We can all have our personal opinions on how we feel about titan forging, but here is a fact for everyone.
This game has been bleeding subs ever since they started catering to the casual. Titan forging is just another thing designed to reward casuals that has contributed to ruining this game.
I would bet thousands of dollars on this idea…take titan forging out of the game and subs will go up.
As a leather wearer you should actually know why having master loot in this expansion without tier to help would be an extremely bad idea. Oh right you aren’t playing this character…
Blizzard has -extremely- biased developers in some regards. “Think of the casuals!” bias.
Want to know why class design is dull? Think of the casuals.
Want to know the progression in WoW is no longer based on the group, but rather the individual? Think of the casuals.
Why is everything so repetitive? Think. of. the. casuals.
The game isn’t designed to be played with friends or a team. It’s an MMO in name, but not in spirit.
I’ve gotten to work with Blizzard on some ideas on class design due to my background. I can assure you, just like any human, Blizzard devs can make the wrong choice. I’ve watched issues I flagged during early alpha testing go unchanged, only to be redesigned mid-expansion – or in most cases, nerfed into the ground, effectively removing that talent and playstyle.
I don’t have to escape their reasons, if their reasoning is weak. There is no reason Titanforge procs can go from 370 to 415+ EXCEPT for the “oh cool” factor. It’s so incredibly rare it almost never happens, right? Then why make it a part of the system? Why not say “Wow, this 370 McTitanforged into a 385, a max level roll!”
Then why take away something people would VERY CLEARLY enjoy?
Provide a source to when they started ‘catering to casuals’ ? I want a source not your opinion when they started.
You would lose your thousand of dollars if the only thing they changed was removing titanforging because there are a lot more people using titanforging as a reason to repeat content than their is that is QQ about it.
There’s probably just as many people who aren’t playing alts because they might lose out on the chance at a TF on their main if they did the content on another character.
Blizzard has made some dumb design choices. The two newest classes both Leather types after all. The next one needs to be Mail or Cloth.
Blizzard can weight the item drops according to armor classes in the raid group. But limit it so bringing 15 leather types and 5 of everything else wouldn’t always drop Leather.
Guess what you can do with Personal Loot? All those Leather users? Yeah, you should think of them as bonus rolls. All you did you replace “reserve groups” was create “All Plate/Leather” groups. If Cloth and Mail had tanks you’d be right to assume they’d use the same, exact exclusions.
Oh, and those groups are pretty rare. About as rare as “reserve” groups with ML.
How odd they didn’t bother doing this then when we had master loot, it was known to be a problem yet so many people didn’t complain.
Those groups weren’t rare at all, both expansions I did any amount of raiding I was in groups that were over 60% leather wearers.
When this debate about master loot started. I went and looked up the raid composition of some of the strongest supporters of master loot and guess what, they were very often the only one of their gear type in the raid group.
So yes leather wearers benefit now and the other guys don’t - about time the pendulum swung the other way.
That’s interesting because I play with friends every day. I’m not going down the rabbit hole of you crapping on casuals, who make up the vast majority of players, as an explanation of why WoW isn’t great anymore. It’s ridiculous at best.
Cool. I care because? None of that makes any difference whatsoever on the topic. It’s your long winded way of saying, “my anecdotal experience is more better than your anecdotal experience and my opinion is right and Blizzard’s is wrong!” Cool story bro?
Ah, the fallback hyperbole meme of McForging. Still waiting on anything remotely substantial here…
Strawman much? That’s not what I said. I said it’s extremely advantageous for a guild to do ML over doing PL. That doesn’t equivocate to the people in those guilds liking it more. While it’s impossible to ever get real numbers, I’d put money on the average player in an anonymous poll preferring PL over ML any day of the week by leaps and bounds. People go along with it because they don’t have a choice, one because they don’t have the power to opt out and two because there weren’t options for them to join that used PL because of how advantageous to a guild it is to use it. But you know that, you’re just dishonestly responding to my point.
titan forging benefits hardcore and semi-hardcore players just as much as it does casual players. Even more so since playing the game more results in more titanforges
This is exactly what I would expect a selfish player who doesn’t care about his team to say. If you are a part of a real raid team, you don’t care if the gear goes to you or not, you only care about the group as a whole getting stronger, so you can progress quickly. Seeing gear go to waste because of personal loot is one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had in the game.
You realize when you have most of the gear going to one or two people, the group DOES NOT benefit. It is the plate wearer who is the only one in the group who benefits, not the group - that one person.
I can’t believe someone actually replied to me like that - you call me selfish, that reply makes you what ?