Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Same reason anyone does farm content, dem parses bro, need dem oranges or that elusive off white :open_mouth:

See the problem? the community doesn’t see this problem, but a big company actually knows what is good and healthy for their playerbase.

Ehhhh lol

dem parses? you think actually every single player care about logs or RaiderIO score?

Lets get real dude please.

Funniest line in this entire thread. God you made me spit out my drink

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Ya because you are negative and sheeple. Pretty sure if asmongold says “flying is bad” you would agree.


There is NOTHING every single player cares about

I havent watched 3 minutes of anything asmongold has ever posted. Try again

TF / WF system is not content, stop acting like grinding out TF / WF gear is fun or efficient or a reason to keep playing.

There is not a single person playing this game who thinks “i was going to stop playing, but the hope for a TF / WF piece of gear keeps me going”. Literally not one single person.

In fact it’s the opposite, this horrible system is making people unsub.

BiS takes months to acquire.

So…what’s your point? Spend months playing a lottery simulator, or spend months actually progressing towards a goal with light at the end of the tunnel?


Not with Personal loot - Maybe back then with masterloot and rolling against 40/25 people sure.

But nowadays, you actually get loot from the run almost like 3-4 loot per run.

Do I need to mention Mythic+ or other sources? If there was no TF - You could actually BIS your within a month.

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lol no, just no

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He is asking questions based on hypotheticals to try and understand what exactly the problem is so that he has something to offer developers. It takes more than “this feels bad” or, “it does not motivate me”. They then take what he receives and try and fashion a solution that will make everyone happy, or probably at best nobody miserable. That question in no way says “I think you are wrong”

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Lol no what dude? go clear full Heroic BoD… sure you can get out with 1 loot or nothing, but that doesn’t mean it happen for everyone though?

My luck is fine, I’m mostly getting at least if anything 2 loot and that’s super awkward bad luck run.

Now the bar is moving around

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Whats your problem dude?

Nothing. I find you comical. Its a good quality to have

The most fun I’ve ever had in game was when I had a full set of BiS pvp gear during warlords on my warrior. I didn’t have to worry about losing because I didn’t have the numbers to beat another player- if I lost it was because I wasn’t playing at a high enough level, and if I won it was because I was.

I know this is a little off topic (but maybe not that much) but WoW has always been most fun to me when the gameplay has been the draw, not increasing a number (ilvl) so that I can be confident in my ability to engage with that gameplay.

This isn’t just about PvP, it’s everything. The mage tower challenges were compelling in themselves. The Suramar campaign was compelling in itself. PvP is compelling in itself. Increasing a number isn’t fun, it’s simply an obstacle.

I think that pressure to increase the number instead of just engaging with the gameplay is what causes the -forging anger. If there’s always a better number out there, then you are never at that sweet spot where it’s the gameplay that matters. You’re always just trying to make sure you are able to engage with the gameplay. Does that make any sense?


A player can get fully Heroic raid level geared without ever setting foot within a Heroic raid.

Worse, it is actually significantly faster and easier to get Heroic geared outside of raiding.

I will easily get Mythic raid level geared long before the next Tier comes out and i will never have set foot in a Mythic raid.

This is a broken system that kills content, it gives me nothing to do, it destroys raiding, it destroys PvP, it destroys Dungeons.

I would try and do Mythic raiding if there was actually gear for me to aim for, but why bother doing that hard content when it is far more easier and faster to get a TF piece of gear from a Cache.

Keep being sheeple and negative.

“sheeple” Ha. Youre killing it!

It’s getting really cringe now. enjoy your drink. /failfish