Titan is a top-tier raiding guild with a background of world-class raiding (NA First / Rank 1 / Realm First). Looking for top-tier players to join and help secure similar achievements in SoD - Raid: Wed/Thurs 4:30-8:30pm Pacific (7:30-11:30 Eastern) - Loot: GDKP - Goal: Realm First, Top 10 World. High performance, efficient, and mature raiding. https://discord.gg/A8zH46EPkS
Pasting in here since I’ve been asked a few times about the loot policy.
Yes, we’re doing GDKP as a top-end raid guild. Why? Because every other loot system invites corruption and cringe behavior to creep in. GDKP, while not perfect, allows for the least amount of this. When you lose a bid, you still benefit from the shared profits. “What about ?” Trust me, I’ve done them all. Progression guilds will usually use loot council, but that eventually becomes corrupt when biases creep in.
We’ll all start with nothing, so doing this from the start means we’re all on a level playing field when it comes to gold. I did this in vanilla classic and it worked out quite well.
We’ve not technically seen if there will be a new loot system in SoD, so I’ll leave the door open to that (I’ve got some ideas of things that would be an improvement over GDKP) but assuming no new in-game functionality is added, this is the gameplan.
Horde getting kings, for sure horde now!
I’m curious how the server populations will play out. Nobody will want to be on the losing side of an unbalanced server, so I suspect we’ll end up with faction dominated realms. Given that they are going to have outdoor PvP content, will they do some sort of connected realm for that? I can’t imagine we’ll see very many 50/50 faction balanced servers. Hmm…
The Q&A answered some questions I had about realms. Still curious about raid sizes as we advance to 60 and do old content and new content.
Thanks for the interest so far, still looking for some more gamers for the roster! Nov. 30th coming fast
Want to compete in SoD for realm firsts? Fill out an app in the discord linked above.
Two more weeks!
They will probably open the realms for character name reservations 5-7 days before release, if the previous classic releases are any indication.
I know they mentioned the per-realm capacity has been increased quite substantially. I assume that means they’ll release not quite as many realms. Classic WoTLK kind of consolidated on 1 PvP and 1 PvE realm per faction, per coast (in the US). I suspect we’ll get at least 2 per faction, per coast? Really hoping to avoid massive queue times, but also don’t want dead servers.
Raid times are designed to work for east or west coast realms. We’ll see what the options are.
Realm announcements when?
WTB name reservations
Sounds like we’ll get minimally PVE and PVE, East and West. I’m hoping for slightly more than that so we can choose from 2 within those categories. Personally, I’m hoping to avoid streamer realms and the chaos they bring.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Should have realm announcements soon
No name reservations or early realm announcements
Launch time announced! 1PM PST Nov. 30th