Tired of Lack of Tanks? Here's a Fix!

Want more tanks? Here’s a handy guide.

  1. Stop nerfing us and crying for more nerfs to us because we can out-play you.
  2. Stop making our lives miserable.
  3. We move at a pace we’re comfortable with because tanking is much more intimate in a dungeon and we know what we can and cannot take.
  4. If a DPS is being a butt and the tank puts up a vote to kick them, kick them. I have an instant queue. You do not. I will have my way in this regard. I don’t have to take abuse from anyone, but you have to deal with a 30 minute queue.
  5. If you mistreat me when I do tank, I will add you to ignore and, for other tanks, I suggest doing this. If you add someone to ignore during a random dungeon run - you will NEVER be grouped with them again. Nor any group that has them in the group. Make that wait timer go up and up until they learn and learn.

Actually, you’ll have a 15min wait.


You drop after first boss. No issues. Nothing pushes the point like being stopped 20% of the way into a dungeon.


I don’t have a vast amount of tanking experience but…
it is actually 99 times easier than healer
you don’t need awareness or have to keep a whole group alive


Make fun scenarios instead of tank needed dungeons. The ones in pandaria were fun.

I don’t think they’re anywhere near capable of making engaging content that differs from anything they’ve done in the last 15 years though.


It’s the easiest role in the game.

Tanks like OP basically want to be a DPS just with instant queues and way harder to kill.


Something tells me you haven’t hit higher mythics - where kiting is necessary to survive as well as actively using your cooldowns.

Heroics are not content. Heroics are faceroll.


I agree with one exception. I’ll vote no on a vote kick if the kick is about not doing enough damage or accidental pulling :slight_smile:


I can agree with that, but I don’t kick people for that to begin with.


you’re right, I don’t do many high level mythics
but pressing taunt on a mob thunder clapping for a slow and heroic leaping away doesn’t seem very hard…

  1. Stop calling for fun corruptions to be nerfed just because the tank out dps’d you on that one fight.

if someone has that big of an ego maybe they just shouldn’t play haha

Who asks for tank nerfs?

Not exclusive to tanks.

No, I will kick whoever I wish to. I’m not going to kick someone just because the tank says to. That’s ridiculous.

Not exclusive to tanks.


See, you’re not playing a tank. Most the people who don’t play tanks talk quite a lot about how easy it is to tank when you can get almost 1k gold a dungeon when the role is needed.

If tanking was so easy, why is it hard to find a tank? Oh, right… you’re like those people who sit on the sidelines during football and shout about how easy it should have been for someone out on the field who’s actually in the thick of it.

The worst enemy you face as a tank is your own group.


The fix is very easy. Just make tanking fun again like it was in MoP/WoD. Having no control of your HP bar outside of VDH and BDK is incredibly frustrating. Give tanks a high skill ceiling, make tank mechanics fun like MoP Vengeance or WoD Resolve, and you will get more people wanting to tank.

As long as tanking is the most boring role to play, it will be the least played role.


I use to enjoy tanking on my warrior. I will never do it again, It is no longer fun. Because of people.


Tanks with God egos in normal or heroic dungeons are the worst. M+ or raids are coordinated so no issue there for most. Tanks might have the most responsibility but trying to use that to strong arm your way? There’s 4 other people with you.


it’s so hard to find a tank because they are so sensitive “stop berating us” my goodness just ignore it
get a thicker skin and man up


Exactly my point. If you behave that way in a dungeon, it’s simply /ignore and you’re in the queue again - and I won’t be put back in the same group as it has happened before.

Now, how about you grow thicker skin - enough to wait that full 30 minutes? :slight_smile:


I don’t need to grow thicker skin because I don’t get offended when someone says I suck