I think when we compare to past expansions too, do you really want someone who has similar gear levels only from Arena in your raid? Though it wasn’t perfect, I much preferred separate gear paths with PVP stats to what we’ve had in recent years
Absolutely. That’s how it used to be. You would look and say, ok I need something off these 4 bosses and don’t need anything from these 4. At that point you could swap out for someone in your guild who needed something from those bosses you didn’t need.
The idea of achieving BiS gear is a good thing for an rpg. There should be an end point and a goal you can reach. The never ending carrot on a stick gear method works for ARPGs like Diablo, but it’s terrible in an MMO.
Because it was one boss on a weekly lockout with a limited loot table. It wasn’t every bloody thing that you do that has the potential to drop highly inflated i-level gear.
I don’t care about your gear. I don’t want to exclude you from getting a gear reward that you achieve in any way whatsoever. I simply want the reward to be indicative of the difficulty completed. For everyone. Not just casual players. Not just hardcore players. EVERYONE. No exclusions, no bias.
Ah yes… The American dream… If I work hard enough I should have higher status then others.
Or maybe it’s more like the separation of communities based on race.
I like the opportunity for equality even if it is just In a game.
Just be happy for achieveing the goals you set for yourself OP.
That has always existed in this game
Um… yes. If I’m in heroic or mythic raid gear, I don’t want to do warfronts for gear upgrades. I don’t want to want to do them. You can give me other reasons to do them — maybe they have achievements, or are part of the story, or are a good source of crafting materials — but I shouldn’t be running pug content for potential upgrades.
Yes I understand. The comments were specific to this thread. Now we have more ways to get high level gear besides raiding. Making it more equal for all play styles
I’ve always thought that gear from one specific content should be the best in that content. Like a 400 piece of raid gear should be better than a 400 piece of PvP gear in a raid, but worse in PvP.
I agree that resilience and hit/expertise kind of separated the gear paths which was a good thing. And there was always room for some overlap, like a couple PvP pieces in a raid wasn’t going to kill you.
My playstyle is to AFK in org. Can i have some loot? Or were you just saying youre glad high end gear drops for you and your playstyle?
Maybe if people complain enough they will start giving out 400 ilvl epics for ERP in Goldshire.
If that happens ill just screech
wHy dO YOu CArE wHaT oTHeRs GeT?!
Have you ever felt, at any point, that there isn’t enough to do in this game?
I’m not really sure what you’re implying. Does farming old or trivial content for titanforges count as content now? Can you clarify the point of that question?
Edit: It is not my intention that this be read in a hostile or rude way.
I have not looked at the market for gear lately. But yes it may be possible you can be afk in org, wait for stuff to sell and buy your gear.
And i bet you have the intelligence to understand what meant. I could be wrong.
Why do you care about turtle trinkets? Most of them are badly itemized compared to something like https://www.wowhead.com/item=165571/incandescent-sliver&bonus=4798:1507 which you actually do have to raid to get.
But then id actually have to click the AH and thats not my playstyle
I’m going to go ahead and chime in here.
What bothers me the most about titanforging is the lack of control you have. I get that gear still drops today like it always has, but historically we had tools like reforging, more gem sockets, and more enchants available to bolster our stat of choice. Now we’re we’re heavily reliant on RNG and stat choice is completely thrown out the window when we get a beefy titanforge.
RNG on top of RNG is feels awful in a reward system, and you can pretty much guarantee that any reward system in the future that has more than one layer of RNG with not be well received. Right now loot can roll tertiary stats, warforge, titanforge, and sockets on a random chance to drop a random piece from the loot table.
If WoW was more Diablo where you could grind and grind and grind until you get every piece that you want, I think it titanforging would feel a little different. With time-gated sources of loot we’re just expecting to be disappointed after waiting a week. Yeah it feels great when you have a good roll, but keep in mind that gear becomes obsolete every patch, and that WoW players like having something to work towards. This is where a lot of people feel the devs are out of touch.
I understand why Ion said that they can’t have the valor point gear upgrades like in MoP because of how ilvl inflates way too much between tiers as a result, but how does titanforging not contradict that point? Running a raid again hoping for Azerite to get residuum feels WAAAAAAY better than titanforging, and it pretty much serves the same purpose.
With all that said, I think there should also be a place for professions to fill that gap when it comes to lack of gear control in PvE. (see my last post). I know you guys don’t like taking suggestions, but a non-RNG suppliment to the reward system should have some way of being able to compete with a titanforged piece with non-ideal stats.
Sometimes it feels like there’s too much to do, sometimes it feels like not enough; each can be tough on players, but I think these feelings often come from places other than what the developers put into the game.
I know I’m not the norm, but the most fun I’ve had in my favorite expansions came from when I felt “done” for the week with “chores.” When I could take the set that I’ve built (that I’d continue to improve the next week) out into the world—to push achievements, to do wPVP, to hit up BGs or push on Arena or RBG, or to dabble into that raid that I thought was out of my reach.
I don’t think people getting geared up and then unsubbing is good for the game which is what all too often happened once people no longer had upgrades to get.
You’re attempting to twist the argument being had. It has nothing to do with the amount of content available, it has everything to do with if the gamble gods don’t bless you with 425 + socket there’s always going to be another upgrade and it makes it depressing to obtain an item.