Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

The game doesn’t tell you to do that, that is you telling yourself you can’t be happy with what you got.


I read it. How do you know that “casuals” make up the majority of subscribers?

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What exactly does WoW tell a player to do?

Wait, so you think… /facepalm. Oi…just nevermind.

Tell you to spend $15 and to have fun. Clearly.

As far as I know it doesn’t tell me to do anything. Does it keep giving you orders ?


So you don’t have any basis on what you said. You’re just guessing that casuals make up the majority of subscribers, but you actually have no clue, correct?

They don’t have to farm nothing.

They are not doing Mythic Raiding, aiming for the World First. They are not pushing M+ keys in a cutting-edge fashion. If they are high-end hardcore, farming everything they can is expected.

Getting sick of how some players are trying to argue that they need iLvL 400 NOW for their weekly 2-mythic-BoD bosses run and that Blizzard should handle it to them, but that everyone else shouldn’t have such stuff (and they already don’t).

You’re argument to my last point was that “the game doesn’t tell you to do that.” Now you say the game doesn’t tell you to do anything. So do you do nothing in game?

There’s nearly 1000 posts my dude. I’m not keeping up with every single response.

I’m clearly asking for your opinion on why ML shouldn’t be for guild groups. I am perfectly capable of ending with “agree to disagree.” I have not heard an actual answer from anyone that wasn’t “Just because” or “Blizzard answered for us.” What is YOUR answer?

Why not let ML exist for guild groups?

I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t care.

I do what makes me happy.

Getting BiS gear on my main makes me happy.

So, but that is you telling yourself that not the game.

I don’t raid as Retribution, I play Holy. I also don’t only play my Paladin. I raid as a Mistweaver and currently I’m primarily invested in my Restoration Shaman. As a healer is would much rather the gear go towards the DPS who are carrying the group rather than have it just be random throughouts. Also Ret Paladins do deserve certain pieces over others, generally based off of stat priority, which someone who raids should understand.

Yes. They trimmed Talent trees in half, and removed loads of fluff because some players struggled to figure out what was considered the best choices on their own. I understood the trees myself, but you said WoD started the class pruning, which is just factually incorrect.

Not to mention you said subs went up in Legion after WoD even though we don’t have those numbers whatsoever.

It’s not hyberbole. It clearly happens. I don’t like how the best gear possible can be awarded from content you can’t fail. Feels wrong.

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You just said the game doesn’t tell anybody anything. How can you use this as an argument when you’ve already disproved yourself lol.

I was using that as an example. You came into a discussion and you really need to go back and read because you just don’t understand that started this I guess and I am not going to go back and explain it to someone like you.

It isn’t hard to go to a website and pick a talent. And again, I was responding to another poster regarding his response. He mentioned things like too many buttons, pruning of abilities in response to my question of when they started catering to casuals. I asked for a source and I got that. He didn’t correct me when I stated WoD so I am pretty sure we were on the same page in regards to what he was talking about.

People like you are just tiresome, you are too lazy to read what you need to to make sense of a conversation you want to hop into and you just end up wasting others time. I don’t like that.

I am really curious now, can you just not read ? How did I disprove anything. The game doesn’t tell you anything, you are telling yourself you want BIS and won’t be happy without it.

So nobody can be unhappy with any aspect of the game because the game doesn’t tell us to play a certain way? Weird argument…

Like I can’t be unhappy with how Paladin plays because the game didn’t tell me to play a Paladin, correct?

I am trying to tell you - you are the one making yourself unhappy. And that is fine but you were also trying to tell that other poster they shouldn’t be happy with something when they had just stated they were.

That is a you problem, not a game problem.

In any case, I feel like I am talking to the wall with some of you so I am going to go and do something useful.