Tired Of the New Expansion Formula

You know maybe old expansions were better in terms of continents and amount of raids or dungeons, but I personally like this system very much. You definitely know you’ll get 4 large (now due to skyriding) zones with lots of world quests and events, for sure 8 dungeons what is quite normal (like you can’t play all 8 in a day and get bored of each one) and a big 8-10 bosses raid. Isn’t it enough? If you play 3-4 hours a day every day on 2-3 alts it might be A LOT of content to go through. It’s just in a different form and complexity than it used to be in tbc, mop, legion etc. But there are really enough things to do

Go. Play. Classic. It exists



New zones + class changes/dungeons gets me excited. I also like the story so far.

PvP in this game has gone down the drain though but I don’t really play wow for PvP anymore

I would rather Blizzard plan for something fun they can feasibly make every 2 years than to try to cram even more into a single expansion 1.0 patch just so we can have 12 more starting dungeons 8 more zones

Maybe one day they can give us a cool branching expansion that’s bigger than WoD, like northrend or something, but even that is just one large continent all the patch zones happen to physically be on.

Id much rather Blizzard give us another cata style revamp complete with mainland zones for the new expansions level bracket than for them to give us a bigger expansion area 10 levels from max.

In terms of normal expansion improvements, I’d like blizzard to just give us different shaped landmasses instead of just centralized clusters. Maybe one day. Or how about large regions separated by landmass that has no quest content like deep forests or just plain ocean that we can cross physically if we so choose (kinda like shadow lands if it didn’t force you to take the dumb flight paths everywhere)

The worst part is the first few weeks before raid or m+ comes out , soooo annoying trying to gear by farming rare spawns. I can see where some people would like this but I just wanna run some stuff

Dragon Flight is a weird Expansion. It feels like only here so the Dragons gain the power back that they lost in Cataclysm when the Dragonsoul was used. That and the Nightelves get a new home for the one Sylvanas burned down.

What I would like to see, instead of new zones in a new area, is if they utilize their phasing technology to change up the world itself, change old zones similar to what Cataclysm did. Then later you can select which version of the zone you want to visit, like is already in the game.
Imagine in BfA instead of the 6 zones there there was just one Island for the Zandalari and one for the Kul Tirans, and the other zones where old zones on Azeroth that had Horde(or Alliance) build a base or other big city/thing.

That and the story gets more and more bland.

Shadowlands was 5 zones. The maw counts as a zone.

4 massive zones that could easily take up an entire subcontinent each. Plus the Forbidden Reach was in the game since launch, although you couldn’t do anything on it until 10.0.5 outside of the Dracthyr intro.

The update to the raid difficulties came with WoD in its prepatch. MoP still used the old system and still does outside of SoO (which only got swapped to the new system when WoD’s prepatch released). The only new raid difficulty MoP brought in was flex mode (patch 5.4), which is now normal. (old normal is now the new heroic, and old heroic is now mythic).

Saying mythic raiding was part of MoP’s patch cycle is incorrect. Last I checked, 6.x.y is WoD’s, not MoP’s

tbf so did Shadowlands with season 4. You had Return to Kara, Operation Mechagon, grimrail depot and iron docks in that seasons mythic + list. All of those were legacy content.

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They were kind of quaint the first three or so times.

I wouldn’t really call 15 minutes of watching youtube near an event for completion content either though.

They don’t have time to explain why they don’t have time to explain.

Which, again, is why it was lumped in with the topic of community events

Oooo ooooo, i can help. Go grab horizon: zero dawn and forbidden west. Captivating story. Incredible game play. TONs of story, side quests, extras to level and gear.

Then you can coke back and nake on of those melee hunters, human, female, red hair.

I’ll add also if you played for at least two or more expansions and haven’t liked the formula— it’s not changing so maybe it’s not your game.

Yes shadowlands was five zones at launch even though outside of the opening sequence and a small part of the revenderth questline you could not access the maw until you completed the other four zones and then of course we got ZM near the end of the expansion. As for dragonflight it was basically five zones at launch though it didn’t make much sense to visit one of them without visiting the other four and then of course you got forbidden reach and Zararak caverns and later the emerald dream. Personally I love the story that world of Warcraft is giving us that’s what I play for I don’t play for dungeons or PVP or raids those are just little additions that I like to try to get involved in when I can

Ever hear the quote “you can never go home again?” Sounds like you need a break; the burnout might be smudging up your rose-colored glasses.

To be fair thats kara, easily one of the best raids blizzard ever made

But it does have chess event. The precursor to vehicle based encounters. And we all know how people loved those in Wrath…

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Your acting as if 4 zones and 8 dungeons are the only new things we are getting.

Not to mention if we got less then you’d complain about being less content. If we got more you’d complain about the extra development time.

I guess there’s no pleasing some people :man_shrugging:

It does feel like some people prefer quantity over quality. I mean the zones we got in Dragonflight can easily be made up to several zones from other expansions.

Basically the Dragon Isles is Australia and something like Kalimdor is Europe. Sure Europe has a lot of countries and Australia is only the one, but that one is huge.

Or in another way, some people think 1000 grams > 1 kilogram because 1000 > 1.

What if they changed it up like they did BfA with 8 new zones and then 9 1/2 new dungeons

Like what the fudgerinos blizzard clam it down bros

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