quietly watches the thread from the “I pretty much ignore the stats and just slap on whatever drop had the highest ilvl and vendor the rest” side of the game
I agree with the idea of having to have wildly different stats for different specs is a pain.
I don’t think stats should be deleted full stop. And with that the pressure of optimisation would still be around. But I do think that stats should be more preferential than mandatory to make a spec viable.
The minmaxing is frustrating. I personally when I was a healer main really liked crit. It wasn’t my best stat but popping off lots of big critical heals was satisfactory to me.
I wish there was a way to balance stats so that you can play into personal preference and/or not worry about stat weights at all but I don’t see that happening because blizzard can’t balance their classes let alone fix stat balancing. (Like for example how some classes feel unplayable without a lot of haste).
Overall I do dislike how some stats feel mandatory to being able to smoothly play a class, but I do want a way for stats to still be impactful because I do think there is fun to be had there.
The worst is the entire trinket system. Imagine needing like 6 (8 for druid) trinkets because you multispec. SMH.
At least DH only require 4. I guess having less specs is winning after all.
After this comment and looking at your talent tree, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how you should be playing disc priest.
Haste is important because of Void Summoner. You want your cast speed faster to get cooldown reduction and have your Mindbender up as much as possible, and thus your Shadow Covenant uptime as much as possible. You’re not running SW:D which is insane because that adds tons of damage during your Mindbender uptime that translates to healing through Atonement. You’re also running Ultimate Pen which is not advisable for current PvE content.
I also just noticed you don’t even have Rapture, which is arguably our strongest damage prevention ability. I would recommend going and looking at a guide.