Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

The rules before were fine, it required 80% guild members which was fine. We had a few members from other guilds that tagged along us sometimes but it was always 1 or 2 in a group of 20ish.


I disagree… Don’t give people rewards you have less players and less players leads to a worse game with less financial backing.

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Joins a raid with Masterloot enabled and loot rules in description
“Wow! How was I supposed to know X was a reserved item!”

Join a Raid Team with a clear loot system for Trials
“Wow! How was I supposed to know, that as a Trial I’m supposed to show group concern for general gear progression and not be entirely self-centered!”

Why didn’t you just join Personal Loot groups in WoD or Legion.

Also that would make having an off server member incapable of raiding with thier friends until they transfer.

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No, I don’t agree. It should always be forced PL if not 100% guild members.

Guild groups had to be at least 80% guild to use master loot.

Not prior to WoD.

That was never the problem or an issue in the past. It’s only a recent trend they’ve been encouraging with an increased focus on time played versus # of active subs.

Low level poster I don’t understand what that means. You mean post count? For years I have not posted anything . I just found this thread interesting and It has brought the Biggest Trolls ever. When realms had their own forums I use to post a lot. I never have like the idea of Cross Realms relinquishing that feature. Blabbing a lot on forums is not something I find gratifying. It’s interesting I am for once indulging in Community conversation and it irks some people …LOL

Of course, it was a problem. Subs have been falling for a long time now.

I care because the availability of easy, abundant loot which titanforges undermines the proper difficulty curve of the content that is mechanically appropriate for my team to be doing.

People keep acting like titanforging is some kind of “victimless” thing, like the loot other people have doesn’t affect you at all. And there are some egotistical posters for which that is true. But WoW is special because it is a TEAM game, a team experience. Abundant gear from trivial, disorganized content which titanforges undermines the appropriate difficulty curve for the team in more difficult organized content. That is a problem.


I’d be fine with that. As long as choice isn’t removed. Removing choice makes no sense to me (at least for guilds).

That said, if we did it your way, many guilds would just stop allowing pugs to join their raids. The pugs would have less opportunity to raid out of fear of the 1/100 chance that someone would ninja loot.

“Low Level Poster” - Someone who posts using a character that is most obviously not a main or identifiable for the individual. Not talking post count, apologies for the confusion! (Example: A Talkative level 11 in thread :wink: )

And they still fall, even with the introduction of all of these free-loot things.
Wow isn’t exactly recovering.

It is true to say that in the pinnacle of wow, gear worked markedly differently, and forging wasn’t a thing.

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Duh this is my main.

I am cool with this trade off.

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The internal pressures of being in a guild. Many Guild Leaders require players to do everything they can to get ahead. Additionally even guilds that are not that hardcore there is an internal pressure to not be the one slacking, when you see everyone else putting in the effort you may not want to be the one coming in less prepared.

I mean for how much work it takes or the amount of money required to bring flasks, that is a huge burden on the player, a lot of time spent outside raiding just herbing away so you don’t look like the jerk who doesn’t have one. Or just coming online and wanting to do some casual world questing only to feel pressured into doing Mythic + because you guys effectively made an infinite grind group content. Mythic + might be a good thing overall for the game but it does take a toll on a certain group of players.

I think back to group content like Wintergrasp where it was something for me to do in the off ours and rewarding. I wasn’t super committed to it, if a knock came at my door I didn’t feel like I let the whole team down, I was not that super important.


I feel like the system is mostly fine in BfA. In Legion huge Titanforges just happened way too often. However I would like to weigh in the on the personal loot topic.

I don’t really care that much about the whole personal vs master loot debate BUT I do care about the current trading restrictions, and think they are pretty stupid. Just some questions I think need to be answered.

Why is it good to have disenchant something you don’t want that a guild member, or friend, or even just a helpful random person, might want to give away?

Why is it frowned upon to work together? Why can that M+ group not trade the two hander to their 2h dps player that others were willing to change loot specs to help them get, but got screwed because of one random trading restriction or another?

Who is this actually benefiting?

Why can we not see trading rules be much more open? My biggest beef with personal loot is how damn awful the above situations feel. I’d love to help my friend or guild mate get the item they want. I HAPPILY will change my loot spec to help them when I can. But nope, I got a warforged item for the first time and I can’t trade this 25 item level upgrade weapon to my friend and have to go scrap it for 7 pieces of ore instead. NICE

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You are inferior though. The most challenging content should provide the best reward.


WoW will never recover to the “glory days” in any loot scenario. The genre is not as big or popular as it once was.

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The main thing that pushes me to feel like I have to do all the content as a raider is because you get loot from exciting and engaging content (raids and dungeons), but I’m forced to endlessly grind world quests and islands every week and every day forever because it is the only freaking way to earn AP with any kind of reasonable measure.