Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

I have to say, I was and am firmly against the removal of masterloot. There was a time when I probably would have been firmly against TF. When WoD came out I celebrated the removal of tier from LFR. Looking back it was kind of silly and really did not matter in the grand scheme of my gameplay one tiny bit.

How does my getting ilvl 385 gear from world content trivializes your challenges. In order to get ilvl 385 gear I have played since the expansion start almost daily gearing up to that level.

I donā€™t typically raid but almost all my characters are in guilds. I really donā€™t think you can speak for other people, there are social advantages to being in a guild.

I feel I have more autonomy with personal loot than I ever did with master loot. I feel that having more choices for getting gear gives me more control over how I want to play the game and increases my enjoyment.

This isnā€™t restricted to only solo players. It keeps social guilds progressing and doing content because I have been in social guilds where they let everyone come to normal regardless of their skills. Titanforging helps keep the interest of the more skilled players and helps the group progress without stepping up into heroic.

Personal loot helps some groups progress. Master loot was extremely bad for groups with for instance a heavy leather composition because the loot drops do not take into consideration you have 20 lw in the group and 2 cloth and 2 plate wearers. You could get every boss dropping no leather gear and every boss dropping a piece of mail gear.

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I would argue that reaching a true BiS is kind of the secondary goal for some players. When you get to the point where the bosses are on farm and no longer pose the challenge they once did it is kinda hard to run them from week to week while you wait for the next raid without some goal. That level of mindless interaction with the game can be a bit frustrating. I would argue that it was a mistake to not make another Mage Tower like thing in BFA, I think in Legion that became a huge target for a lot of players and thus they could look past some of these systems, they now had a goal and WF and TF were less of a concern.

Can you expand on how that trickle of items from the sources make gear and item-level meaningless?

Is it accurate to say that you no longer look forward to a drop, even if itā€™s a big upgrade, because there might be something else that replaces it soon? When there are like two weapons available in a raid and one is better for you, do you ignore the weaker one even if itā€™s a solid upgrade?


No, it does not. A chance at something dropping thatā€™s better than the usual Normal or M+ doesnā€™t outweigh the loot that drops from Mythic raiding or high-end PvP on a regular basis.

Anyone who believes it does needs to reevaluate their lives.

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That is a seriously unfair thing to say. I do not think there is any correlation between this and IQ. Whoops! The quote came out wrong.

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Whoever raids at the higher level should have better raid gear. Whoever arenas at the higher level should have better PvP gear. I miss when that was the case.


I didnā€™t say thisā€¦ I responded to him.

and that doesnt exist right now

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Yeah I made the quote from your quote of him, and it accredited it to you. Sorry!

I can understand that personal loot allows for greater personal autonomy. But master loot empowered individuals to make decisions, no? Personal loot primarily is the system deciding who gets loot. It seems at odds with an activity that relies on a group of individuals coming together. Shouldnā€™t the group you know, have its own autonomy in deciding how best to divide the rewards?

I think you worded that very well. When I do an emissary quest or weekly chest that gives me a 385, and that replaces my 375 or 380, Iā€™m not happyā€”its a disappointment, because I know thatā€™s the very lowest form of gear I can get from that content. I know that Iā€™m likely to replace that piece again within the next few weeks, and that when I do what I get may or may not be a marginal upgrade. Usually, because there is so much variance and randomness with stats and item level, I almost always have to sim to tell whatā€™s actually an upgrade.

Less frequent, deliberately sought out, more significant upgrades simply feel better than marginal upgrades over and over. Iā€™m to a point where I donā€™t even want to make a trip to the city to gem/enchant/etc because everything feels so temporary and disposable.


In a way, reaching a true BIS is still possible, just that now it would have to be TF. Maybe TF with a socket. A player can set the goalpost wherever they see fit. I think that mythic raid drops have a higher chance of being 425 than any other source.

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I am sure your alt is the same overall item level as your main just by afkā€™ing in warfronts. Tell me another joke.

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Uhg that is a disgusting thought

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The only decision master loot caused me to make last expansion when I was raiding with my guild was to come to the raid or not. 80% of the raid was leather wearers very often, if I wanted gear there wasnā€™t much point coming on a day when I had to compete with so many people for the few leather drops that occurred.

Make a guild called ā€œNo Forgingā€ and only allow in members who refuse to equip Titanforged pieces. Youā€™ll all have a clear path to BiS and when you finish the highest level of content in the game, you can wear it as a badge of honor that you gave yourself an extra difficult challenge!

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some of this might be a perception thing also, like going around inspecting people the stuff theyā€™re wearing is usually in the ballpark of the content theyā€™re doing. But of course Iā€™d need much more info on much more people to say that with confidence. From my recollection Iā€™d usually get something titanforge but eventually replace it when I reach to that relevant level.

Honestly part of me plays this game because itā€™s somewhat of a psychology sandbox

Well, you can set your made-up goal wherever you want. Make it a full particular set of gear. Use your imagination, it is an RPG afterall!

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I think just making PL tradeable always solves the most problem.

Impossible for gear to be ninjad.

Is essentially ML for guilds where everyone buys into the loot council system or w/e.

Still keeps loot drops proportional to the armor type in the raid so you arenā€™t getting equal mail (2 classes) as leather (4 classes).

Bosses wouldnā€™t drop equal daggers and 2h weps for a group with 1 rogue and 2 fury warriors, a ret, and blood dk.