Tired of stats on gear, gear should just increase your power

Because it’s frustrating when you want to swap specs but you do awful as your gear is all stat weighted for 1 spec and it’s garbage for another.

I tried to play Shadow but my haste was way too low from my Disc gear. Mastery too.

I wish the same got simplified. Higher ilvl = stronger. No more stats. Stats would just automatically be adjusted for your spec based on your ilvl “power” vs being on the gear itself. So it would give you what stats your spec is supposed to have, no more having to collect multiple sets to play different specs. Biggest reason all my characters are 1 spec trick ponies.


Yeah somewhat agree with this.

I did WW/Brw a bit of last expansion and in someways even tho scaling was ‘mid’ could basically swap between the two without any issue. Same weapon and trinkets would be BiS.

This season I can do it with Paladin kinda which is sweet.

Downside of this is ‘stat expression’ based on what players choose to focus on. If I swap to my PvP gear which is very vers heavy I can see the difference straight away. I think having this agency is something core to the game.

Nah it’s fine how it is. Just bring back reforging.


The literal only thing wrong with your stats is your jewellery, which you can near enough customise through crafted gear.

If you remove stats you may as well just remove gear at that point.


Was just thinking that.

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I don’t think the problem is stats. I think the problem is how Blizzard designs the game. They do a poor job at it across all fronts. They do not actually let you get more powerful with each expansion and have done so many item squishes(even a level squish) that it’s hard to tell where our power should realistically be after 20 years. I understand an amount of checking and stopping needs to happen but they tend to go beyond overboard with that.


It isn’t a bad idea on paper… the issue is when they tried something like this in WoD with pvp. The stats blizzard used were so awful it made a lot of specs unplayable in competitive pvp.

I would be… skeptical of blizzard doing a good job with this.

Sim your stat weights as Shadow. Stat weights are fairly fluid, but I imagine you’d be pretty surprised at how close they’ll be.

As a general rule of thumb, outside trinkets and rings/neck, better ilvl = more DPS.

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I wouldn’t be in favor of Blizzard choosing my stat spread. But I would be okey with players having a stat pool they can adjust at will (in a similar vein to talents).

Like, a piece of gear will give you N secondary stat points, up to N/2 you can apply to Hast/Vers/Mas/Crit.

To be clear, I still don’t think that’s a good solution to the problem you’re identifying, but it’s a WAY better one than just “power” and then Blizzard gets to choose how much haste I get. I don’t care if it’s a “bad” stat for a class/spec I’m playing, Haste makes the game way more fun for me.

Huh? If you’re playing disc you want to be stacking haste. You’re stacking vers for some reason? That’s really not good. Haste is your #1 secondary stat no matter what, mastery #2. Before Cyrce’s Circlet you could make the argument that Vers was your #2 if you were pushing high M+ but that leads me to:

Specs will have different stat priority depending on what content they’re doing. For raids you might want more Mastery. For M+ you might want more Vers. Removing the ability to customize your gear relative to your content and “letting the computer decide for you” is a bad idea.

You’re also nowhere near the level of content, especially this late in a season, where min-maxing your secondaries even matters. Your secondary stats are probably the last thing that is holding you back.

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Eh, I’m not sure if this even is better than “power,” at least depending on what the implementation of “power” is. For instance, let’s say “power” just evenly increases your crit, haste, mastery, and versatility; so more power always means you get more haste as you used in your example, in addition to those other stats. I think that is better than allocating stats at will.

The reason I don’t particularly like allocating stats at will is that is can diminish the excitement of getting a drop. While I recognize this would be miles better today than it was back in Wrath when hit/expertise/armor pen existed, a similar issue of needing to hit up the reforger before you could get full use out of a piece would exist. And in some cases around crit and haste soft caps, you still wouldn’t be able to use an item until you reforged it. As frustrating as it is when you get an item that has the wrong stats, at least for me, it’s less annoying to get a useless item than to have an item I know will be good but only once I pay the reforge tax.

Layer on pvp gear ca pve gear and yea it for sure sucks

But idk what they only going to make 2 ring per raid?

I’m definitely not a fan of switching to Brewmaster or Windwalker from Mistweaver and suddenly all that haste is meaningless. They’re still super strong from the ilvl alone but that DPS cut is uh… Well it’s there.

Not enough to care too much about but still there. I wouldn’t go running similar level keys with either that’s for sure.

Do I want the stats fixed in some way? Eh. Maybe? I mean I’m fine with it really. Does any other game fix the issue? If not, it’s a little difficult to convince anyone it’s a problem in the first place.

I don’t see how “power” is any more exciting than allocated stats. I’m not talking about something you have to go see a reforger to use. I’m talking about something, like say, on your character screen that you can tweak.

The points would be per-gear piece, but display would be simpler. It would do all the math behind the scenes and tell you what your maximum possible is, and then you can set it somewhere between 0 and that number. But you could never get 100% in any one stat, the most concentrated you could do is 50% total stat points in one and 50% in another.

Why? Sure I get more casts but I can only click so fast anyway

Vers double dips in a way, it increases you damage/healing but more damage = more healing anyway for Disc. I like to try to do as much damage as I can.

Worrying about having the “correct” secondary stats is a problem only for the 1%’ers who chase the Hall of Fame or M+ title. The rest of us don’t need to worry about min/maxing our secondary stats. Nothing wrong with us doing so but also not a big deal for us if we don’t.

What do you think the stats on the gear are doing?

Why do I even have to type that out… Ouch… my head hurts and your the one who posted the OP.

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Remix had this already

sort of anyway.

We customized our stats with gems

Worked out very well.

IMO it was the best gearing system WoW has ever had.

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No thanks. Gear is already simple enough, we don’t need to make it kindergarten-level.


I wouldn’t see the issue with this.

Gearing is a chore that just punishes players for not playing the game like a second job.

Also, seasons are so short these days that once you get the gear, it’s basically time to start the new season.

This isn’t TBC where Dragonspine Trophy was Best in Slot until Wotlk.

Nor is it vanilla where Thunderfury was a warrior’s true BiS tanking sword until roughly sunwell plateau.

People used the Phylactery of Kel’thuzad’s undead/demon trinket all the way into SWP. That trinket got a full 2.5 years worth of use.

Now you’re lucky if you get to enjoy a piece of gear for more than a month before the season ends.

Having gear templates worked great for challenge modes and everyone LOVED challenge modes.

I say remove gear entirely - it just serves no purpose other than wasting a player’s time: instead of logging onto the game and just playing the game, I have to raid to get gear before I can participate in higher level mythic plus or I have to wait months and months for my great vault to give a me a few useable myth track pieces.

If blizzard won’t remove gear entirely, one of two things needs to happen:

  1. Make gear last longer than just one season OR
  2. Implement a true dinar system where people can fully gear themselves from dinar then farming crests.