Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

So? Equip it in both slots and then the next ring you can. Ohnos the horrors!

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And who does that benefit?

Everyone who can’t trade something who doesn’t want to trade it but if they could their guild would demand it. Exactly as Blizzard has already stated.

I would like the argument in favor of titanforging to shift away from “worrying about what others get.”

I feel that TF as it currently stands ultimately cheapens the entire itemization system of the game due to it being so RNG dominant. I do not see how devs are supposed to create meaningful gear that people are to chase. There was a time in the game when you could remember the actual name of the gear you were pursuing. Does anyone even know the name of the loot they just picked up?

I feel that the current system is in fact predatory in nature because it plays to getting cheaper easier rewards more often, thus getting people addicted to a slow drip of items with periodic moments of “excitement” (the magic word that always gets thrown around) and no true fulfillment.

I feel that the devs hired a psychologist to give them ideas on how to craft a economy that would keep players logging in more often to increase time played. Which is something that clearly backfired as it made the reward structure of the game very cheap, unmemorable, and unfulfilling.

Class design.

Obviously, you’re not going to get the back-channel chitchat, but it’s goes like this.

  1. Too many buttons made the barrier to the game too high.
  2. They pruned abilities as to make the game more accessible to more people.
  3. “Dumbing down” the specs resulted in fewer ways to play the spec.
  4. Fewer ways to play meant roles were more straight-forward. The removal of utility was a big one here.
  5. The performance difference between bad and good players was too high.
  6. They reduced the number of complex mechanics in specs. The skill floor rose sharply in BFA while the skill ceiling stagnated.

As such most content is based on mechanical difficulty. Mage Tower was a great example of this. If you sucked, you wouldn’t get your Artifact skin. (Over-gearing it excluded.) How many people beat that content while below 890? 895? 900? Very few were good enough.

How much content is even remotely close to Mage Tower difficulty? Maybe Heroic final bosses and most Mythic raid bosses. And that’s perfectly fine. I’m just saying this game is incredibly simple to play.

Casual content would be content designed to be completed. This would be things like LFR, warfronts, island expeditions, world quests, zone quests, etc.

A casual player doesn’t really exist. Most players are passionate mount collectors, pixel salyers, wanna-be gladiators, and such. Everyone is different, so there’s no need to label players as such.

(That is to say, if they exclusively participate in casual content, as defined above, then you can consider them casual. But a casual PVE’er might be a hardcore mount collector.)

Why don’t they leave the guild if they don’t like the rules? Are people forced to stay in guilds against their will now?

The posts seem to have changed a lot from the OP as happens with these sort of change is bad type posts.

I think I get what the OP is saying and though its hard to express in words what it seems to boil down to for me anyhow is there is too many cooks in the kitchen with wow now… its trying to be too much to try and keep everyone happy… in the end it will not please any one group as much as it probably should.

WoW was a game where you knew exactly what you needed to do and exactly what you would would get if you did that enough. When you had done it you could move on and do other things on other toons. You were, for lack of a better word done… you could pat yourself on the back and not feel you NEEDED to play that one toon.

The last couple of xpacs (from the garrison introduction really) changed WoW. Introduction of in depth single character progression meaning you don’t ever have to fell like there is nothing to do… yeah thats the issue. You are never done… always need more currency for the garrison, more power for the weapon, more power for the neck.

Up to the introduction of the garrison and then the new leveling above, the level cap (artifact system) and random possible upgrades you could bank on a timeframe where you could get your X number of toons though the content and geared to as good as they possibly could be… with the exception of a couple of pieces maybe? but good enough to feel satisfied.

Now the game has so much to do that its actually IMPOSSIBLE to be finished on a toon… when do you play your alt and possibly meet new friends while crawling though old leveling zones or dungeons…? No time need to level to X so my artifact keeps up to speed…

I started wow back in the glory days… I know what it was like to see that guy with a purple bit of gear and think… OMG he is so awesome. I have really given retail a go again this expac but for me, anyhow is not working… I will sit here and wait for classic.

OP maybe you need to do the same and hope that it works out so blizzard sees there is still space in the world for old fart MMORPG players. So they go though the motions of a new MMO the old way of doing it or at least re-release wow expac by expac up to wrath.

mage tower was super ez, took me about 10 tries in mostly heroic nighthold gear.

meanwhile my guild is stuck on heroic mekkatorque 40+ pulls in.

According to your first, then blizzard started catering to casuals in WoD. Guess what the subs were already going down then so there is no causation. The subs went up after WoD when legion hit and they were still ‘catering’ to casuals.

And if there are no true casuals, then blizzard never did start catering to them.

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Oi, just, the intentional obtuseness is frustrating. You know the answer to that question. Hell I’ve made this point numerous times in this thread alone. I’m done making it. I’m sorry if you don’t understand why. It’s not my job to educate you on basic psychology principles that people learn as children. Maybe someone else will run the obtuse gauntlet and try to explain it to you.

They are playing a horde on illidian, you are on a small RP server. They literally may not know or realize how raiding is on other servers.

Wow it’s almost like trying to gear the best players in your group is the worst choice ever.

Get over yourself, just because you lost a roll or had something Masterlooted to someone else doesn’t mean every raid team in the game funneled to two players.

Disappointingly easy, at least for Holy and Retribution.

That would be back in Cataclysm actually, when they trimmed Talent trees, then MoP when they overhauled them.

They did prune abilities in MoP too by the way, most notable is Auras being removed from Paladins.

You can raid cross server unless it’s Mythic prior to the first 100 guilds completing it on both factions. And as someone who has raided on a small RP realm before it doesn’t really change much.

I don’t understand why you say guilds will force people to give up drops against their will. If the piece of gear is more important than your raid team, then just keep the drop and leave the guild. Then probably don’t do organized raiding anymore if you can’t be a teammate.

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How did I crap on them? Because I said some developers are overzealous? Odds are I’m waaaay more casual than yourself. Plus, I write guides (not recently ofc, but in the recent past) aimed specifically as beginners and advising them on how to improve.

Blizzard devs are human, they will make mistakes. Exclusively Personal Loot is something I’ve yet to see anyone from Blizzard actually say, “Guilds should not be able to use Master Loot.”

You don’t even understand the point. Let’s make it clear for you: If it’s so damn rare, why is it even possible? Why bother with jackpots?

Then why remove it? To give them a disadvantage on what?

No one cares about PUGs using forced-PL. Why can’t guild groups use ML?

Do you actually have a reason? As the argument goes – if it doesn’t effect you, why do you care?


I understand the frustration on warforging and titanforging, sure it means anything can become viable at a moments notice but more then not you end up with a WF or TF on somethhing that is absolutely useless for you because the stat itemization is bad, so the upgrade feel doesnt feel as rewarding, imho i wish the TF, WF was an item in itself that dropped along with what ever personal loot you recieved, was not tradeable and could only go to a max of whatever that tier was, aka this tier 425 and worked as a consumable you could click on an item youd like to have WF or TF.

if thet issue there is people hoarding these until they get that one item they have been fishing for after weeks give it a 3hour CD to be used before it vanishes meaning they have to use it or lose it. this would mean people could always reroll an existing WF or TF for something more preferred like a gem slot at the chance of losing the existing WF/TF and it wouldnt mean holding onto something with less preferable sub stats like crit and haste

An ilvl upgrade is always useful if nothing else you’ll get into groups easier

I don’t pug anything. I only play with friends. If they aren’t online I play other games.

I have personally, but WF/TF is only a band-aid fix for that issue and it doesn’t work anymore, due to the greatly nerfed WF/TF procs compared to Legion.
I personally think there are 2 ways to go with WF/TF:

  1. Legion type - very common procs, makes lower ilvl content feel more worthwhile doing and eventually rewards people that grind hard.
  2. Nonexistant type - just remove it from the game and add other incentives to lower ilvl content, like currencies that can grant you an upgrade through a vendor in the long run.

Not having enough content or things to do has been a issue for the past few expansions, due to how blizz handles the lower ilvl and older content.

The current game is filled with catch up systems to help new and casual players, and then you have high end content like mythic raiding and high M+ keys, which require a lot of grinding. But there is very little content to do for the regular player that plays everyday, but doesn’t want to go hardcore and do +20 keys or get in a mythic raid guild.
Regular players just get to heroic’ish raid ilvl gear(currently 400) and they get stuck in this “time-gated plato”, where your only decent sources of upgrades are your weekly PvP/M+ chests and heroic raiding.
And since there are no currencies, badges or other incentives that can grant you an upgrade from lower ilvl content, there’s no reason to do any of that content.
Same goes with Incursions, emissaries, world bosses and other outdoor sources of gear that didn’t get scaled with patch 8.1, making them obsolete for the regular player.

Don’t be silly, there’s a little pick up group in all of us

Since Legion the whole game just feels like it was designed around “monthly recurring players” and “player engagement”.

Instead of making the game so fun that people want to play it everyday like we used to do it feels like they just put a mountain of never ending chores in front of us with systems that never end.

Can never get BiS.
Can never stop grinding neck levels.
Hell, you can’t even cap a reputation anymore because hey it just COD prestiged! Time to go farm a box from it!.

Having to play in ultrafarm mode for every second of the expansion burns people out, makes them not care about their character, despise the game, or all three.