Titan’s Grip in SoD - Just Bring It

A Warrior is only as good as their weapon.

Let’s get this out of the way, I want Titan’s Grip in Season of Discovery.

From a fantasy perspective, there’s nothing more defining or central to the Warrior class than its superior ability to wield weapons better than any other class. Titan’s Grip undoubtedly fulfills that fantasy.

”When everyone’s super, no one will be”

From a balance perspective, very reasonable widespread concern can easily be seen across the forums regarding Titan’s Grip. Titan’s Grip must be a level 60 rune, no exceptions, but that’s just the beginning. On top of this, TG could be like unto a legendary item. An incredibly rare drop (or multiple drops), a lengthy quest line, rare crafting materials, the works. Seeing a warrior w/ two 2H weapons could be like seeing someone with Thunderfury, Sulfuras, or Atiesh.

There’s significantly less concern about the balance/inclusion of Classic legendary weapons in PvP/PvE scenarios. It’s because they’re not everywhere, they’re hard earned.

I believe every class could have a rune or two like this. Something that amplifies class identity and personal achievement and isn’t at the expense of the rest of the community. By setting a high bar of achievement and dedication, the power level of TG becomes much more manageable. Adding the “Unique” property to certain 2H weapons, adjusting DPS modifiers, even altering how the rune interacts with 2H power levels in battlegrounds, open world PvP, and PvE.

Players get new ways to play, new things to do in the end game for every class, loot distribution stays safe and stable, the extra power is hard earned and not widespread, and the management of that power is much more easily regulated on the development side. Implementing TG is good for the game when done right!


No. Titan’s Grip ruined single handed dual wielding.


Care to explain further? I feel like if 1 out of 20 warriors had a TG rune, it wouldn’t ruin 1H gameplay.

No, TG should just be handed to you when you log in. Competition on 2h weapons is low even with paladins being viable dps. Competition on 1h weapons is high. Tanks, shaman, rogues, and hunters(especially if they get melee hunters off the ground).

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TG is lame.

I want Bladestorm.


And give TG to enhance shaman, hell yeah brothers! Two hand and dual wield enjoyers can finally unite!

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I feel like Bladestorm could be along the same lines in terms of accessibility and sharing the same rune slot! Give players the power to choose!

get your mace and shield and heal like you are supposed to!

Imagine TG with BS!

Why not also create a rune that amplifies 1H? What’s something that you would like to do in SoD with 1H play style that would serve as the equivalent to TG. I think you’re missing the parts of this post where I’m saying that this could be implemented across all classes to amplify your play style.

Yes why won’t they make this rune, something to make you furious and singleminded in purpose… if only we could make this. If only the community could… know before retorting.

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I don’t think you actually play a Warrior in SoD. Anyways, it would be just like WotLK all over again. Blizzard will fail to make 1H dual wielding and 2H dual wielding balanced, ultimately making 1H dual wielding useless.


To be fair, that rune only says if you are dual wielding. It doesn’t say anything about what you are dual wielding.

I’m assuming you’re talking about Single Minded Fury, which I’m well aware of. Obviously this low level, easily accessible rune doesn’t compare to something like a theoretical legendary type of rune like TG and doesn’t come close to giving players a reason to use 1H of 2H when TG exists.

I’m literally saying that 1H users should have something on that same level. And again, these legendary type runes aren’t going to be like watered down Legion artifacts.

I remember when I thought TG was sick when I was like 12, now it’s just insufferable to think about

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Right, I agree with you. That’s why I’m saying the implementation and balance of TG is pretty much everything, otherwise it won’t work.

Blizzard has an excellent track record of not being able to balance things.


Care to have a meaningful, intellectual discussion on why you feel differently?

You know the devs have the power to…buff earlier runes to keep them competitive with newer ones, right?

Cause TG is Blizzard’s golden child and will always out perform SMF, TG is clunky and feels bad in PvP.

I don’t.


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