Tired Of the New Expansion Formula

I love how people argue that DF had more content than SL. What a joke.


I mean, it’s a factual statement.
SL had less engaging zones, less world content / events, no rotating m+ pool until the end, less story quests, no new class, no Trader’s Post, barely any class tuning, less collectibles, no dragon riding, the list goes on.


It’s actually false in every way, and I’m not going to waste my time listing out everything SL had that far surpassed DF, I played both. You keep drinking your kool aid.


Opinions are opinions, but the fact that you won’t could also mean you can’t :stuck_out_tongue:
I liked SL, but DF is definitely the best WoW expansion ever released.


You listed legacy dungeons as DF content. You already made it clear you’re a lost cause.


What we need is actually new stuff not tired to player power. Like two new professions.

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Not against it, what would they produce?

It does… have more content though?

Nah this is where you lose me. You won’t list stuff out because you know you’re wrong.

I played both, every day almost, without taking any break from either expansion. Dragonflight has more content.

In Shadowland, you had questing, your covenant stuff, and Toreghast in terms of ‘things to do’ And yeah, we had the ‘maw invasions’ but those still follow the standard questing formula

In dragonflight we’ve seen an increase in community content (the soup, siege, hunts, the explorers stuff)
We saw more content patches than we ever saw with the drought in shadowlands (are you going to sit and act like we didn’t spend MONTHS and MONTHS waiting for content in SL? Because we did.)
Dragonflights achievement progression is pretty cool in comparison to Shadowlands, but I’ll agree those are similar.
The profession system was reworked.
We saw a new class and a new starting zone for it.
Dragon racing and tournaments.
Dragon riding as a new method of flying.

Editing to add:
We also saw things like the MAGE tower come back.

Anything you can list (with the exception of choreghast) will also be something that DF has either also done or reworked to do in a different way.

Translation: “I can’t prove my point so let me just insult people.”


Ya. I do miss the 16 dungeons and 8 raids BC gave us. What we are missing is that each zone had a raid and every story progression gave us a new dungeon and raid.


You still haven’t explained why predictability is a bad thing.

You may not feel like it but we did.

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You list “soup” as content, as if it’s remotely comparable to Torghast and Covenants. Like I said, not wasting my time, you can’t argue with delusional shills.

Delusional: characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition.


Nah I don’t care about how many new zones
or dungeons we get. I care about how good this zone or dungeon gonna be. If you replay wotlk zones you will see how dead they actually are.

If the the sum of your argument is counting the number of zones and dungeons, your argument sucks.

The formula you’re calling new…I remember feeling that way when BT was patched into TBC. “Oh…so its just the same thing as last time, but it has a new wrapper.” Every expansion is more of the same. Every single one.

For someone that is not going to waste their time explaining why SL was better or had more content. You sure are wasting a lot of time saying you arent going to waste your time.

And its weird someone is a shill for liking DF but you arent a shill for liking SL.

Isnt your entire thing that you will not supply evidence?


I see reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.

I said “soup” as part of a general statement talking about community activities. I didn’t list soup as simply just content, despite what your narrative is trying to display.

Come on. Less throwing out insults, more trying to actually prove your point please. You can do it. I believe in you.


Blizzards shifted their focus towards retaining users for longer so they launch the expansions with a bare minimum and trickle out content over the minor and major patches spread out by 8 weeks.

DF added a lot of stuff that was spread out over patches.

They added a ton of low quality content. DF post content was some of the worst post expansion content I have ever seen put into the game.


What a bizzarre take. Crafting was, and cam be useful, without server specific work orders and preventing you from just using the Auction House.

Previously crafting couldnt put the quality of gear work orders allow on the AH.

No, it’s pretty coherent. It’s a pretty discernible formula.

I like the DF zones, but I feel like they’ve run the gamut of biomes at this point. Every zone feels a little (or a lot) like one we’ve encountered before.