. Maybe some of the things you read didn’t make sense because you don’t know how to read English yourself.

As your only argument for why Master Loot should stay gone is that you’ve seen so many people rage over gear going different directions other than themselves, I’m heavily inclined to believe you’re using yourself as the primary example. So yes, it does look like you “raged” at not getting gear.

Forging just shows to me that players will literally complain about anything.

Scrubs getting 425 titanforged gear, complain.

Aiming for a 425 titanforged piece and you DONT get it, complain.

Finally get a titanforged piece and it’s for the wrong slot, complain.

Getting a titanforged piece equivalent to a mythic raid drop, which then ‘ruins’ your future raiding experience, complain.

So you say that a carrot ( gear upgrade ) is required for a good feeling when killing a new boss, then you say you hate the system that provides carrots.

For a reasonably geared player, it literally takes 15-20 minutes to do an incursion and about the same about of time or LESS to complete an emissary and these occur every single day. Sometimes it can take even less. An emissary was how I got my 420 titanforged ring. It was such a huge rush that lasted all day. I have lots of days and weeks where there isn’t anything special happening but 420 is amazing. I want all players to have that happen and I really don’t understand why someone would feel BETTER if they took that experience away from me.

This entire topic has to do with jealousy and a false sense of accomplishment:

  1. People are flat out jealous when then do content they regard as “more difficulty” but gear doesn’t drop for them, while someone doing lower content gets lucky and Titanforge an item at the Item Level cap with a socket. The fact is: RNG has always been a thing and if without Titanforge, there were stances where someone could farm for months an item and never see it drop (anyone remember Deathbringer’s Will?). To remove Titanforge would not make you luckier and will not increase your odds of getting gear, it will only lower someone’s else chances of getting an upgrade.

  2. The false sense of accomplishment is because some people (the vast majority, to tell the truth) doesn’t understand that gear is only a mean for an end. The real objective is to complete the content, to get the Cutting Edge, to become a Gladiator. “Gear” is only the tool you need to reach the objective. But people think they play to gear up, so they can reach high Item Level for… reasons. They want to feel like they have “beaten” the game, filling all slots with BiS items. It’s a worthless goal, because all your BiS items will be LFR gear next content patch, so playing for the sake of Item Level alone IS a carrot on the stick as well.

I do like the idea that when the Raid Leader forces me to raid a Boss I don’t really want to kill, because I killed that Boss 12 times already and the only reason I am killing for the 13th is to gear up someone’s alt, at least I have a chance of getting a Warforged item, so my time wasn’t completely wasted.

I think both the jealousy and the false sense of accomplishment could be solved if Titanforges were removed from the game, and we had only WARFORGES (+5 or +10 Item level procs). That way, we still would have the excitement of getting a bonus +iLvl but people wouldn’t jump the difficulty barrier with TF procs: a Normal raider would never be able to get Heroic loot from Normal raids, because the items from Normal raid would only forge up to 395; a Heroic raider would never get a Mythic loot from HC raid, because items would never forge past 410; and a casual would never make HC raiders jealous because he got an item they most likely won’t, because they can’t beat the 1st Boss of a Mythic raid.

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You had some bad experiences so it’s now become your opinion that no-one else should have a choice in the matter, and you’ll argue that until the cows come home.

You even admit that plenty of people have had good experiences (" I’m not saying that good loot councils don’t exist. I’ve had just as many good guilds (at least as far as loot distribution is concerned) as I have bad experiences"), but because you’re bored of thinking about loot like that, no-one else should get to do so, in your opinion, no matter how advantageous it may be to their guild, and how much they may all be in agreement that that’s what they want.

You come across as very selfish.


Look the group of people I know in the many different guilds I belong to across a few different servers do not have a single person that likes WF/TF. That may be a drop in a bucket but I also think the people who do like the system are an even smaller group. The largest group are people who simply don’t care either way.

Sure he does. Mythic progression fights are more than just a couple of pulls, you know. There’s often dozens, if not more, hours of wiping on that boss before you get a kill. Unless you’re saying it was a trial that came in and died right away so he doesn’t deserve loot. But you wouldn’t say that, right?

Except in order to “skip” all the mechanics on some normal fights they had to put in multiple hours of progression on those bosses on Heroic and Mythic difficulty to have the gear to skip. It’s doubtful that they would even need anything on those bosses anyway unless there is a lucky titanforge. Which is stupid and counterproductive to progression, but that’s another topic.

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What about replacing them with a currency system that’s earned weekly from killing the same boss that piece comes from, and you use the currency to incrementally upgrade your piece, 5ilvl at a time for example, up to current tier max? The ‘normal, heroic and mythic’ quality of the gear would be retained, but the randomness of forging would be replaced with a more straightforward progression system.

I love the WF/TF system. Crucify me.

I share the sentiment of the blues that I am happy when I see others get gear. I do not feel bad being less geared if I am less lucky. I do not feel as though I need a 40 piece McForge to do all the content in the game. It felt pretty bad to “cap out” gear before. I am glad that there is an incentive to continuously run content. If there was no WF/TF, I would probably not have any desire to run m+ anymore, one of my favorite aspects of the game.

That being said, I think some bad luck McForge protection is overdue.

You must be new…

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Pretty much. I look it like this though. I get gas at the same station a few times a week, even the same pump most of the time. Let’s say one day, I pull up and someone else gets that pump and finds 100 dollars on the ground. Should I be pissed that I didn’t get that pump that day, or should I just be glad for the guy that found 100 bucks? I might go on that day to make a lot more money than that person does, or maybe they are doing better. Who knows, it’s all dumb luck, and getting pissed off over dumb luck seems wasteful to me.


I’m looking at your achievements and you’ve never even come close to getting a toon to BiS gear based on them. How can you even know what it feels like?

The whole “McForging” argument only works if no-one knows about the chance of McForging. If you go into the store knowing there’s a chance you’ll get more than you paid for then it doesn’t matter that you weren’t lucky. TF/WF is just like the Monopoly game , you get a ticket and sometimes it “McForges” into a free item, or a chunk of $$, or any number of prizes. Are you all pissed about McDonald’s (and everyone else’s) promotions like that?? Its just the same thing, a persistent contest to generate interest/sales.

However that’s just my OPINION, just like your post is “your opinion”. And we all know that opinions are like rectums…we all have one and not many other people want to see them.


Too bad so sad.