Tired Of the New Expansion Formula

Wait, how can you have 1/2 a dungeon? Like you got some trash, then the boss but the boss flees at 50% hp and you get no loot?

Yeah new and innovative! And then at the end the boss yells our names and curses us!

Yep. I want slower-but-bigger. Make zones 5x bigger and less cramped sandbox feeling. I’d even pay more money per expansion (although we already are paying more than before, lol)

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I’m the opposite.

I love the new seasonal formula.

More consistency, less droughts.

I think of the dragon isles as being closer to the size of England or the UK. Kalimdor though is basically the size of N. America, or Russia turned upwards on its side.

Then in following patches we get more zones (1 to 3) , new raids and at least 1 mega dungeon .

The 4 zones 8 dungeons are the opening patch . An opening patch is not the entire content of an expansion and people ned to stop making these b.s. statements of what comes with the initial launch patch of an expansion is the entire expansion .

Don’t forget that Shadowlands was actually missing an entire major patch. There’s so much cut content every xpac… I would rather they fit more in than cut it and rush to the next expansion. Garrisons from WoD are a great example of something they half assed and left unfinished. It probably would have been cut entirely but it was a box feature of the expansion so they gave us the bare minimum instead. Originally was supposed to have locations in each zone, racial themed buildings, more unlockables, etc. instead it was rushed out and poorly received and then abandoned.

They tried it once and it failed because of the community and end gamers.

? you say.

Cata was a great concept, reshape and use the WORLD of Warcraft. They took all this time to redo the Map, and add quests etc… But what did they do? Exp Bonus.

Many players skipped entire zones because why bother with it, when you can power level using Auto-Que Dungeon finder.

I hear what she is saying. It is ridiculos that we have an entire Map/World that is completely deserted…and the entire player base is zerging on a 20 mile island.
But it is what it is.

TWW is going to be Z Cavern on steriods. But… Yay…

From 13 million people playing wow 18 to 20 years ago to 2 million in 2024, and here you are if it ain’t broke don’t fix it? I think it is broke and they never fixed it.


I would wager it’s closer to 4 or 5 million but that’s semantics

My point was that a game doesnt last 20 years if the formula wasnt working. Also, you have no way of knowing how many people are playing worldwide. Sure, its not gonna ever peak at 10mil+ again, but its clearly a stable number, and with more consistent updates I think player retention is better.

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This is what the future of WoW will be for the foreseeable future

I think my issue with the formula is that it started with Shadowlands. They actually thought, “Hey Shadowlands worked well for us, so let’s just take this model and keep running with it. We’ll just sprinkle in some minor patches with 1hr worth of content every couple of months.”

Shadowlands shouldn’t be the model to go off of. It was delayed, it was prolonged due to sexual harassment lawsuits and covid. But they made money off of us during it all because of the pandemic, so they’re rolling with it.

I preferred when expansions had multiple raids at launch, or minor raids added in to compliment the story such as Trial of Valor and Crucible of Storms.

I guess this okay, if you like replaying the same content. Welcome to World of Diablocraft.

They took risks in Shadowlands and y’all absolutely crucified them over it.


When were you not replaying the same content with WoW once you reached max level?

Yeah I do, that’s why I’ve been playing since vanilla.

Quest / level
Rep / renown
Gearing / crafting

No need to fix what ain’t broken.

Every expansion before M+. I don’t play a lot of alts. Outside some PVP in BGs, once the raid was done for that tier, I took a break.

If you dont like the content you can replay such as m+, you can still quit. Nothing changes for you. I dont get how implying “some people will have things they enjoy to still do” is some how seen as a negative in this scenario.

Its just a weird vibe. “WoW needs to focus on making people quit”

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People in this thread dont seem to understand how nostalgia works