Heh, another who just looks at the character I’m posting on and jumps to conclusions about the content I do. Master loot is gone. It’s not coming back. Whining about it on the forums isn’t going to change that fact.
Class stacking/Armor type stacking and Master Loot are two separate issues.
Context of where people are coming from in experience or level of play is relevant information.
The difference is your claim isn’t supported by Blizzard or my personal experience. Hell, Blizzard explicitly called out social pressures as a justification for the change to the way raid loot was distributed. But by all means, you have the solution to your problem, just go split raid with everyone of the same armor type. Or don’t and find a way to come to terms with the fact that PL is here to stay.
No, it’s not. It’s like telling a sports fan that he’s not a professional player so he can’t have an opinion. It’s an ad hominem, a fallacious attack on a person instead of debating their position. And it’s just an incorrect assessment to boot. It’s the debate methodology of people who know they don’t have any substantive position to argue.
That’s because guilds actually didn’t abuse Master Loot. Nobody actually knows why it was taken away. How can a guild stick around for years if they continually mis handle loot? It doesn’t even make sense. Either way, back to the topic. Titanforging needs to go.
The problem with chalking it up to social pressures is that they completely gloss over the fact that there’s a difference between a guild run and a pug raid.
In guild raids you should know what you are getting into, most guilds have loot rules, raid rules in place. You are entering an agreement by joining that you understand and agree to the terms of the raid. There wouldn’t be social pressure to give something up as generally it was already understood that this is how loot distribution works.
In a pug raid sure, Master Loot could be problematic with the leader just passing it out as they see fit, but honestly, if you join a raid and the loot is set to Master Loot and you stick around, that’s kind of your own fault if it gets abused and you suffer.
Whatever you need to tell yourself. It’s not like we don’t have top Blizzard employees telling us exactly why they got rid of it or anything
Link it then please.
It’s literally a gambling mechanism to inflate the time played metric, the drops you get are random, the tertiary stats on them are random, a gem slot is random, how high ilvl it can forge to is random.
They don’t do this for any other reason than to inflate your time played so it looks good for investors after they stopped using sub numbers as a metric in WoD.
It does matter. People who don’t raid/play at the same level shouldn’t have opinions on how things should be handled at those levels. LFR raiders shouldn’t have a say on things that would affect Mythic raiders and visa versa. Having Master Loot back in the game at the Mythic level raids wouldn’t affect anyone outside of that level, so anything below it shouldn’t have a say whether it came back as Mythic only or not.
Ah, that argument again. It’s wrong. That’s been addressed numerous times, even by Blizzard. How many guilds doing any current content used PL when ML was available? It’s like telling people who don’t like flying that they can just not fly. There’s a massive advantage to using ML over PL. Pretending that it’s an actual legitimate choice is silly.
Right, so if people would always take ML over PL, then why would you take away the preferred option lol.
When your opinion of who is allowed to have an opinion means anything at all I’ll be sure to check with you before expressing mine to get approval. Might not want to hold your breath or anything waiting for that day to come.
You can always google the Q&A’s from Blizzard and the blue posts that explained it at the time if you’re confused about why it was removed.
Why would having Master Loot in Mythic difficulties affect you or why would you be against that?
Citation needed*
I’ve still haven’t seen these unicorn lfr raiders that come close to mythic ilvl. In fact when asked to pony up they just gonna go back to “but muh epics”.
Yea the ilvls this xpack have been wonky. I can’t refute that. But wf/tf ranks WAY low on my “whats killing the game” list
Class balance and fun
The story is almost as bad as my immortal. Seriously did the writers just copy and paste something from fanfiction dot net?
Lack of meaningful communication. No list of what they aim to fix with patches or any list of issues blizzard is aware of.
Leveling is tedious and unfun.
Asking others to dig up sources to your claims. Very nice
The problem with personal loot is that it detracts from the entire group experience in raids. You are supposed to be a group of people killing something together to get rewards as a group that you can decided as a group where it goes. The fact that it’s automatic and personal takes away the group aspect of the reward and makes it individual.
No, it is not. You just made that opinion up. I do however know people that quit over allied races being locked and leveling being a steaming pile of crap.