Titan Residuum in Season 4

Wait if it’s going to work like it did before in season 4 then why are you converting it?

Aren’t you basically just taking away peoples stockpiles?

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This basically. They are constantly repeating the same things even though this team has some different devs and same ones but promoted or in other areas of the game.

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H O R R I B L E !
we want to make sure that it is well known that this isn’t necessary.

The ONLY reason why this isn’t necessary is because you are getting rid of it ! How about a sentence more along the lines of straight forward truth instead of the corporate passive aggressive stuff, that has become the norm. My guess is your are the only blue left ! We DON’T need silver for next progression we NEED residuum for progression. WE play and PAY to collect residuum. Let US decide on how to use it :rage:


I understand that our TR will be converted to silver on day one of patch 8.3. But when, exactly, does season 4 start?

Is there a window of opportunity here where, before the 8.3 release, you could buy pieces of 430 or 445 Azerite gear and then scrap them once the patch is live but before the start of season 4 and get a least some TR back (for those of us that don’t care about silver)?

I believe the PTR is currently on season 4 and, from testing, I’ve found that scrapping pieces of season 3 gear yields zero TR.

Then they need to give us back the gold value on “outdated” gear rather than rendering it completely useless.


Yes that is exactly what this is.

Every patch wipes away your progress from the previous patch. They want you grinding every day rather than resting on your laurels.


Patch 8.3 is literally four grinds.

legendary cloak, grinding to cleanse gear, more AP and Titan residium.

Yup patch 8.3 is going to bring a huge tsunami of tears to the forums. It is going to make BFA launch look like a leisure picnic in comparsion.


Silver? Why not gold?

What will this mean for the first chest of Season 4, after I’ve run M+ in the last week of Season 3 ?
Will I get gold instead of TR, or less TR?

Doesn’t help that they are essentially using this as a testing open beta of sorts for Shadowland Systems.

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They consider BFA a sunk cost so that isn’t surprising. But what I do know is that they will not receive the results they are hoping for. :woman_facepalming::man_facepalming:

It is going to take massive player rejection of 8.3 for the current retail to see improvements. That was the only way BFA improved at launch and in the first patch.

I remember getting a significant amount of gold for my unspent conquest and honor in wod. I guess it’s “silly” for people to expect to earn anything worth having in the game. Why bother, eh? Sounds like you don’t play the game.


While I told myself to stop being so critical because it was ruining my enjoyment level of things… one can’t help but notice just what you mentioned, and that this way of designing won’t equate to positive results for Shadowlands and it being one year or minus a few months away, it is the big factor why I have little hope or interest for it .

They’ve always converted dungeon/raid currency to silver previously, often at different rates depending on the type of currency being converted. Honor, Justice, and Valor points have all been a part of this system before.

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Some people have a lot of Residuum, myself included. I can’t see getting 400k+ gold in the mail for a currency conversion. That would be silly.


400k gold, no. But how would it feel to get 40 silver for all that?


Eh, it’ll likely be something like 4k gold for all that. Which is a decent amount for something I’m not using atm anyways.

how generous. didn’t they use to convert into gold?


You’ll get less TR. I copied a character to the PTR after completing a mythic+7 and got 330 TR vs 3500 TR on live.

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Yea, exactly. The comparison to the litany of badges that we were collecting as far back as Wrath is apt.

Simply, effort this “season” is of no value towards next “season”.

What they did the first time was they left TR as it is, left the gear prices as they were, and then raised the prices on the new gear, and upped the drop rates.

Simply, they priced out the new gear to far out of reach of folks who might have accumulated some in the first phase.

Obviously that didn’t quite work out, as for the next phase they did, indeed, convert the TR to gold, and lower the prices. That way we wouldn’t need 1 billion TR to get a shiny trinket in season 4.

At the same time, using this TR system, it’s trivial to get the older gear. A run or two gives you enough TR to clean out the vendor. In contrast to the older style where you couldn’t get the older currencies at all, and had to convert the new currency in to the older ones (at a silly exchange rate).

So, in that sense, the modern TR system is actually better.