You don’t. You stick to tried and true methods that worked for 10 years and make a new product if you have new ideas you want to try out instead of bastardizing your current IP.
Also, you’re not wrong with your jest.
You don’t. You stick to tried and true methods that worked for 10 years and make a new product if you have new ideas you want to try out instead of bastardizing your current IP.
Also, you’re not wrong with your jest.
are you serious… I just got a 405 trinket from dumb black shore world boss last Monday… how is that thing harder than Illidan? Or even just the first boss in sunwell is harder than all world quest + lfr combined. But world quest + lfr can give better item now
Aw, it’s going to lose on the dps meters…
I could just as easily reverse that to target your mentality negatively.
“Aw, it’s going to have to do hard content to get gear…”
What sounds better? Someone who is better than someone else wanting to actually BE better than someone else? Or someone who just wants to have something given to them just because they desire it?
I would continue to try new things for the already existing core while maintaining the core ideals that built it up in the first place. Because constantly changing up the dynamic so drastically is only going to upset and push people away.
No, you already said you thought it was a joke.
So, gear makes you better then someone else?
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory that gear affects power potential.
SKILL makes you theoretically better than someone else. Gear influences that. Say you would do 25k st DPS in 410 gear and someone else would only do 23k in 410. Now, say they have 410 and you only have 400. That person is doing their 23k and you’re doing… probably less than 23k. You’re a better player, but you’re hindered by your gear differences.
Your skill difference should be reflected in those numbers, but gear dilutes that. Add in all of the RNG to ilvl and you magnify the problem.
So, “skill” is hard to determine because it is related to gear. So, you can’t really know if you are “better” than someone else.
I know from my own experience. I can wear a more optimized piece of gear at a lower ilvl and parse higher on warcraftlogs. This has nothing to do with “skill” but only gear.
That’s the point. I’m advocating removal of gear from consideration. If everyone is constrained to the same static gear drops like they used to be, gear no longer becomes a factor.
You can’t remove it from consideration. You never will have static drops like it used to be.
I mean you can play classic when it comes out. Maybe you can have it more there.
That doesn’t mean there’s no point in competing, or that the competition is entirely lost. It also doesn’t mean they won’t ever repeal their dumb wf/tf system or find some other way.
They won’t be getting rid of M+ and that matters more than TF/WF.
m+ rewards with no WF/TF still means static BIS list. How does that matter more? If the gear from m+ is better than raid tier, you just farm that dungeon until you get it. The only thing that detracts from competition from a gear standpoint is complete randomization of what is your personal “bis” at any time.
If you and your 3 friends were walking down the street and 1 of your friends found $100.
Would you:
a) Be happy for him and congratulate him on his luck.
b) Be jealous and upset that you did not get it.
c) Be jealous and upset that he has more money than you now.
d) Demand the group together found it and demand your friend divide it into 4 shares equally or give it to the leader of the group and let him decide who gets it. (masterloot)
e) Knock your friend out and take his money then laugh at him. (ninja need roll)
I actually think you would be interested in something like Blizzard actually supporting a world first race and/or esports with standardized gear templates. This is really the only way you could prove you are better then someone else.
This would be the only real way to actually determine if Method is really the “best” guild.
This is a super long thread, and I’m glad it’s gotten so much attention. Over time, WF/TF has made more powerful gear - more available. However, I preferred the way gear was handled in older expansions.
I like small group content and PvP. In BfA, my week is usually getting a M+10 completed. (It’s one of the best ways I have to get Titan Residium in order to actually get high iLvl gear with traits that I want for arena.) The rest of the time is spent in arena queues because I really enjoy them. They’re why I stay subscribed. When my teammates aren’t on, and I have free time, I try to grind AP so that my neck actually does something.
If it were up to me, I’d like to just do arena and earn the best arena gear for how high I am rated. I enjoyed that very much. However, the barrier for high iLvl arena gear is drip fed so slowly that I’m incentivized to do content I don’t like for the sake of being efficient. For example, Killing a world boss takes less than a minute, and it gives the same gear level as as 1800 rated arena games. Since all the gear can be upgraded to BiS, it would be stupid if I didn’t do both until I was well above that base iLvl.
I’m stuck trying to maximize my chances at getting lucky with the least amount of effort participating in content of the game I don’t like. It’s frustrating when I enjoy something, but I feel like I’m an idiot if I pass up “free” loot upgrade chances from WF/TF from doing other stuff. I much preferred being gear capped for a season. I was able to focus on alt characters, specs, or other goals without weird pressure to do specific things.
Possibly. However, the changes are also what brings people like me back. If it was always the same, I would have moved on a long time ago, because I am a “been there, done that” kinda gamer.
This, this every time!
I think there are ways to change up how it functions without removing core values. I think the factions having a different experience in the current raid is a fantastic idea in switching it up.