Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

By default it is Heroic level and yeah I don’t mind if it does upgrade because that is rare and doesn’t make a difference.

I don’t think I hate it so much.

What I DO hate is receiving the same item again warforged with a 5 ilvl difference and NOT being able to give it to a guildie that needs it more than me.

Absolutely disgusting absurd bs imo. That’s just my dramatic opinion.


If your (speaking generally here) enjoyment of the game is impacted by loot someone else gets, that says nothing about the loot system and a whole lot about you. Doubly so when anyone starts talking about whether or not the person “deserves” the loot or how it detracts from their efforts.


I haven’t had time to push all the content in the game for 3 xpacs. It was not a problem until this xpac. I choose to raid, I committed to my guild to raid 2 nights per week for 3 hours each night. Our plan was to finish heroic and then as much mythic as possible. As I said before, in legion this approach worked for me. I could raid my 2 days knock out some world quest for some AP and maybe a mythic dungeon. I played my paladin last xpac and even with limited playing time with doing raids I felt compensated for the time put in. Did I have the best gear? No, but I had a chance at it and I did get one or two BIS items. In BFA this style of play is not supported. You have to do a hard grind for the necklace because of traits, you no longer have a clear path to raid loot because its all luck, less incentive for guild mates to come raid when they know they can miss a few raids pop back in and get what they need.

As I stated before, in Uldir I got 6 of the same item and multiples of other items. If master loot was still in game I just would not have asked for them. Now you get a duplicate item your chance of getting what you need goes way down. I don’t know why this is difficult to understand about how the effort put into something should dictate the reward. I remember in the Matrix when Morpheus was explaining why the first Matrix failed, he said the machines gave people everything they wanted and they rebelled. Some people enjoy free hand outs and easy loot, I prefer to work for it and actually have a real chance to be rewarded for my effort.

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And what does a raid boss give when it’s on farm. Like 10 mins each. You can full clear the raid in 2-3 hours once you have it on farm. It’s far more efficient and rewarding to mythic raid. And if you go on Warcraft progress you’ll see all the highest ilvl players at 415ish ilvl right now are in fact mythic raiders.


See if CS will freeze your account. You can’t refund it, but you may be able to put it on hold.

Doesn’t this same argument also apply to world bosses, emissaries, and warfronts?

Better rewards relative to their difficulty.

Much faster and consistent gear to raid or mythic+.

wowprogress shows all the best geared people are raiders and high key pushers, etc.

And they are still significantly less rewarding than mythic+.

And obviously at the start of a tier if your in a guild that can go deep into mythic you’ll get faster gear there.

2-3 months in and it will be gray.

4-5 months and you won’t even be able to tell. All that time of getting caches will have their item level right up at 415-420.

Doing your 1 a week key is by far the most valuable and important gear progression activity in the game.

Getting rid of Warforging/Titanforging Pros Vs Cons:

Gear progression is meaningful again.
You can tell a person’s general level of experience at a glance.
No disappointed feeling when you loot a piece of gear that isn’t titanforged.
You will always be able to trade duplicate pieces of gear that drop.
Able to actually get the Carrot again (Return of the BiS list)

You won’t get a dopamine rush typically associated with gambling.
Can potentially achieve maximum gear status and will not have means to get higher item level gear.
Trivial/Old content has less replay-ability.


With titanforging since I can’t realistically ever reach a BiS point I just don’t care about gear at all. When titanforging wasn’t around I knew what gear I wanted and I went for it but now it’s like meh, whatever drops that’s good.

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Yep. The multi-layered RNG system with no consideration of time investment AND no control is awful. Even D3 gives you more control over your loot.

You are comparing to xpacs that are over 10 years old. What you are saying is completely invalid because the game has evolved so far from that point. In Vanilla and TBC if you were playing feral in a competitive raid environment I wouldn’t have the time to tell why shouldn’t have gotten gear over other classes. You should already know why. Also in the TBC and Vanilla tanks had to hit certain bench marks or they wouldn’t survive certain boss mechanics, for example they needed a certain amount of hit so taunts wouldn’t miss, or strength so they could block a certain attack. Tanks haven’t needed to get gear first since Cata when a lot of that was removed, please make a case on the current WoW not the one from 13 years ago.

The system also doesn’t happen often enough to make it really worthwhile. The average ilvl boost that most players are wearing is probably closer to a 1 to 2 ilvl over all gain than they’d have if it didn’t exist. For me, it’s more of an irritation because we gain so many pieces of gear that is below our upgrade ilvl that when a warforge or titanforge occurs it’s most likely just boosting a piece of gear that’s too low to a level that’s still too low to make it an upgrade.

It would be better if it just boosted gear to a max of +15 levels, but every piece of gear could get those +15 levels via some token “valor point for example”, but would take the user some time to gain those levels. So maybe a player gets 2 tokens per week and each token boosts an item by +5 levels to a maximum of “titanforged” status.

To those advocating the valor upgrade approach.

What would think of tying it to an item you can buy with valor every 1-2 weeks or whatever like MoP to upgrade your gear, but instead of buying the upgrade directly you bought an item that had to be combined with something crafted by blacksmithing, leatherworking, tailoring, or JC (plate/mail, leather, cloth, rings, etc.)

Steady progression upgrades and real value to those progressions in terms of items to sell.

It would still be limited by valor, so you can’t just buy all your upgrades at once with gold.

So like MoP gear drops with 0/2 upgrades and you can upgrade it with valor and under what you’re saying you could WF and have gear with 0/4 and TF and have gear with 0/5-15?

I often feel that there’s too much to do. We raid two nights a week; To get the most out of my neck i have to do daily emissary, run a +10, do islands, and then make sure i’ve done enough WQ to keep up with sending out missions. Once all of that is done, i need to either A: spend hours farming potions/food/flasks, B: farm gold, C: buy gold. Then… we get to titanforging. If i want to maximize my chances at finally getting a weapon upgrade, i need to also do heroic raid, normal raid, and LFR. If i want to go after BiS trinkets, i need to do uldir and most trinket WQ’s because my BIS trinket comes from Uldir (even a 400 would be better than most 415’s,) and then most WQ trinkets are better than current raid trinkets of similar ilvl.

In previous expansions, prior to legion, the time you needed to spend outside of raid content to be ready for raids and have completed all of the things you needed to maximize your chances at gear/dps upgrades for the week felt like far less of a burden. Obviously, during wod the only requirement was to login and send out missions/collect herbs from your garrison, but even prior to that the most you needed to do was complete the raids, do a daily dungeon, and complete a round of dailies until you’re rep capped and ilvl capped (in other words, there was an end.) Now days… there’s no end to the content you can do to maximize your output. In my opinion… that’s a double edged sword. Yes, it means there’s always something to do when you login, but, it also means you’ll never catch up if you don’t login and do everything every day.

This simply discourages me from logging in at all outside of mythic raids.

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I will never get why people are crying, you will never ever see a LFR/Normal kid running around in full 415+ it just won’t happen.

Sure he got lucky with 1 or 2 items but who actually cares? the rest of his gear is 370 or 380+.

The only issue I see is that you cannot BIS your main and I get it that’s frustrating. but if you can get everything from the Raid day 1 - Why would you run it again? And I’m speaking about pugs not Mythic raiding or progressing. Because you know there are 4 raid difficulties.

What’s the point of doing Heroic BoD if I got every single gear from the first 2 weeks? Why would I queue up for Heroic for the rest of the months?

See the problem? the community doesn’t see this problem, but a big company actually knows what is good and healthy for their playerbase.

Sure you can get mad as a hardcore raider but keep in my you represent 2% of the actual people that are pugging all over.


But it will not be missed either. Actually more people will be excited for BiS more often. So I think it out does any fake excitement people are kidding themselves about.

Personally I don’t mind titanforging but I kinda can get why some may feel bothered by it since they want a ‘end’ to gearing.

After saying…

Sorry, but not sorry. LOL. You are the one with the problem, and you want the entire game to be reworked to pander to your wishes.

This is never coming back for many, many reasons but the most prominent one is that the game is old.

And another good one is that people are not new at this game anymore. You have to use a combination of things today just to see if someone is possibly good. You still don’t know until you run with them.