Yes. Mostly because I’m heavily for empowering people over guilds. I’d be in favor of tweaks to the PL system that make it easier to trade gear that isn’t actually better than what someone has, whether that’s a built in stat weight feature that scores a given piece and lets you trade it if it’s higher ilvl but lower score than another looted piece or some other method to cleanup the quirks right now, but I don’t ever want ML to see a return in any level of content. I like players getting loot instead of bosses having loot that gets distributed.
This guy gets it.
Edit: Itemlevels have been wonky mostly because they staggered the release of the raid catchup content and the actual raid allowing people to gear to pseudo normal BD levels without actually entering the raid. Forging didn’t cause a problem. Blizzard already acknowledged the release schedule wasn’t a great idea after the fact and that they shouldn’t have done that schedule.
I’m not sure I like how the devs and managers are handling this. Especially on this thread. People have complained about forging for a while now; ignored. People have complained about personal loot only for a while too; ignored. People have legitimate complaints, myself included. I was literally kicked from my raid group during Argus, a group I’ve been with since LICH KING! because I don’t do high M+'s. That hurt. Yeah I could try to find another more understanding group but everything is group finder these days and my group had a fair point; raiding requires more than just raiding now. My gear suffered cuz I didn’t like doing certain content. I wanted to raid, get raid gear, then raid harder. Can’t do it anymore. But when people say these stories were met with questions and doubts from the managers. How would we change things? How do feel about X? Where literally telling you right now bro! It feels bad that people get rewarded for casual content with equivalent or sometimes better gear than high end content. Doesn’t matter how often it happens. Shouldn’t happen at all.
That’s not the point of guilds. You don’t join a guild, especially a raid guild for self empowerment. It’s a team game and generally if you’re in a raid guild you know what you’re signing up for. If you’re raiding with the mindset I’m doing this for me and anything I get after a group effort is strictly mine and mine alone unless I say so is… not very conducive to the guild environment. This is especially true once someone joins a mythic level guild, you know what you’re getting into and you understand the level of teamwork that takes place. If you want to have the mindset of people over guilds, then you have the pug mentality. There’s nothing wrong with that or being casual, but if you take the time and effort to be in a guild and even a mythic raid guild, the guild should be empowered to have the choice of loot distribution.
Your anger is noted but if you are actually raiding then show your main and not an alt. My point is if you raid master loot affects you, if you don’t raid it has zero affect on you. You made a statement about guilds not treating you right with loot. I just find that hard to believe with no recent raid history. So please explain to me how master looter have negatively affected you previous to BFA.
Last thing you are the one who is being aggressive and telling people they are whining because they do not like an aspect of the game. You are contributing nothing to the conversation except I believe a made up story about being denied loot due to master looter in a guild setting. Personal loot is just fine for pug situations, guilds who are raiding should have more control over the distribution of loot because it affects progression. It never helps to concentrate loot on 2 or 3 people. You need the group to get gear to be successful.
This is who they are designing WoW for now unfortunately. The selfish solo player who doesn’t care to make friends or socialize. Avagon is proof of that.
How can a trial be exploited when they know going in to it what the rules are? If they don’t like the trial system they can find another guild. If guilds have really bad trial systems, they won’t last long in this day and age of WoW. We went thru 61 raiders from the start of Uldir to the end. So many people quit or stopped raiding.
You do realize that a trial last in most guilds for no longer then a couple weeks. Even then there is a better then likely chance that some gear will not be wanted and the trial can grab stuff. The goal of any guild that is trying to recruit is to keep the people who trial in the guild. You conduct a trial because you want to see how that person fits in with the group, are they a team player, do they have a good attitude, do they study fights and their character. The goal is to make sure both parties are compatible with each other. The last thing a guild wants to do is bring someone new and give them no gear for the next couple months. My guild had a dkp system where the trial would get dkp during their 2 week trial. Once accepted most would get their first piece of gear they bid on within a week of making raider. As hard as it is to find raiders you can not risk losing them to loot issues.
It was a minor issue because guilds had control. Now its all RNG and luck and people who are putting in the time in effort to build a raid group are getting nothing in return. Master loot in Guild Groups fixes this problem.
Again, any argument about the character on display and not about my position, any argument made predicated upon assumptions of my experience based upon this specific character, they’re all fallacies. Stop trying to attack me or discredit my opinion. Debate the points I make.
But at best you glossed over my posts. I didn’t say I was treated wrong. I said I’ve seen ML abused. That doesn’t equivocate to I was denied loot. In the bulk of my game time progression raiding I was an officer in the guilds I’ve been in. I’ve seen EPGP manipulated. I’ve seen loot council bias against and for people not predicated upon their effort or skill but upon their friendships/relationships. As far as what you find hard to believe, I don’t care whether you believe me or not. I’m not interested in nor do I need your approval.
As far as whether you dislike PL, that’s your opinion. You’re entitled to it. You may not like that I’m calling people on their garbage arguments because you’re in favor of ML but I’m not sweating that. “But your character!” lol, silly kids who think that’s an argument. “But player choice!!!” There wasn’t any. Stop being dishonest. “ML wasn’t abused!” Yes it was. Enough that it was cited by the developers as a reason for removal. I could go on but it doesn’t matter. Hell the thread isn’t even about ML. It’s about the same people who cry about ML crying about TF. Let’s get back to that shall we?
Calling peoples arguments garbage hmmm sounds like someone is a angry child. You may need to get some sleep in order to debate this like an adult. If you have seen abuses by a guild that you were in then leave it, if you don’t trust the people you raid with why are you there? I can go to guild recruitment right now and find 100’s of guilds desperate for people. No one can force someone to stay in a bad guild. I have never been in a guild that I thought was biased with loot or anything else. I trusted my guildmates to be honest and if I felt for a second they weren’t I would have left, you have a choice where you raid. I am really curious why you are even in a guild. Do you raid anything above LFR?
Mythic difficulty raids should allow for the option to use Master Loot. This would realistically only affect a very small percentage of raiding the community.
WF should be limited to +5 item levels while TF caps at +10.