<Titan> Recruiting for top ranks in Season of Discovery! [H] [Lone Wolf] [GDKP]

No name reservations or early realm announcements :thinking:

Launch time announced! 1PM PST Nov. 30th

Surely we’ll get realm announcements before the actual launch, right? lol

Two more days!

Realms announced!

A Realm - Normal - PST
A Realm - PvP - PST
A Realm - PvP - EST
A Realm - RP PvP - EST

Realm: PvP - PST

:100: :100: issa movie :100: :100:

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Hours to go!

Launch day!!

2 more hours!

We’re on Lone Wolf!

First BFD raid last night 5/7 (bit of a yolo), another tomorrow!

7/7 now that our main squad finally hit 25 -_-

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starting second raid team!

I am interested, I tried to apply via discord through your bot but I think it might be broken or something, can I PM you or an officer? My friend and I are both interested.

Orthos 25 Mage (Arcane Healer)
Makail 25 Shaman (Enh Tank)

Both of us are basically all Pre Raid BIS minus a few items that we are still farming for.

My discord name is Aegis1997

Reached out in discord

Come join us!

Starting third 10m raid soon

Two raids in 1 night, both 7/7 in under 50m. Working our way to 4 raids. Join today!