Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

What if you and your fellow raiders ask your guild leadership to use Personal Loot?

The reason I’d prefer to use ML is to funnel gear to players who continuously show up. I don’t care if you parse in the top 5 percentile or if you hover around 50th. That is how the majority of guild operate outside of eDKP and PL.


I looked at his achievements actually which are account wide and he has no mythic achvcievements and no heroic raid clears in BFA.

You didnt attack him at all. Nothing wrong with asking people who wouldnt have been affected by ML why they need it removed. Why attack something you have no part in?

Time to move away from personal attacks now.

Polarizing topics with many opinions. Just move on.

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My mage alt is getting close to that status. Nearly 390 with no raiding and only 2-3 low level (literally +2) Mythic+. My alt shaman which has even less effort than that has a higher ilevel weapon than my main character that I’ve put in literally 20x the hours. That one in particular stings.

My main Hunter is 404 equipped, and even though I raid every week I am not wearing a single piece of gear that has dropped for me in BoD. That’s messed up. I am wearing one BoD piece, but it was a reward from the weekly dungeon event. I literally ran to the last boss of Freehold 4 times over the course of 20 minutes and got it. My loot luck in raids is not that great I guess. Was not a problem with master loot because eventually it was my turn to get a piece of loot I actually needed (we used EPGP and never had any loot drama whatsoever). Also, if raid loot was higher quality such as tier sets or trinkets that are even half as good as their dungeon counterparts (seriously why do raid trinkets universally suck this expansion?) then this would be less of a problem in my particular case.

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Why do you jump to the conclusion I’m ignorant of why people used ML simply because I don’t have the same opinion you do about it being gone? Hell, I used ML for most of my time playing WoW up til WoD. I know exactly why people use it. I also know how it’s abused and why if it was available as a choice everyone would immediately revert back to it. No thanks. I’m happy where we’re at now.

Are you ok with how personal loot is abused or no?

In what respect?

If you’re talking about guilds who use addons to manage loot distribution on tradable pieces? The power dynamic has changed such that the power is in the hands of an individual, that’s on top of a given player being unable to trade away large ilvl upgrades automatically due to the higher ilvl restriction. Ultimately I don’t think there’s ever going to be a perfect system that isn’t exploitable or has problems. There are definitely things I don’t like about the system, such as having a 1h and an offhand on a caster and then getting a lower ilvl 2h and it won’t let a player trade it if they haven’t had a higher ilvl 2h before. But overall I see it as an improvement.

If you’re talking about something else I’ll need more context to respond.

I think the community is almost unanimous in wanting WF/TF caps. It’s been echoed over and over:

LFR shouldn’t TF above Normal
Normal shouldn’t TF above Heroic
Heroic shouldn’t TF above Mythic


Citation needed. Thanks.

Reading comprehension my friend. He gave detailed reasons why there is a problem and quite honestly, if you think everything is fine then you may be one of the people happy with welfare epics and trivial content. That’s fine but it is slowly killing this game.

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Getting a socket is like Titanforging.

Definitely wrong.

Mythic guilds should have the option to use Master Loot over Personal Loot at the very least.


You put yourself in this situation. Blizzard doesn’t control your sense of entitlement or elitism.


You don’t even raid…master loot has no bearing on you at all. You do LFR and LFR has always been personal loot. If you have been in guilds that used master loot and abused it then you leave. As a raider of 13 years the last thing you wanted to do in the last few xpacs was lose good people over loot issues. It isn’t like wrath where you would have 7 or 8 apps a day trying to get into raiding guilds. Honestly, in all my time raiding and I have done hardcore raiding and some more casual raiding, never have I seen guild leadership steal loot for themselves. A bad rep can destroy a guild pretty fast.


Agree. Like TF its way over weighted and unnecessary

Talking about how you can have a raid of 30 plate or 30 leather to ensure all drops are that armor type. Many progression guilds use this to funnel gear to certain players and it is much more effective than Master Loot was.

Top 100 guilds are going to do crazy stuff. They talked about this exact issue in a recent Q&A and I’m in agreement. Further restriction to the system to prevent the extreme fringe cases where this happens isn’t beneficial to the average player. If there was a magical solution that would prevent it but wouldn’t place undue burdens on everyone else I wouldn’t be opposed. But hey, since it’s so easy to abuse you can just do that right? I mean, if that fixes all your problems just split raid with all leather or plate.

I mean that is probably the same amount of guilds that abused Master Loot.

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