Titan Residuum GG

Tried to buy azerite piece using titan residuum currency and received a ilvl 59 blue. GG blizzard


This also happened to me. I spent 4750 for a 130 piece and got a blue ilvl 59.


Purchased two relinquished azerite chestpieces thats supposed to give me ilvl 130 gear. However when I turned them into gear it gave me ilvl 59 gear. Please refund me the azerite or give the appropriate gear.


Posting here to say I got the same :frowning:

Got the piece I actually wanted from the random roll, and received a Mythic +2 ilvl 59 version of the armor.

Can we get a hotfix and a refund or a change to the appropriate ilvl?


this happened to me aswell. are they going to refund the residuum or give us the appropriate gear?


happened to me too


Yep same - received an ilvl 59 chestpiece when I tried to buy a relinquished helm.


The same issue happened to me. Other people around the vendor said it was happening to them as well.

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Same… pretty bummed:(

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Same here, happened to everyone else that’s around the vendor.

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same here :frowning:

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Definitely feels bad even if it won’t matter in a week

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This also justr happened to me. All the titan residuum wasted.

Same here! All wasted!

Same Here i feel sad man :c

There’s another thread that just popped up here reporting the NPC was removed. Hopefully they’re going to fix it?

now that im on the right character, ya 1800 all gone

I think blizz should refund the amount of titanic residuum

Please GOD, Help ME! I lost nearly all my Titan Residuum that i saved for an entire MONTH!!!

This bug is your fault Blizzard. Refound our lost Titan Residuum!

900 resíduo titânico = item ILVL 59