Just because competition isn’t created innately by the game doesn’t mean it’s not an important part of it’s identity or a motivating factor for a substantial amount of the population.
The entire reason I even play wow still has everything to do with epeen stroking. The content otherwise is too boring and braindead, and running the same thing for months on end would be boring in-and-of itself.
I don’t care what the reasons you have for not wanting to cater to my type of mindset, but I can tell you that wow has historically allowed my mindset to exist in a better state for longer than it has discouraged it, and I obviously only care about what I like in the matter of “how should wow be designed” because if I’m not happy, I’m not playing it, and if I’m not playing it, it might as well not exist for all I care.
So please, take your veiled selfishness and mindset that just happens to align with their apparent current customer favoritism and shove it. From Software manages to make better games with players that have better mindsets but far fewer sales and still be happy. Wow would survive just fine on 33% of it’s current population. It’s just those people are harder to please and tighter on the wallets.
My greed…Just because I don’t need a guild to do my minute part of group content like taking down a boss, does not mean people like myself are ruining the game. That’s a very silly way of thinking. I solo because I personally like the solitude without others expectations. I don’t need someone there to make my day or night complete when logging into this game.
Everything is the reason people leave in ‘droves’.
People with control issues will always burn themselves out unless blizzard totally controls them and the amount of content they can do, aka, gate everything, put caps on everything. Then what would happen is other people would leave in frustration and the people with control issues still wouldn’t be happy, in fact, they probably would be more unhappy.
Don’t use personal control issues as a basis for keeping game systems.
Nearly every good developer out there acknowledges proper game design takes into account that, if you let them, players will farm 24/7 for power increases, and they discourage it via mechanisms you’re talking about intentionally to save players from themselves. The less-desirable game makers (mobile market scumbags) are the ones that forego this and intentionally prey upon people. Not that I’m normally against it; I just hate when people getting preyed upon also impact my gameplay because I’m competitive and now it’s an arms race I have to contend with that I really don’t want to.
Farming does that mean doing content or just out killing bears. There once was a time killing bears or whatevers helped you level. Why in gawds sake would anyone just want to farm creatures when there is a whole world to be seen and fun quests to be done. The days of critter farming is over.
I disagree, I don’t believe that progressing and beating the content is worse then having no incentive to ever go into that content to begin with.
It is okay to have an end-goal, to have a finish line. If you have all your BIS gear, that is essentially that finish line, and getting that BIS gear from outside the very content you aim to do doesn’t make much sense to me. As others have said, the MOP system was significantly better, it still let you keep improving your character slightly but through the content you were already doing, not random activities that had nothing to do with the content.
And it can and is being argued that Titanforging does not keep content relevant, but rather the opposite. Content becomes irrelevant when you can do easier activites and get the same rewards. The incentive to do end-game content is lost when the rewards from that content can be gained from some random dice roll off of significantly easier activities.
Like I said, it is okay to have a finish line. We dont need a slot machine handing out random bonus’ for lackluster activities that have nothing to do with the content you are trying to do, in an attempt to keep us repeating that content we have already beaten.
I am not sure why I am responding to you since you appear to totally lack the ability to comprehend anything I say but anecdotal evidence and psychological problems or whatever these people have are two different things.
SOME players will do this. Most players do not. In fact, Ion has addressed this issue previously a few years ago, saying that people are more able to control themselves than they are often given credit for.
the problem isnt what gear other people have, the problem is disproportionate reward to effort put in. my guild killed mythic blockade last night. most people got 415 ilvl gear. but that means squat when anyone can do literally any bfa content that gives gear and receive welfare 425s.
That person was saying TF/WF causes people to burn out. That is their anecdotal experience. It pertains to them and their experiences with what has come from the system. This doesnt make it true for everyone. You for example seem to love it and therefore its safe to assume you dont share that experience
This whole thread is full of people that are for/against it for their own reasons. No need to get salty
You know for years mythic raiders went around saying they didn’t raid for gear and yet here you are saying your accomplishment is meaningless because someone somewhere might have got a piece of 425 from doing something less.
And stop with this insulting welfare - no one is getting 425s mail to them for doing absolutely nothing.
You seem to not understand that, for my goals and aspirations, the few people who would be willing to do this are the people I’m directly competing against. Even if they’re not, there’s still this looming feeling of "man, what IF I just played ever slot machine in the casino? Could you imagine?
Just because the majority don’t engage in it means nothing. All it takes is one raid where someone I’d normally trounce happens to outgear me so badly that it allows the opposite, and I’m upset.
This has happened multiple times already and continues to happen.
til literally every raider in the world universally agreed as a hivemind that the reward for raiding was killing bosses and the accomplishments, not the loot.
part of the prestige behind getting the loot is it was better loot than anyone had. if you wanted high ilvl, you did the hard content.
these past few cycles of tortollan emissaries, multiple people in my guild has gotten 425 rings/trinkets just for doing 3 turtle quests.
I have a 425 socketed belt from an underrot 12. underrot 12 is trivial content.
I don’t even understand that because the chances of getting titanforged gear out of any of the content I do would make it laughable. Maybe what needs to happen is for the rate of titanforging to be reduced in all content to the rate it is in world content because I never go out there thinking I am going to get a piece of titanforged gear and getting depressed I didn’t.