<Tis but a Scratch> heroic (team 2)

Guild & Server: Tis but a scratch - Sargeras
Raid Times/Days: Tue/Thu 7-10p cst Main Sat/Mon 7-10p cst
Current Progression: 9/9N 9/9H 3/9M
Recruitment Contacts: BTag Dwhaviel#2478, <@Ziziana - Sargeras [A]>, discord Ziziana#2428
Dps: all dps welcome

All M+ welcome.

Our current focus is recruiting for our second team, which will be in heroic with opportunity to join the mythic team based on performance.
If the second team finds great success it will also step into mythic.

Sometimes, when I’m alone, and the lights are all out, I light a candle, throw on some smooth jazz, break out the chocolate-covered strawberries and…

Oh, the guild. Yeah, it’s a good one.

Still looking for heroic team members, great players are considered for our mythic roster.