Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Nope, I get what you are trying to say raid or you are a baddie. Also, no one in the game does brain surgery what an idiotic comparison!


I do plenty of content. It just doesn’t; include Dungeons or Raiding …My decision and my rewards for that, isn’t stepping on anyone’s toes.

I feel the need to do all the content because the reason I play the game is the competitive aspects of PVE. I can’t stay competitive with people who do all the content unless I do all of it as well. For wanting to encourage a plethora of play styles, you definitely DO NOT encourage the competitive one.


Too fragile to post on your main, sad.

Who cares if other people get titanforges? Good for them.

Giving an awful player 100% titanforged gear at 425 doesn’t mean they’re going to be able to push a 20 key or kill Mythic Jaina…

A good player on the other hand, will be able to with normal gear.

Get over it.


Glad you brought up not posting on their mains…Whom are they trying to hide from :wink:

You’re drawing false conclusions. Just because raids, high m+ keys, and high rated arena are the current most difficult content doesn’t mean I can’t fathom a world with hard solo content as well. I loved MTC for this reason. I just think that you shouldn’t get rewards on-par with things that require more skill.

The #1 argument low level posters use. “Logs don’t represent my skill level” haha.

It really doesn’t. Getting an extremely lucky titanforge proc does not give a player exclusive titles, mounts or any other kind of prestige like being in the hall of fame.
All it does is make somebody happy for a while until the next raid comes out and resets the gear progression.

How does it hurt you, specifically? Aside from your feelings, does it impede your game play in any way?

The only form of character progression at max level in WoW is gear acquisition.
If people who get hurt feels over “casuals” getting gear had their way, we’d be right back to the “raid or die” game and with this game being 14+ years old, it’d probably just be “die” instead.
At max level right now you basically can gear up or roll another alt.
Take away the one form of max level character progression and this game is going to be in a bad way, fast.


Ignoring the ego aspect of the game entirely. What about people who play for the competitive aspects? Someone who is more skilled than someone else and does the same difficulty of content, yet has less gear than someone else in their raid because that person does all the other easier forms of content?

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Bornakk I am a little surprised to hear you say this. Players will ALWAYS take the shortest, most efficient route to power even if it is not fun. Blizzard itself coined the term “The Mechanar problem” after this phenomenon. So regardless of whether or not my raiders really enjoy spamming keys and would really more enjoy a properly tuned gear-difficulty curve in raiding, they are going to do it. Even if I don’t really enjoy the ridiculously dumb experience that is the Darkshore warfront, I am going to do it because it will give me a 400 ilvl piece.

Blizzard needs to take more responsibility to protect the integrity of the gaming experiences they are trying to craft. If I could just hack in a 400 socketed weapon with optimal stats into the game with a script I got online, I would be called a cheater and rightly so. But how is this different from the weapon this character is wearing now that they got from a warfront? How is its impact on my experience of the game, or how it degrades the raiding difficulty curve for my teammates, any different?


I loved the mage tower as well. I may have jumped to conclusions with you but you started out with name calling and calling players bad just because other forms of more challenging content do not exist.

Hello @Bornakk I really have to respond to this as you seem to have interest in the player’s view of this issue.

What happens here, that most players look for a progression line on a MMORPG, be it from raid difficulties, to dungeon M+ levels or PvP levels.
TF/WF breaks that progression line, “free gear” (warfronts) also break that progression, and they don’t add anything to it other than free gear itself.
TF/WF makes you skip progression and that breaks the MMORPG feel of it, same goes for Free gear.
Not progressing is bad for everyone, even the people who are vocally saying “they dont care about TF/WF” or even saying that they like TF/WF only say so because they don’t know how bad it really is.
This diminishes the general interest that a player has in the game, even if unknowingly, which makes the player eventually not want to play the game.

1 400 piece every 3 weeks doesn’t really change anything. Sure by the end of the patch you might be decked out in warfront gear as a casual but gear won’t matter at the point the tier is over.


It’s like watching a parent try to explain to a 2 year old why they can’t have all the cookies. They have to share.

Warforging and titanforging isn’t the problem. The problem is the removal of masterloot making raiding less lucrative for the raid as a hole. True personal loot CAN result in more loot overall, but in reality, it doesn’t matter what the numbers are it matters how people feel.

With masterloot, EVERY boss dropped loot. Sometimes it wasn’t what you wanted, sometimes you lose it to someone else, but you always see someone get SOMETHING. Your raid gets stronger. With personal loot, all you hear are what didn’t drop. No one mentions the items that DO drop, except high titanforges. Half the time, personal loot isn’t an upgrade for the person, and half of the times something isn’t an upgrade, you can’t trade it so it’s just a waste and makes everyone pissed/sad.

Bring back masterloot.


Only in 100% guild member groups.

EASY, join a mythic guild. Start on progression with 25+ raiders so that people can call out and you can still raid.

Ok you start working on a new boss and the other shaman does better elemental than you because hes 6 ilvls higher, same skill level just better gear because of titanforges. They can’t afford to take two shamans on this boss and sit you and you don’t get to enjoy that feeling of killing the boss for the first time with your guild. THAT is how it hurts you THAT is how it is bad.

If you are casual you would never care or let it bother you but if you are pushing tier as fast as you can because you love the rush. Watching other progress past you because of luck alone is beyond frustrating.

That’s the problem, it is.

I see I hit a nerve.

Making everything have equal rewards, reduces the actual accomplishment players can experience upon getting the best gear in the game.

You are the kind of player that drives games down the path of self destruction, the same thing that happened to SW:G is happening to WoW now. Players like you that are selfish enough to force development to accommodate your greed leaves little for the rest of us to work towards, it’s driving players away and it’s disappointing you don’t care as a player.


You’re kind of right. I don’t have any interest in the content you’re doing. I just wish that me and other raiders couldn’t use that 425 world quest gear in raids. I’d like to ignore your chosen content just like you’re ignoring mine.


I think demonstration of skill is important. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely think it’s unfortunate we don’t have more avenues to properly display skill. I was simply stating that, within the current context of wow and the difficulties these types of content offer, everything but the big 3 I listed is incapable of demonstrating skill.

You could be the best basketball player in the world, but if you’re not playing in the NBA proving it, you won’t get an NBA salary. So long as the other avenues don’t demand the proper skill be shown to prove someone is good, I don’t think they should get rewards.

Show me on the doll where the internet hurt you.

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