I imagine though that experience wasn’t shared by everyone. That definitely wouldn’t feel good, I agree. But I’m just saying in a general sense, master loot affords a group the autonomy to decide where drops go. Not saying personal loot or or master loot. I’m just saying it also afforded a type of autonomy that should still exist.__
The reason warforge and titanforge was introduce was due to an onslaught of complaints long ago regarding after a certain time some levels of difficulty became completely dead.
This was true for LFR and Normal especially but after time effected heroic and even mythic too.
Simply being that people would stop running dungeons and raids, group up with guildies only and so forth and derive group content(usually heroic raiders or higher overwhelmingly) of their expertise.
Now I know a lot of people don’t agree with it but it did solve the problem the game was having. It just lacked self control though.
Goals based entirely on dumb luck. Fantastic
There used to be but you can blame whiners who howled and raged they were “forced” to cap valor every week so they could be great raiders. Forget the fact a fat chunk of them never touched content where 1 percent extra damage does matter.
Sure the one plate wearer who often got gear each boss didn’t have a problem, nor the GM who was often the lone mail wearer either.
having like “personal loot” and “open personal loot”, where trading has no ilvl restriction with consent would be alright with me.
And in most raiding groups, you would be low on the priority list for gear if you only showed up when you were gonna get a piece of gear. Progressing through raids is a group activity. The other players are relying on you to show up. When you don’t show up for a reason like that, the whole group suffers.
There’s BIS, and there’s “BIS that’s reasonable for me based on the content I actually do.” In the past I always knew right where that goalpost was, and what pushing into new content meant. Its a fuzzy line nowadays and that reduces motivation. Hunting specific gear is just fun; its why I’ve always built out twinks and often rarely played them once they were full BIS
And you expect that to convince me master loot was better ?
Arent you always the one saying dont worry about what others get?
He shouldn’t have to. We could just go back to a time where both looting systems existed. That way a group could choose how it distributed the drops. If you don’t like how the group distributes loot, then don’t join the group.
Exactly this. I used to seek out BiS lists or find out which pieces I could reasonably get. Now, why bother? I guess I’ll just equip whatever Warforges the highest.
You act like you had no choice when master looter was an option. Is your GM ninja looting gear on master loot? Then leave that guild. Find a group of players that have a fair loot system. You will get gear at roughly the same rate.
I was responding to a question about what others in the group thought. So I am guessing you are just being a troll here.
Not not trolling, just wondering why its ok for you to care about what others get in a raid and why that bothers you, but nobody else is suppose to care if another player gets a TF
My gripe with TF is that its more akin to a diablo type of loot system - before you could work towards an upgrade, you know where it drops and could farm it, it was slower to get any loot but when you got that loot it was generally an upgrade.
As it stands right now we are being thrown loot from every which way and the upgrades are few and far in between because they need to titanforge. So while we are getting upgrades at the same pace has before it feels less good to get loot because its generally just trash.
Then combine that with getting a trash reward like AP when you get no loot well…
ML is only defended by officers and tanks that got gear handed to them on a platter. As a Feral Druid in BC who saw his Tier tokens handed to EVERY other Warrior/Resto Druid/Whatever the third class on my token was first, EACH TIME, Even when we could clear the whole instance, so no need to gear up, was the stupidest thing ever. I love Personal loot, it means I see upgrades during the current tier.
And that’s where we were last expansion and that’s what my choice was. It wasn’t a better system, some people just like it better because it personally benefitted them.
i’m only posting here because i read all of bornakks responses on mmochamp.
https:// blue .mmo-champion.com/topic/1105032-titanforging-and-warforging-make-me-upset/
(there is a space between blue and .mmo as well as between https:// and blue because i’m not allowed to link stuff even though its for a freaking frame of reference…)
i very well might be alone in this feeling but going through the responses, doesn’t it just look like bornakk is refusing to think outside of the set view ion and the higher ups want? i really do have to wonder now if all this “communication” we’re getting isn’t just an employee trying to avoid being the next layoff for more profits.
You specifically don’t affect me but the reward itself does. It’s just another chore early on to do if someone wants to be competitive. The rewards for some world / solo content can be good enough to feel obligated to do them, even if I will have no fun and it will be no challenge to me. It facilitates me getting to the stuff I do have an interest in, especially world boss or weeklies that offer things at up to 400 baseline.
I suppose I could be more clear in that I mean for guilds that are focused on doing group and especially large group content. Keeping a raid guild stable is a lot of work, even for heroic or even normal.
Again, I am primarily speaking from an organized group perspective. I feel this is the least amount of autonomy I’ve ever had in the game, because the game systems do not let me put my team above myself when it matters most.
But see, I’m not arguing for the removal of personal loot. I’m for bringing back master loot as an option for the guilds it suits. You would still be able to use personal at your own discretion. Additionally, personal loot can be very bad for groups that only have one or two of a given class or armor type. Hunter isn’t very represented in my guild, and this means that items like bows or mail will take significantly longer to get for those players on average.
This thread has derailed into a Master loot vs Personal Loot thread.