Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Snails pace was a guild that doesn’t put its best foot forward. A guild that can afford to wait to take the lower geared shaman just because you like them rather than stack the raid for the best possible outcome.
6 ilvls make a difference ask anyone who pugs how much just 6ilvls can mean.

I’m so glad you have never experienced this but I don’t think you have raided at a higher level if you havn’t. If we have to consider the plight of the LFR hero why arn’t we doing the same for the Cutting Edge raider? And how is it they can both kill the same boss at vastly different skill levels but receive the same loot. It’s bad game design.

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No idea LOL. That’s why I try as much as possible to fill my group with guildies in comms. We PUG as a last resort.

I don’t disagree. But at least you’ll know if people CAN handle it.

I’ll take my example :

Can I handle first BoD boss on Mythic ? I can ASSURE you YES. Will I ever do it ? probably no.

Heroic : Right now I have a problem with my UI (Not seeing stuf to steal on conclave), so I avoid heroic while ElvUI is fixed.

My point beeing : bring a player with SOME experiance over overgeared player

Edit : You should Insta invite anyone having more than 10 timed +15 runs

I agree that Raider io is far from perfect. But it is currently a MUCH better indicator of skill than item level.

But will they even consider removing WF/TF? They may be engaging with us, but it doesn’t really mean anything if they are just trying to argue their side w/o the possibility of changing their position. Kinda like how many, many people did not like Azerite gear in beta and gave feedback, but they refused to acknowledge that it was bad.


I’m confused you asked me if I had done other aspects of the game in order to obtain gear. I explained why I was unable to do all the content or some cases just was not into doing that content.

That quote indicates to me that you feel someone doing all the content should have higher ilvl then myself. My point wasn’t that it would bother me if someone did, if they put the effort in then they should get the reward. My issue is because you removed master looter and have put raiding into full RNG mode I have no chance to improve my character in a reasonable amount of time. I do not expect to get all my gear with one week of doing a raid, but if I have done a raid 3 months and have no upgrades to show for it that is a problem. Who wants to play any game where you get no loot for 3 months. Before BFA this was not any issue with master loot I had a chance to obtain titanforged gear and warforged gear. Now it is all based on just how lucky I am. You can see by my main’s gear that I was really unlucky after 3 months of raiding in Uldir luck should not be such a huge part of the game.

I don’t understand how people get upset that they get a free chance to get free ILVLS added onto a piece of gear. Mythic BoD ILVL is 415 and not 425. You are only entitled to get 415 and if you get a 425 piece it was free bonus.
The people that have issue with this are the type of people that worry and complain too much about others and not worry about themselves because whhhaa Jimmy has better gear than me but my over-inflated sense of self says I’m so much better than him. This is a horrible personality trait and if you live your real life this way then you are in for disappointing and lonely existence.


They have been since at least MoP in the case of world bosses and it never was an issue before, why is it an issue now.

Why the heck do you people care what other people get so much ? Seriously ?

Anyone doing heroic and mythic raid content has on average a higher ilvl than someone who just does world content.


Hi. Not the person you quoted here.

WF/TF can exist for all gear, but with a cap. If you’re decked out in heroic raid gear, you shouldn’t be able to get an upgrade from normal, or LFR, or world quests. A +15 cap is fine, and a +10 cap would further stratify the tiers.

Me, personally, I haven’t had a point where I couldn’t be pushing content. This game came out 4 months after I graduated college, and I’ve always carved out the time to be able to play. We’ve had other people in the guild who have had to disappear for weeks or months at a time. Some do it habitually. We welcome them back, and then we can decide whether it’s in our best interest to gear them up as quickly as possible (if we’re desperate for the player) or ding them for it. The best expansions have been ones where we’re able to craft raid-quality gear using raid materials to help catch people up.

Gear source matters because on progression content, most people would rather take someone who has done the dungeon or difficult raid content over someone who got half their gear from warfronts and titanforges and set foot in LFR for a little bit.


Azerite aside as this is about WF/TF, it is possible that after a discussion for and against, that one side is found more compelling. No matter what, someone will be unhappy. Also, no matter where this thread goes, I doubt that a system change like that would happen this expansion. It seems to me to be more of an expansion change than a patch change. Not to bash, but who knows, maybe next expansion no WF/TF will be marketed as a feature!

Dont forget the uproar over the GCD that was ignored as well

I agree. Often times the discussions only come when the decision has long since been made. Comes across as empty words meant to sooth anger more than engage in conversation

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THIS one. (padding for 10 caracters limit)

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The only way master loot would have helped you over others, is by you or a council giving you loot over others because they like you more. With the current system players who get a drop can decide if they want you to take the piece that dropped for them, so long as it’s not an upgrade.

I mean I’m a crazed heathen who likes both of those but I don’t know nothing is ever black and white is it

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That really isn’t solid advice. While at some point people may just have to accept moving onto another thing just shutting up and play the thing does not really work for a lot of people especially when something like WoW did something a certain way for years and drew you in and then abruptly changed it. A lot of people like to really engage with stuff a certain way and struggle with jut going with the flow. I am kinda that way, I don’t get the whole surfing channels on TV, I cannot just passively sit in a chair and accept content thrown at me. I have to specifically watch certain shows that I am invested in and have no problem letting go of a show if it turns to crap.

Someone people accept the way things and make the best of it and others fight to have things a certain way or it just isn’t worth being a part of it.

I don’t care what anyone else has, I think very few people do. We just want a rewarding and fulfilling gear system that rewards US based on effort instead of pure luck.


But your ok with trying to change something if a huge portion of people enjoy It but a few dislike it?

Because it’s poor game design. WoW and MMOs are based on Carrot and Stick. There exists a best piece of gear somewhere that you aren’t strong enough yet to be able to get. You have to progress yoru character to get it. If you can just get BiS gear from trivial content, what is the point?

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So when I get a useless trinket that is BIS for my mage friend but I cant trade it because of ilvl that isn’t broken. That is perfectly fine? … OK

Not to just sound contrary, but I have seen several responses that amounted to needing to have better stuff than someone else. Not saying that you did.