Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Most people don’t do surveys.

I get that some people get a solid dopamine hit when they win the gear lottery. I don’t think this alone is synonymous with a rewarding and fulfilling gear system.

In Uldir I got 1 in a million 395 socketed Haste/mastery pants with avoidance. Literal BiS pants for last tier from an M+ weekly lootbox. I can definitely say I was way more excited when I won the roll for Deathbringers Will in ICC.


I love titanforging/warforging. As someone who will never step foot into a mythic + or do any raid other than LFR, it gives us a chance to get better than usual gear and contribute more to the big world bosses and group world quests, as well as making the overal world questing experience easier and better by increasing rewards available there as well.

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That is the excitement that the system in Mists of Pandaria wanted to introduce, which really was fun. The current swing of titanforging, sockets, and other stats with largely no set limits and locations, is where frustration lies. There are too many slot machine rewards, and excitement generated now is short-lived and artificial.

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It may not be but for some people it might be. I like it, I like the possibility of getting it. I don’t want it restricted because a group of people don’t think I deserve it.

I can totally understand this response; however, gear should be given according to a certain progression. If you do LFR, you should get LFR gear that prepares you to take on the challenge of Normal Raids. Then Normal Raids should give you gear to prepare you for Heroic, etc. You should not ever get mythic quality loot out of LFR or other non-Mythic difficulty content.

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Do you think people afk’ing in a warfront deserve the same gear as people killing Mythic Jaina?

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The people afk’ing in warfronts are very often the same ones killing mythic jaina. Don’t believe me, go and watch some of Josh’s stuff.

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Let me re phrase. Do you think the 370 geared LFR Raider who is watching Netflix and periodically moving their toon to not go afk deserves the same piece of loot than someone killing Mythic Jaina?

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I think a better question is do you think the reward from the Warfront should have a chance to be equal ilvl wise to killing any Mythic BoD boss

lol , how often does that happen? you get 355 gear from there. thats one hell of a tf XD.

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I strongly dislike the current version of random warforge/titanforge, random socket, and random tertiary showing up on gear. It makes getting gear almost no fun because the gear we get is almost never as good as it could be (in regards to ilvl of gear being equal to content completed). For example, my guild finally downed heroic ghuun for ahead of the curve and I got lucky enough to get the awesome shield from him. It was just the standard 370 ilvl bare bones version, which would be fine if the current random upgrades lottery machine system wasn’t in place. Not too long after acquiring this awesome shield from this hard to down boss, I got a 375 shield with the same secondary stats on it for pretty much no work at all from a world quest. That was a terrible feeling.

(This part of the post is mine from another recent thread on this issue) I hate that gear just randomly decides to get better. It means that every piece of gear you do hard work to earn is seconds away from being whipped into the trash can and that is a really bad feeling. Progression through gear that had static numbers based on the content it came from used to be a really fun and rewarding thing. The feeling of fulfillment from gear is cold and dead.

And I am, in no way, saying that catch up mechanics are a bad thing. Those are great as long as the gear rewarded isn’t overly powerful compared to what is current. Catch up gear is fine and should be just good enough to help you step into current end game content.

But this is just what I think. Have a good conversation and day, everyone.

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My DH alt has a 420 socketed ring from the weekly WF quest. So better than M Jaina gear. And all I do on my DH is farm herbs and ore.

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If you would stop trying to say people doing LFR and warfronts aren’t even playing, I might be able to answer your question seriously.

If you want to ask me if someone who does LFR and actually plays deserves mythic raid loot every time they kill a boss, no of course not. But since that doesn’t happen what is the issue with someone getting a piece of gear like that once or twice a year.

Give us back the old version of warforging from MoP, I think it was, where we would have to do content to get points to be able to slowly upgrade our gear 5ilvls at a time a couple times per piece of gear. Put static sockets back on gear. Completely get rid of tertiary stats, unless they are part of an enchant.

This way it would still be fun to gear since whatever you get is as good as it can be, for that level of content, aside from what is completely in your control (upgrading it through you doing content to earn points).

Around 15-20% of players in every warfront are legitimately AFK or just moving enough to not get booted; I think its not unfair to comment on the effort to loot ratio here.

if you cannot wrap your head around “i’m a mythic raider and we just downed Grong and i got a 415 cloak, dang that feels pretty good to equip”

/hearths to boralus

“hey theres a guy using my AH mount and hes got a the same piece off NORMAL grong and its TF with socket and better than mine”

yeah that feels really good to see



Definitely. I’d love to be able to “finish” a character each Tier, to allow me to play multiple characters, or even work towards gearing every specialization.

Now, I still don’t think gear should ever be able to Titanforge to +15 levels, just because I don’t like the idea of Heroic Gear matching Mythic gear.

Oh definitely, when I was still in school I never had the chance to push content so I generally raided casually. I didn’t need the better gear so it never bothered me in terms of general reward, raiding casually isn’t necessarily meant to be as rewarding anyways, it’s more for the Experience.

In prior expansions you could rely on what they had equipped to what they could generally handle content wise. For instance if a player had full Normal 10m ICC gear, it told you they did the content and got the reward from it. Currently, if I go to run Heroic BoD, and there is a player averaging 385-390 item level, there isn’t necessarily clear indications they generally earned the gear, most of it is probably World Quest gear, some dungeons, lucky Titanforging or maybe lucky World Boss bonus rolls.

That’s why there is a need for Logs, RaiderIO, ect., It’s a messy system right now.

It doesn’t matter much of how they get the gear, I just want players to run around with gear they earned and not gear they were handed.

I run higher keys with some very skilled Guild-mate of mines, between 10-15s, but our tank is a busy man and we sometimes have to find a PuG tank.

It’s very frustrating trying to find reliable players without having to look specifically for 405+ characters. I’ve seen geared tanks, that legitimately don’t know what they’re doing, they can’t hold aggro, they don’t interrupt, they don’t use mitigation or CC mobs. If I check RaiderIO I can see what they’ve run as a tank on what weeks, if they had a carry composition, what times they made, other things to consider.

I do this for less serious keys and the likes, I genuinely want for others to do their best and helping people fully understand the depths of thier class. It’s just having to teach people who are Heroic geared isn’t something that should ever be happening, but it has for me.

(I hope you have a nice weekend.)

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Sure it is. It is a stupid argument because people get carried in all kinds of content. Does the guy who dies within 5 seconds of a mythic boss pull deserve loot when his guild kills the boss with him dead ? Do mythic raiders who go and do normal deserve loot when they are able to skip all the mechanics on some fights ?

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Yes there is a flaw since the numbers of people in each group aren’t the same. So if you are trying to equate which feeling affects more people, I don’t think you want to go there.