I agree, problem is Blizz is really stubborn now when they make changes so I honestly don’t see anything changing for this xpac.
I don’t know when you started reading this thread but people have been talking about how the problem with TF and WF is how there is no degree of control for raiding guilds. Most if not all of the people who don’t like the system are raiders. If you are not a raider which I’m betting you are not then you would care less about the system. Raids need to be able to distribute loot as they see fit. Its a team. Not a group of individuals. The best raid groups are the ones who share the loot properly and work as team to defeat content.
It’s a little snarky, I’ll agree. But it’s bluntly honest at the same time. I don’t feel the compulsion to pander to people and pretend that their fallacious arguments have any merit. And even when called on it they, hell even you, argue as if fallacious arguments have any merit at all. I dunno what to tell you, learn to make arguments that are logically sound? Educate yourself on common fallacies (like you tried to use) and learn not to make garbage arguments.
It was abused in PUGs by reserving loot. It was made VERY clear what was reserved either way. (Hint: Don’t join those groups. Or do. I’m not gonna tell you how to spend your time.)
I didn’t think you were ignorant, but it’s very clear you’ll degress into hyperbole to support your arguments. Also, you didn’t really say anything…as all of your statements were hollow. “Abused” is laughable at best. (EDIT: Because why should guilds not have ML? If optional PUGs were doing it, why punish guilds when we clearly have the tech to determine a guild group?)
Most guilds would go back to Master Loot, you say? Why? Because they like it more? Shame on them, right?
Your attacks are terrible I’m pretty sure you’re a troll now, no more food for you. Just gonna ignore and talk to people who have valid points.
I’m like… 90% sure no one would have issues with the Thunderforging model, and maybe extending it to +5/+10/+15.
You should be awarded for the content you participate in. Ands that content has a known difficulty through various metrics, most notably, Completion Percentage (unique players with at least 1 kill of all participats), Number of Attempts per Successful kill (victory rate), and Effort (time spent).
If Warfont have a 99% victory rate, and LFR Wings have a 85% victory rate, Warfronts should probably be less rewarding than LFR.
Even if rare, it’s common enough to proc decent bonuses, and repeatable enough to be farmed for viable upgrades. All these systems do is make inflate the average item level of players and make the content they would actually enjoy become less incentivized.
My casual guild is a Normal mode guild at best. We’ll take our time with Heroic ofc. But Normal is so unrewarding for us we don’t bother with it. The team labelled it a waste of time, so we’re no longer doing it. They exact reason was “the loot isn’t good enough, we don’t want to fish for titanforges.”
I imagine it’s the same for many players outside my circle.
Exactly, why raid when you can get better gear outside of it for half the effort? I love raiding because I enjoy the team aspect above all. Part of being a team is the ability and grow and get better with your friends. My guild did the same thing. We raided heroic Uldir for a couple months and were starting mythic. Soon people stopped showing up. Right after all the 370 gear came out in world quest, the gear from warfronts people felt it wasn’t worth it to raid for a chance to get one item and one you may not even need from a 3 hour raid commitment.
There’s also just no reason to raid normal for 385 gear when you can grind +5/6 Mythic+ dungeons for that level gear.
Why pretend that Blizzard themselves didn’t tell us that they removed ML and explicitly cited player abuse as one of the primary reasons? We all have our anecdotal experiences. We’ve all read things on the forums. We’ve all had friends tell stories to us about their experiences. We can accept Blizzard’s justifications for removing it and intentions for how they’d like the loot system to function or we don’t. I do. Clearly you don’t. Arguing about it is irrelevant.
What hyperbole? My experiences are no less anecdotal than yours. I pointed at Blizzard, the only real authority on the matter and their explanation.
Whether most guilds would transition back to it if it were available doesn’t matter. As I said, it’s like pretending that “don’t fly if you don’t like it!” is an answer to someone who is in favor of delayed flight. There’s a reason they don’t give us flight right away. Because no one would make the choice to be constrained whether or not it was better for the game as a whole if the experience didn’t include flying. Same deal here. The advantage for the guild to use ML over PL is so enormous that almost no guild that does any current content would choose not to. Pretending that there would be choice is just being dishonest.
I’m confused how would you know? All you have done on mythic this expansion is Taloc. Master loot is objectively a non-issue, the only issue is people’s feelings but in reality personal loot is a better system and gears guilds up faster proven fact by method and how fast they are able to gear people up through personal loot.
You do realize in interviews after the Uldir race, Method said when asked, that Personal Loot negatively affected them right?
It does gear up people faster if everyone has 5 alts and your guild has 250,000,000 gold to spend on professions.
No argument here. I can see why they would want personal loot in PuG groups. But for guild groups it should be a choice.
no it didn’t negatively affect them, they just didn’t like running tons of split runs to exploit it. But in the end it helped them kill Jaina faster.
So it’s a better system for everyone because the top guild in the world had the time and resources to exploit it… Yikes
Yeah but it didnt have a socket…so it sucked.
If you are determining your self worth by comparing yourself to others and the others don’t give a damn, then of course you are going to hate people who aren’t competitive.
You may be like that but others aren’t.
I used to be competitive but it made me unhappy more than happy so I changed.
Having to run tons of splits is, on it’s own, a negative thing. You wouldn’t have to do so many splits if personal loot was an option.
The other issue with WF and TF is that when a piece of gear drops for you, even if it’s an upgrade, but it’s just a baseline piece that didn’t WF or TF or roll a gem slot. If feels bad. It’s always going to feel bad because you know, it always could have been better. This system makes baseline gear effectively garbage.
Sure they would - OP would be in the same situation that started this thread. Someone who barely plays and doesn’t do the same content he does gets something and he doesn’t.