Tired of the boosting scene in PvP

I have spent the last two seasons of pvp reporting boosters that advertise with their Discords and sell rating for $$$ IRL, this is a serious issue that blizzard is completely ignoring and from my perspective nothing has been done about it for over a decade. Actually disgusting that this is still going on


Wait, not sure if you’re trolling? But did you see the blue post today about banning DN?


Yeah it’s annoying.

Last season I blamed boosting for everything, then I realized, its not really an issue. If its a pilot, you probably won’t know and they will win. If its an actual carry, they have an extremely weak link. Playing against boosters is good for you, even if they are doing cheese like many of them do.

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Yea it’s not so bad now with the gear gap not as big too. I’ve played against more boosters in 3s than 2s but the 2s matches against a booster are much easier than 3s with two boosters on the other team. They seem few and far between anymore though. Rat leagues are fun again lol.

I feel like if there were no boosters there would be 90% less queues over 2400 mmr though

Boosting is an overblown issue. It does happen, but not to the degree you guys who constantly complain about it think it does. I promise you the majority of “boosters” are people queing with friends on alts.

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Always fun running into a certain ww or spriest with like 10-20k games played and wondering how they can get away with being so overt about it


What blue post? I’m trying to find it. I don’t pvp at all, but just curious on the blue post. =)

OH NO! I just realized what DN means! D:

This is the original blue post, theres been a few clarification followups:

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Oh I know on that one. Thank you for linking that though I appreciate the thought and time of looking that up and posting it.

I saw the DN and remembered one of his other posts… he is being clever lol

Lol he almost got me.

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um idk people always say this but ive q’d every day this season especially around 2.4k, literally thousands of games, and i run into at least one of the 10-20 blazingboost workers that are blatantly doing it. I report them everytime and nothing happens. Meanwhile I report someone in my rbg for botting and they get banned the next day. Blizz is literally ignoring banning RMTers.

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I think that the difference here is that one actually takes place in-game, whereas the other they need to kind of go off a bunch of stuff like

Sharing third party link/disc
Not in contact with them prior
Playing exactly to a goal then immediately stopping
Having zero contact after that point until the next season
No in-game chat or gold exchanged

Which I don’t imagine are as conclusive

yeah youre right I’m hoping they are just gathering tons of evidence and such and will issue ban waves at season end/during the downtime.

Cause theyve been doing tbc bans at the end of seasons so one can hope. Absolutely no reason Leo/caccie should be running around a free men

The problem with boosting isn’t the boosters themselves; rather, it’s the fact that we’ve got a pay-to-win system in place, affecting a competitive aspect of the game. People can literally swipe a CC, buy their gold from Papa Blizzard and spend it on a PVP carry. That should not be happening.

It’s one thing if people actually earned their gold in-game and buy a carry. That’s no biggie. That’s been a thing since forever. If they earned the gold by playing the game, and they want to waste it all on pixels that’ll be irrelevant in a few months, that’s entirely up to them. The problem is the fact that gold can be purchased with RL money; basically, people can buy anything now with little to no effort outside of swiping a CC. That destroys the integrity of the game. The titles are meaningless, the rating is meaningless, the transmog is meaningless, the mounts are meaningless, etc. I mean, if this is ok by the community, then Blizzard might as well just offer a “Glad boost” token in the online store!

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1000s of arena games this season across my toons and i can honestly say boosters were the cause of me losing maybe 3% of the time

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this is the most fried post I’ve ever seen

do low rated players genuinely think every game is a boost? how do you not recognize how delusional that is

the ONLY places you’re actually going to see boosts is like 1600-2100 in 2v2 OCCASIONALLY with it being like 10x more likely that you’re just qing into a good player on a new alt playing with a geared friend

I’ve played prob 5,000 games this season and I think less than 50 of those games were against “boosters” doing boosts
and maybe 20 of those games were higher than 2200 glad win self plays

I promise if you aren’t specifically at 1800 in 2v2 you aren’t constantly encountering boosts

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One day. One day. But today is not that day.

I guess every third word in chat being about “boosting and gold only” is cause it’s not that big a deal. Right >?

Trust me, if I have to download a buddy spam addon because all i see are players selling boosts, It’s a problem.

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seeing the spam doesn’t mean you’re seeing constant boosts

for every 12 hours they spam they could find one person even willing to pay them