If they instituted pve templates and balanced them properly, I’d be all for it. It’s not the ONLY way we can have good competition, but it is a way.
I have heard that raiders are loving the new content… just not gearing.
And that’s cool!
I am more of a casual, relaxed player who thrives on solving puzzles and mysteries while collecting pets and battling in a PvP environment with said pets.
It may not be the only way, but it is only way I can think of right now that can be completely/fairly balanced between specs and such. As, it is currently the specs are not balanced well enough to have a good competition.
On Warcraft logs your parse is comparing your dps/hps against others who play your spec. Like if you are a frost dk you are competing against all other frost dk’s.
I would love to see classes balanced better, but the competition is still there even if they are unbalanced.
Oh, I know but he was wanting to know if he was the best player. Better then anyone/somone else. You can’t compare well against other specs because of poor balancing.
Best ret, best in raid group, best overall… there are plenty of “bests” to choose from to satisfy the competition urges.
Well, you always got yourself to compete against so there is always room for improvement.
Two versions of you exist, one gets a base 400 weapon and the other gets a 415 TF weapon. Which one improves more?
Taking personal skill variance out of the equation, the itemization and TF lottery can leave some characters in the dirt. Using leech as an example, I can increase my HPS output by 1% per 1% leech. I’ve got 3% leech from TF items, my character is objectively 3% better in HPS output than someone who hasn’t gotten the same luck with leech. Knowing that there’s an external factor that’s out of your control it doesn’t feel like you can reasonably compare yourself to others of similar specs without breaking it out into an item by item list in a spreadsheet. This isn’t fun and isn’t good for competition. If I could achieve that same amount through a means of reasonable gameplay, i’d feel like I’ve earned that advantage but currently it’s just indiscriminately applied at random.
First, you can’t get a TF weapon. Gear is what makes a person better currently assuming similar skill and class. If you really wanted true comparison of which player is better you would use the PVE templates for gear like I said earlier for esports and such.
For me Uldir was meh and I hear good things about BoD. But that raid could be better than Ulduar and ICC combined but I won’t play it if the system sucks.
Nothing can be better than Ulduar and ICC combined… ever!
I don’t think so either. But it was just to make a point. I hate the current forging system that much.
My mistake, should’ve said warforged but the point still stands.
If i want a true comparison of skill I’ll use the % parse per ilvl in warcraft logs. We had a hunter in our guild that had ~407 ilvl within the first 2 weeks of BoD and parsed at 88% for overall and ~20% for ilvl, wonder how that happened…
We have objective metrics to gauge relative skill thanks to all the external sites and sources. However, excessive RNG with itemization (weapons, trinkets, leech, etc…) muddies the water and makes it harder to gauge whether it’s actually you being worse/better or whether they just got lucky with a high impact piece of loot.
I hear ya! I just think that WoW peaked in 2009-2010, everything else is just a little or a lot lower.
Annnnnnd there it is ladies and gentlemen… someone brings in their personal bias and claims the game is dying… ding ding ding… only took a few hundred posts before some internet warrior claimed to forsee the future!
We don’t disagree, but I don’t know what you are getting at.
I mean it’s not hard to see that WoW is not in a good place right now. I would only say that the game is dying if we were under 1 mil subs but we don’t know that number since ActiBlizz refuses to put out that kind of information. Hell they’re even bringing back Vanilla WoW. I don’t think modern WoW is doing well at all.
Simply sharing my experiences with how TF/WF has made it difficult to make a comparison with other players. Was just replying to yours because as far as I could tell you were sharing that you don’t think it’s of value due to too many other factors or that there isn’t a valid method to do so. As a casually competitive player I personally find the impact of TF frustrating when it comes to determining whether I’m actually getting better and improving or whether I’ve just gotten lucky.
Think of it this way. Once content is on farm for guilds, most of the time people are just trying to parse. Let’s say you and another hunter have the same progression and the same number of drops. Then on a boss you guys both play perfectly but you do 3k dps less than him because he has 4 titanforged pieces and 5 sockets, and you have 1 titanforge and no sockets.
Kind of takes a bit of the competition out of it since the only reason he’s beating you is because he was luckier.
Well, maybe if Blizzard ever officially supports “esports” than maybe you can have a true competition and determine the “best” or more “skilled” player. Until then there is going to be a lot of variables.