Tired Of the New Expansion Formula

Those will be without Danuser’s input so those should be nice.

Lol bro for real real smh.

“Back in my day movies were so much better when they were black and white and you had to read the dialogue subtitles, the ragtime piano music was so immersive”

This is you.


I don’t agree but the way you went about it was hilarious.

Looks like we’re going into maintenance mode folks. We’re finally FF14 levels.

That’s just the plate. It’s a different meal served up on it every time.

The story/theme/tone of the expansion is the part that matters and this changes every time. :upside_down_face:

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Well, you are being a snob and you know it. That’s fine.

Finding a formula that works is the greatest quest of all. WoW is like an old friend as much as Sherlock Holmes or Miss Jane Marple or Nancy Drew. Once an author dings on success in a genre, they follow that formula for decades, because that audience wants that.

Yeah, it’s hard to feel any hype over hearing "four new zones! eight new dungeons! new raid! when it’s predictable and feels generic.

We did though, they mixed up M+ for the first time, which was a great idea. It really breaks from the monotony of running 8 dungeons for 2 years.

Eh? Trash … boss … trash … boss … trash…boss … ?

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I’d recommend quitting and going away…forever.

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I feel like they may have a particular formula to adhere to for development purposes. I imagine it is easier when you can rely on a particular team that has been around for several expansions and understands the development process.

Rather than reinventing the wheel with every expansion, they can more easily predict the amount of work that will be required for each area and know where they will need to invest more time. I don’t mind it because the zones are generally beautiful and have detailed terrain; I’ve been loving the open-world music and enjoying the leveling process with my first several characters in the expansion.

While I get worn out of the same end-game formula for Mythic+, Raids, and the struggling state of BG’s, I find that it is typically time for me to take a break and explore something else in the game. I can commit as much or as little time as I want to the three pillars. Take a break when I’m bored and return when I please.

Im not sure if i missed it but what is it you would actually want that would be fresh?

Getting new zones and dungeons is kind of what wow is.
Im not sure how it would work without them.


Let’s go back to the BC model. 6 new amazing zones.

4 dungeon hubs with a total of 15 dungeons. 1 longer/ harder dungeon in each hub.

3 raids at release, 2 shorter and 1 much longer which had a numerous fun and dynamic fights.


I can offer you three zones and seven dungeons. Pray I alter the deal no further.

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People with no understanding of how much resources it takes to make a single zone or dungeon try to argue for more crunch time on the devs

Terrible answer


Yup, we got more zones/dungeons back then than we did 20 years later, and now the pattern 20 years later is just plain predictable.

OP will find most MMOs follow their own forumulas lol

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I’m tired of the disgusting work order system.


It would be better if crafting was useless.

Yet if they drop 3 zones and 6 dungeons, there would be pitch forks.

If they drop 5 zones and 10 dungeons, they’re crying and shouting when they knocked it back to 4/8 on the next expansion.

DF was great. Those zones were great. They were some really spectacular zones, they were huge, those mountains, they had those zone events plus all of the other stuff going on.

SL had FIVE(!) zones, don’t forget. Most people blot The Maw from their memory even though it’s one of the finest zones they EVER did. BFA had two very nice capital cities.

We will someday look back with reminiscence about the WW zones, however they turn out to be. “Remember the old days when…”