Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

I’m making fun of the whiners, so I’m perfectly aware.

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Reread my post. People complained about having nothing to do after hitting BiS. And you’re right today there are more options.

The issue is people feel like they need WF/TF–when you don’t. As the blue in this thread insinuated, it’s just a nice bonus.


You are seriously shifting the blame of gambling on to the people rather than the company exploiting them??

Why do you think there is a huge controversy surrounding loot boxes and other systems, governments are starting to ban them to protect the people. Companies will do anything to squeeze out profits, even if it’s at the cost of people’s health.


This isn’t gambling - this isn’t a LOOT box.


This is the problem, if you can’t see how this is gambling - I really can’t argue with you. Keep running the treadmill.

Also nice dodging my first statement.


If that is why you raid, you are doing it wrong.


100% missing the point of why warforge/titanforge is a problem. It completely ruins the feeling of accomplishment when you get an item. It never feels like you truly earned an item anymore because you can always get giga lucky and replace it randomly with 0 effort.

It has also completely ruined the motivation for mythic raiding and pushing the highest content you can do in general. Why would I prog on mythic jaina for like 500 wipes to get a piece of gear that can randomly drop in heroic. Why do mythic bosses even drop gear anymore, the gear is so insanely irrelevant to the content. You used to do harder raids/dungeons to get better gear and progress your character. Now there is virtually 0 reason to do hard content unless you just want the feeling of accomplishment. There is actually 0 motivation in the game for you to do hard content, its 100% artificial and outside the game.


This is how I feel as well. I set the realistic expectation that I will never get all titanforged items so when I get a war/titan piece I take it as a nice bonus.

There’s different kinds of gamers out there, and some are compulsive and need every achievement and 100% on every metric. I feel like that demographic will always be distressed when an element with a very low proc rate is introduced.


Yep, this is it!

Sorry, I can’t take your world for that! LOL!


And that is where personal issues come in. I am not running any treadmill. I am enjoying the game, doing what I want when I want.

RNG has been a big factor in this game from the beginning and now all of sudden it is gambling…


Titanforging and warforging undermine the very core of the reward system of the game. It is a cancer on this game and should be cut out accordingly.


Like the game in its entirety. Lmao.


Why shouldn’t gear be a motivating factor to make me want to raid the hardest content? Why should I have to find motivation outside of the game to do something in the game. Actually makes 0 sense.


Is it? I think it is exactly what we want… content. If you had the best gear possible for months/years, what incentive would you have for continuing to play new content. Yes, gear is a treadmill, but this is nothing new.

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oddly I tend to outdps people with 10 ilevels on me in many runs. I think some worry too much about that number over azurite traits, trinket utility or secondary stats. Right now I actually am 2 levels lower than I could on one character because the higher Ilvel trinket would sink my dps hard.

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You couldn’t have said it better. 100% agree with this statement. It is the dissatisfaction and disconnect from the item you just got. I don’t want TF/WF, I want the damn item it says it will drop.


WoW would be a much better game without Warforging/Titanforging.

I don’t understand why the devs are so stubborn about going back to an old system, or at least mixing the two. If you are so hell bent on keeping titanforging, keep it at 15ilvl max, but also the old system of upgrading 3 times if you weren’t lucky enough to get a titanforge on the piece.

Mixing the two would be the sweet spot between luck and manual progression towards upgrading.


Honesty I get more upset when the item doesn’t warforge or titanforge or socket automatically.

No one wants the base crap 400 version. I want a 425 socketed item in every slot now.

Bad design. I literally am “unhappy” when it’s not warforged or titanforge.


Maybe you should read this, and stop acting like if people who want TF/WF gone are toxic gamers.


So your way is the only acceptable way to be good for the game? That attitude is exactly what is bad for this game. Also Forging is just the item dropping, and not forging is just a different item dropping.

Forging is the item dropping or not. If it forges then it dropped. If it doesn’t then a different item dropped. It is still the same RNG waiting for loot you want to drop.