Tired Of the New Expansion Formula

I don’t even know what you mean by “quality” here.

The ilvl of crafted gear, vs ilvl of content dropping gear.

Shadowlands had crafted legendaries. And when they made it so you got 25 xp per craft, I had no problem with the legendary system. They sold well on low-pop servers, hereas nowdays work orders are barren there.

Not to mention, even if we claimed that SL crafting was useless, you implied that the worl order system was somehow the only alternative to that, even though they could just… let you sell the gear on the AH regardless.


Except look at how many legendaries you can equip vs how many crafted items.

Does the work order system need tweaks? Definitely.

But the crafted legendary system of SL I found to be horrible. If you were a popular armor type, your item piece was cheap. If you werent. Sucks to be you.

Well at least they’ve honed in on a plan that works for them. To me it’s felt a bit uninspired in the dungeons and just generic except maybe 1/2 being pretty good.

I liked BFA, two separate story threads for horde and alliance on 2 different land masses with 3 zones each.


what Id like to see is less grandiose storylines. We’re mortal, for god sake…why are we continually fighting gods? lol.

Less cosmic crap.
Smaller, more frequent releases instead of entire ‘massive’ expansions.
Use old world zones sometimes…for example, some new villian is trying to take power in Duskwood and the surrounding zones. Do some new dungeons. Make some new enemy groups. Add a raid if and when warranted. And do these like every three months instead of one giant all encompassing expansion every two years.

Some of the old RPGs were sooo much better because they kept it more believable and somewhat simpler.
I mean, I was intrigued by WoW in the beginning because I felt like a no-name nobody just starting my adventure out in a dangerous world I knew nothing about.

And just like a Hobbit, after fighting some demi god opponent the first time the world just gets too small. Nothing adventurous and unknown about it anymore.
Its hard to kill a god then go back to being a simple adventurer looking for some troll gold in a cave somewhere.

If I have to pick one thing about the game i hate, other than all the drama caused by Ion and crew and their decision making processes, its gonna be that this game is TOO far reaching and outlandish in its storylines. Perpetually, exponentially escalating into absurity.

Sometimes I just want to kill the dragon for god sake. Get his gold and go looking for another one. I dont want to be on starships saving the universe. If i did, Id go play a space oriented RPG instead.

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Man I’m so sick and tired of repetitive content.
Anyways, I’m re-running a raid released in 2006 and having the time of my life.


I agree and have also said many times this formulaic way of making expansions is predictable, stale and boring. Shadowlands, DF, and now TWW are all the same in their design philosophy and it isn’t good. Knowing what to expect in terms of scope and size sucks and takes some of my excitement away.

Jokes aside, besides some story telling issues and the hatred for AP grinding, BfA was huge by comparison and it feels weird to (personally) miss it in hindsight. It might be the last great WoW expansion in terms of Blizzard’s creativity and risk taking, with the consideration of 6 zones on launch with a unique leveling experience for each faction and 10 dungeons at launch as well.


Legendaries are more comparable to Embellishments. By the end, the cap for legendaries was two just like for embellishments.

Your implied claim when you snarked at me was that crafting was useless before the work order system; however, the usefulness of legendaries alone renders that claim false. If everything but legendaries was useless, then crafting would still be useful due to legendaries.

This is the perspective of a high-end-ish player wanting to buy things, rather an average player trying to make gold.

Dragonflight killed the small goldmaker, and one of the reasons listed herewas the work order system being server specific.

Commoditees being region-wide, but not work orders, led to a perfect storm which screwed people over on small servers. They should’ve picked one style and applied it to both.


I agree that always having 4 zones and 8 dungeons is boring. Otherwise, one could always speculate about how the individual expansions will be structured. That’s exactly how the story goes, even if Blizzard doesn’t put much effort into it. Before that there were 2 for Alliance and Horde or the factions from the new expansions.


Maybe Midnight will break the formula. The Last Titan is said to send us back to Northrend, we can only hope it includes a revamp of the entire continent and not just the Storm Peaks surrounding Ulduar.

I loved BFA. Its what got me hooked into WOW. I never understood the hate that it got. I leveled far more characters in that expansion than any that came after.

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I do think that the old quests, zones and dungeons had more depth. It was a special feeling going there. I still have more fun questing at the barrens or the undead starting zones, than I have in questing at DF.

The overall lore aspect, the richness of the NPC´s, the entire atmosphere, is just not the same anymore.

I have the same feeling if I watch movies or tv shows. It´s for a different kind of generation, with different values and therefore it feels less interesting for me.

Most of the dungeons today, are just recycled. They get some new texture, are split in half with a new boss but that´s it.

At the same time, it just doesn´t seem to matter anymore, seasons killed any type of progress in this game.


This doesn’t determine if something is going to be good, bad, or boring lol.

Love a good false outrage post.

Wrong, if more people just quit this game instead of crying to people who don’t care, it would show blizzard they are doing something wrong.

Sounds like a tweak that could make the work order system better.

I think the system itself is a great first draft. Allows the creation of BoP items for people. But yes, the system needs tweaks. I never tried to state it was perfect.

All I said was I’m tired of the system. Not sure what you wann argue about but I’ve had enough.

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Nobody is putting a gun to your mouth and forcing you to keep playing.

I like Seething Shore. It’s either a super fast win… Or a super fast loss.

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