Would be stellar if the gear would go with the SPEC not just the int vs str/agi.
I used the catalyst on my WW’s gear because I wanted the four-piece set but it dropped his best stat-- haste-- down to the lowest stat. Idk, is that BrM’s stats on the gear or something?
Instead of just switching between int and str/agi, maybe it could be coded to go by what your spec prefers? Eh, that would probably be too much to ask. Plus, there’s always times where your preferred becomes less preferred. Just a thought to get the ol’ noodle juices going. How can this work…?
Tier stats are just kinda split evenly, there’s no specific preferece or weighting going on.
Blizzard’s semi solution is to put most of your secondary budget on 3 items (Rings + Neck) which are much more easily customized, especially with the strength of crafting.
Part of the excitement when you get good gear , is seeing they have good stats , so I DONT recommend taking one of the key elements of " why people play" out, but I do agree that at least trinkets should flip flop to DPS stats when you change specs.
I don’t ever feel “good” when I finally get the BiS piece that I’ve been farming for months. I mainly get annoyed that it took me so long and that this piece of gear is thrown out in a couple weeks.
They have in the past attempted to emphasise specific stats for specific specs. In WoD every spec got 105% cotribution from one of haste, crit, multistrike, vers, or mastery. It didn’t necessarily result in that stat always being the best, but it was an OK signpost for newer or less enfranchised players. It also helped specs that needed haste (Like Shadow) function at low levels of gear.
If you don’t like the core aspect of an RPG, maybe you shouldn’t be playing RPGs.
Seasons have always been 6 months. Since when is that a short amount of time? Most people I know are finished gearing within the first 2-3 months. If you’re taking all season to gear up then that’s on you.
Good. I don’t want to have to farm old content for a piece of gear so that I can be good in current content.
Not really. Hardly anyone actually did them and most people who did just paid to be carried through them.
The only things holding you back is your skill and time investment.
The game doesn’t know what stat is your spec’s best stat, that’s a meta thing. Some specs have their best stat constantly fluctuating as well, so the game seemingly randomly assigning you stats would be terrible.
Factor in that Frost Mage wants as close to 33.34% crit without a lot of overage means this would be a bad idea as a whole.
Setting the game up like this would not only remove the excitement of getting new gear, it would also create a situation where every spec in the game would have to be reworked to vibe with it.
Nevermind the fact that this is what gacha games do.
I also agree that this is a bit annoying. Yesterday, I felt like running some M+ as a healer, but I remembered that, to do so, I would need to change all my gems, enchants, and secondary stats on my crafted items. I ended up feeling discouraged and gave up on it.
I don’t really like either idea. Was just trying to find a compromise that’s with the spirit of the post. I’m perfectly content with every item having a specific star distribution. There is far less need to min-max every drop. My gear set won’t be a mathematically optimal combination of secondary stats for each item level figured out from PTR.
There is zero chance that Blizzard has no idea what stats are best for each spec. Sure, they may not crunch the numbers to min/max to the extent to know that 1,000 crit, 200 haste, and 195 mastery is 0.1% better than 998 crit, 204 haste, and 193 mastery. But they definitely know that versatility is dog water while mastery, crit, and a bit of haste is ideal for feral.
I agree that randomly assigning stats would be awful, but not that the game is unaware what stat is best for each spec, at just generally. Sure, min-maxing to the highest extent may not happen and there could be some cases where one stat comes out slightly better in a specific situation the game doesn’t know about. But Blizzard certainly knows I want mastery and crit above all else as feral.
They have tried this before, both in PvE and PvP. It was rejected heavily both times by players: Azerite armors and stats at one point were standardized in PvP according to your ilvl.
I liked both of 'em, but people by and large don’t like it.