Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Is killing a new boss not rewarding unless you get a piece of loot from it? Does some other player you have almost no contact with that will never accomplish what you have really that devastating to your game experience?

You are correct that is part of the playerbase.

I wish wow had more of this but I think part of the problems is that most of the cosmetic stuff has become boring. Mounts, pets, toys are less special these days because we have so many of them and Mogs are so limiting given they have to still rely on dynamic textures to give certain effect to the gear. Compare that to some of the newer MMOs which have more geometry on the gear and thus more variety in styles.

I would have loved them implementing a housing system and use house stuff as potential rewards.

Then don’t do that. The game itself is not stopping you from doing the first thing you said.

Please just let us know if you’ve all considered the well thought out WF/TF issues in the other deep threads; this system is seriously bad for the game and I do hope Blizzard reconsiders in the future.

Unfortunately a large portion of this game is tied to azerite armors abilities. In order to use the azerite armor i have to maintain a certain neck level.

So basically to take part in any content at all i have to grind AP. Wish i could avoid it

how is that adding anything useful to the conversation?
It’s like we’re talking about crosscountry skiing, and u muscle your way into the conversation to tell us you like riding a snowboard.

absolutely. If i put in more effort / time / skill into this game i deserve to be stronger / more glamorous items in every aspect that has to do with combat. That is how this game has operated until MoP when they started heavily catering to casuals and babies who feel entitled to good gear for doing nothing. Clearly its not working since the game is damn near dead. It was far more successful when they rewarded more hardcore play. Even casual carebears such as yourself had some baby mode things to do and have fun while the big boys did actual content. Not LFR lmao.

My guildies and I had a discussion about pugging recently actually. We were talking about how the LFG only shows ilvl and how that hardly ever is indicative of the player’s ability (for better or worse). Sure, we could literally just pick at random to fill the slot (and ignore mistakes and help em out), but if we wanna get through the content it in a timely manner, of course we want someone qualified. So in that sense, if you don’t know if that player earned their 400 avg ilvl equivalent, how do you know what they are actually qualified for?

If the list of things that each of the groups of players think are bad for the game were all removed, we would all log in and only be able to stand in our capital. Until that group of players that really hate standing in the capital spoke up.

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But he’s made it perfectly clear he doesn’t like new players in his exclusive content.

Eventually yeah, or if you are in a guild that goes deep into mythic right at the beginning.

Look at your own gear as an example.

you have 23 heroic kills and 2 mythic kill (no loot being worn from the 2 mythic kills).

Right now you have 5 items that are mythic raid quality, 415 or better, without ever getting (or at least wearing) mythic raid drops. Thats 33% of your gear slots.

It will be 6 soon when you buy a 415 shoulder from mythic+.

In all those 23 heroic kills you’re only wearing 5 items from heroic BoD.

6 Items from mythic+.

I mean you are already essentially outgeared for heroic without even killing 2 bosses and only 1 Jaina kill.

And you are saying it’s not having an affect??

one thing as a aside ill just throw out there (I mean I got nothing else going on why not) is when doing mythic+ when you’re doing well the dungeon time is appropriate and their is more loot to go around, but when it’s not going so well the dungeon time takes a long time and it’s possible you won’t have a shot at loot. I’m not sure what anyone can do about that but some of you are talking about time commitment to loot ratio and a bad dungeon run can sometimes burn me out for a day

I’m not saying remove it because some players complained; I’m saying reconsider it based on the in depth reasoning discussed.

Wow, both an assumption about me and an insult earned just from asking you a question. Cool! You are clearly the type of level headed player that the game needs to cater to and cultivate for the purpose of a healthy community!

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No not really. I think you guys nailed it by giving different avenues for gearing. Raids, M+ and PvP (besides not having vendors) are very good examples of effort = rewards gear systems. A heroic raid boss is about the same effort needed as 2k in PvP is about the same effort needed as a +10 M+. I’ll even throw crafting in there for BoD.

The warfront quest, emissaries, M+ weekly lootbox, and world boss give way too high of gear. And the fact that these can titanforge to Mythic raid or 2400 PvP rating levels is absurd. Yes it might be only 1 piece every couple weeks, but it makes gear and ilvl meaningless. You don’t look forward to a specific drop anymore because the next time you afk in that warfront, or open your lootbox on Tuesday, you can replace any piece of gear.


come to think of it I wonder if giving a little bit of titan resid at a end of a m+ dungeon might be a good way to get a bit more out of it even if you didn’t succeed. Tidal cores are nice but it doesn’t feel enough at a point.

My gf actually quit because her Ilvl shot up so fast, and people kept expecting her to do X amount of damage because “OMG YOU ARE ILVL X AND YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO DO 10K MORE DPS” but realistically her character was ready for the higher content but she wasnt. so she could either run lower content that she would completely outgear or run relevant content and not perform upto par.

its a stupid system and it completely ruins the progression path, in 2 days /played you can be 380+ without doing a single 5 man heroic. especially on the Timewalking weeks.


This would 100% be good for the game. In each raid, i believe there needs to be a gear goal that some percentage of players can achieve and others cannot without a coordinated group. Honestly, I think TF/WF needs to be done away with completely at all levels of play.


There have been many opinions given, but they have all been pretty subjective. I do think that since this is about entertainment that subjective opinions have value, but both sides need to be considered.

What content are you doing for this? How many people do you think have a 400 item level average from just doing like warfronts and world quests? Have you come across people with solid raid experience who haven’t run a specific dungeon? (I have)