Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

I’m on Sisters now though I’ve raided across a myriad of servers and up through mid MoP was doing so competitively, often times an officer and/or raid leading. Sisters isn’t really any different than any other server I’ve played on. The locals are a bit nicer I guess? Maybe that’s because of the RP rules and I spent a lot of time on heavily populated PvP servers for the first few expansions.

lol, you just entirely don’t even understand the argument at all. At least the leather wearer realized there was a problem with master loot in that regard, you just completely can’t understand, but I guess as a plate wearer you considered yourself the most important person in your raid group.

A ret pally is just like any other DPS, no more deserving of a piece of gear off every single boss to the detriment of his team mates than anyone else.

And yes, just piggy back on what the green said when no one would touch this before. Your argument is pitiful. Are you seriously saying selecting a talent was hard before cata and easier after cata ?

And sure you can cross server raid but that doesn’t relate to the comment you can just switch guilds at all.

Not having anything to work for makes me burn out faster.

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Let’s be very, very clear here. WOD subs plummeted because the game was awful. The game nothing of what was promised at BlizzCon. The game felt nothing like it did in the stylized cinematic. It was all hype, and no content.

WoW subs always increase on expansion launch.

Wanna know why WoW subs are dropping now? The game is old and there’s nothing to progress towards. All your effort goes into a slot machine. There is no real progression. You just play aimlessly and maybe you’ll get something. Then you wait for the next patch and do it all over again.

Catch-up mechanics existing before the second tier even launched. The game isn’t about working towards goals, it’s about capturing that moment of excitement once a month to keep your subbed for the next month.


So wrong, the chances of getting good gear are much higher the harder the content you are doing.

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You were ~20ilvls over me most likely, and likely had decent traits haha.

I got to 5% since i was heavily undergeared. Many decent players got it around 905 + ConC trait. Once the next tier dropped, it wasn’t really special anymore.

And some people are happy still with the game. Most of the people complaining are raiders.

I think Legion maintained more players throughout than did WoD.

Did this thread ever get derailed.

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Lots of people here with weird envy problems. Enough to think that all LFR raiders are Titanforging to 425 constantly. It’s paranoia at this point.

That’s fair. Just to be clear, if someone enjoys the game, that’s perfectly fine. I just feel WoW has some good elements and bad elements. One of the bad elements is how they’ve handled the various kinds of pacing of rewards/progression/player power

BFA is waaay better than WOD. But Legion is miles ahead of BFA in terms of systems and class design. Legion deserves any praise it gets. BFA’s artwork is some of the best in the history of the game, but my experiences interacting non-content systems (rewards, professions) have never been worse.

Titanforging and Personal Loot often come together. The share the same space in many regards.

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It was actually somewhat common in legion to max titanforge items in lfr. That’s almost non-existent in bfa since they reduced titanforging chances

Yes, going through multiple levels of RNG is progression. When you need the harder content to proc a bonus (a very rare chance), it’s not progression, it’s a waste of time. Explosum is sure exciting. Getting the same Off-hand week after week is sure exciting.

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You realize for most people that argument just does not apply.

All they were saying is the base ilvl of gear is higher from mythic than from heroic than from normal. So every time you get a piece of gear in mythic you will receive one with a higher ilvl than if you do LFR.

I wanted the branch from waycrest, so what did I do. I spammed waycrest 10s and 11s until I got it. That’s progression.

I don’t let rng hold me back, I kick it’s butt until it coughs up the loot


Did you get a 425 with avoidance and a socket?

People aren’t mad that casuals are getting sick 425 gear from LFR or World quests. People are mad they have to farm all the stupid content they don’t want to do for titanforges.

Then perhaps I read into that in a way you didn’t mean. It seemed like you were blaming the casual audience (which is the largest group of subscribers) for development you don’t agree with. If that wasn’t your intent in that section of the post, then I’m not sure what your point was.

Sure they will. They are also the only ones with non-anecdotal evidence on the matter. My point wasn’t that they are always right. My point was if anyone is an authority on the matter it’s them. Not you. Not me. They’re the only people with data on ML abuse. One of the reasons they gave us was ML abuse. Now, I can accept that or I can believe the naysayer, i.e. you. Why should I trust you? I mean, it’s not like you aren’t obviously biased on the matter.

I understood the point, I was just laughing at your silly hyperbole example. It being rare is not a reason not to have it. Do you somehow think that since it’s rare it shouldn’t exist? Or that if something is rare it can be removed and nothing will be lost? That’s just bafflingly dumb as an argument. As far as why, why are you asking me instead of simply googling for one of the Q&A’s where they talk about it? It’s not like that information is hidden. They’ve explained it and their general philosophy on it many times.

You (and others) keep asking the same questions as if you’re trying to lead me to an answer that’s different than the one I’ve given you and others and so has Blizzard and so have many other people in these threads and others. Those answers don’t change. You just don’t like the answers so you keep asking the questions and dismissing or ignoring responses that you don’t like. So really, why should I bother answering these questions again? It’s not like me writing it for the 2nd or 3rd time this thread is going to make any difference. You’re still going to cry about wanting ML back. It’s still not going to be back. You’re not actually going to care what my opinion is. How bout we just skip to the end of that circle of wasted time.

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Nope I got 410 warforge which I’m more than happy with


How do you know this? Source?

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It’s not BiS though. Keep farming! It’s fun remember!

Context is important. Go read what I was replying to, then read the one before that. Eventually you’ll figure it out.

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