I agree with you, you’re not wrong, but I will say that SoD has been pretty good so far. Take that for what you will, but I don’t think there’s any harm in proposing ways a theoretical rune could be successfully implemented. I also don’t want TG to be this proposturiously overpowered rune that throws everything out of whack. That’s not fun for anyone.
The obvious comprimise is the ability to wield a 2H in your main hand.
Thanks to Titan’s Grip, my Chef transmog cannot be played to its full potential.
Of course I do, but that would turn SMF into a problem because of how easily accessible it is. TG would not be easily accessible with how I’ve proposed. You’re comparing apples and oranges.
Maybe! I think this is definitely true for a lot of people. I’ve personally never been a fan, and even have disliked Fury prior to playing warrior in WoW Classic 2019, as someone who has mained warrior in several expansions.
Just my two cents, but I don’t like it and don’t want Titan’s Grip to ever be the meta rune for warriors, if it is ever added. And while I don’t think it will, I suppose I could see it as a reason to quit or stop playing/liking warrior for me if it did become the expectation for warriors in SoD.
TG with dual Herod Axe would be funny depending on proc rate.
Appreciate your response! I agree in that I don’t want it to ever be an expectation for warriors, just like it’s never an expectation for every warrior to have Thunderfury.
I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t want TG to negatively impact how someone else wants to play. I want there to be something as great in the 1H play style that actually feels like a good trade off, something that’s amplified and cool just like TG is for 2H dual wielding enthusiasts.
If the SoD devs can’t implement TG successfully, they should know full well how detrimental it would be given its past.
Why? That makes no sense. Runes aren’t inherently better or worse just because they’re easier or harder to acquire
Yes, you’re right, There may not be a lot of disparity with the current selection of runes since we’re only one phase in. But I believe the quality of runes will go up in later levels/phases. Well just have to see.
Mainly what I’m saying is that there’s nothing wrong with TG from a fantasy perspective. The only problem has been its implementation, which has lead to very bad results. You want to play out 1H being awesome because that’s what you like? Awesome, here’s an S tier rune that helps with that.
You want to play out dual wielding 2H? Awesome, here’s an S tier rune that helps with that? I want there to be successful implementation of both styles where neither hinders the other and only makes the playstyles that much more fun and unique to play.
SoD isn’t about being balanced and fair, it’s about trying things and seeing how it goes. Warriors aren’t the greatest and TG would be a great way to make it fun.
NO, theres no way that i would make a run with a titans grip warrior in my raid trying to take 2 corrupted ashbringer or 2 might of menethil.
if you want to use 2h play arms.
Titans grip solves 0 problems warriors are facing rn
Absolutely not.
in sod, single handed dual wielding is already ruined.
Not going to lie, you got the Zug in me thinking…
how about 1x Ashbringer 1x Menethil? Fair?
No thanks. If they were to give us something that drastic I’d take Bladestorm instead.
As someone who has mained warrior since OG vanilla. I’m gonna say this slowly and clearly so there’s no confusion.
Titan’s Grip. Cringe. Worst. Ability. Ever. Added.